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7424 items matching your search terms

  1. OIA-106912.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...Abduction which will be held on the 2nd April 2007 in Wellington. This conference will be limited to counsel instructed by the Central Authority to represent applicants. We believe the small group format with experts and experienced personnel permits a level of detailed discussion which may be lost if the workshop grows too big. I attach a letter from Principal Family Court Judge Peter Boshier supporting this workshop and encouraging attendance at the conference. The workshop will b...

  2. Deputy Registrar - Orongotea B no 1 (2008) 125 Whangarei MB 36 (125 WH 36) [pdf, 4.7 MB]

    ...illOilgage endorsed and noted, the registration of the illOilgage was effective and Land Transfer Act indefeasiblity overrode section 233. [1 6] In commenting on the policy of section 233 Justice McGeehan observed (page 674): "If I may be permitted perhaps a small and respectful quibble more as to emphasis than anything else, I rather think the sanction depriving instruments not endorsed of force and effect reflects a promotion of administrative convenience rather than deep lega...

  3. McLelland - Ngati Hine H2B (2011) 21 Taitokerau MB 57 (21 TTK 57) [pdf, 194 KB]

    ...attempts by a large number of members, holding a large proportion of shares in a company, to give voice to their wishes through the machinery of a meeting. I have little sympathy with directors who, having chosen to disregard the spirit of sec 137 [permitting shareholders to requisition a meeting], attempt to take technical points to prevent shareholders validly assuming the initiative in summoning a meeting.‖ 12 Samuels – The...

  4. LCRO 152/2016 BL v HJ (11 August 2017) [pdf, 255 KB]

    ...acting for the vendor. Land covenants issue [17] The Committee noted that the land covenants that had been registered against the titles to the lots in the subdivision, except Lot 11 retained by the vendor: (a) Concerned the type of dwelling permitted to be built on the subdivision lots; and (b) Did not contain covenants designed to protect the views from the lots. [18] The Committee disagreed with Mr HJ’s submissions that because he had not been consulted by Mr and Mrs BL...

  5. [2014] NZEmpC 153 Roy v BOT of Tamaki College [pdf, 131 KB]

    ...cases have pointed out, the statutory consequence of mandatory reporting of a teacher’s resignation or dismissal in such circumstances, with the potential consequences of deregistration, will also be a factor in determining whether it is just to permit the grievance to be examined on its merits. [47] The Board’s strongest argument against doing so is what it claims was the agreement entered into between the parties on 5 and 6 October 2010 that in return for resigning and receivi...

  6. Oslo speech for IUCNAEL Colloquium June 2016 [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...the effects of climate change, and the benefits to be derived from the use and development of renewable energy. New Zealand’s highest Court, the Supreme Court, has held by majority that consent authorities including the Environment Court are not permitted in decision making, to take account of the effects on climate change, of burning fossil fuels; instead that activity is to be controlled or regulated under other legislation. 2 The nature of the cases before the Environment Court...

  7. LCRO 106/2022 MG v WL (30 June 2023) [pdf, 247 KB]

    ...wished and if emails were not received then “it was incumbent on her to at the very least seek further assistance from the complaints service”. They say that she 15 Letter [Law firm A] to LCRO (4 August 2022) at [26]. 10 “should not be permitted to use her own failure to open the attachment as grounds for asserting procedural unfairness”. [43] [Law firm A] submit that Ms MG’s “other contentions of procedural unfairness have no weight”. [44] [Law firm A] the...

  8. Midlane v Woodberg [2013] NZIACDT 31 (27 May 2013) [pdf, 152 KB]

    ...Timeliness issues. [90.6] Accounting for the services provided. [90.7] Fees and client funds. Discussion Whether there is a proper written agreement, and authority for Ms Woodberg. [91] Ms Woodberg in her submissions has pointed out the Authority permits companies, which are not entitled to provide professional immigration services, to enter into service agreements. However, individuals who are licensed immigration advisers must provide the services. [92] The Authority has not cha...

  9. [2016] NZEmpC 173 Lyttelton Port Company Ltd v Maritime Union of NZ Inc [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...counsel for the applicant J Goldstein and L Ryder, counsel for the respondent Judgment: 20 December 2016 INTERLOCUTORY JUDGMENT OF JUDGE B A CORKILL An urgent question [1] Should an imminent strike at the Port of Lyttelton be permitted to proceed? [2] That is the issue raised by an urgent application for an interim injunction, brought by the Lyttelton Port Company Ltd (LPC) against the Maritime Union of New Zealand Inc (MUNZ or Union), whose 169 members propos...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 001 Environmental Defence Society v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 2.3 MB] the CEL with associated HNC and ONC overlays. While one may imagine each control operating in the absence of the other, in reality these two controls overlap conceptually as well as spatially. [58] For example, one dwelling per lot, which is permitted in the Rural zone under Rule 56.4.17, becomes a restricted discretionary activity in an outstanding natural landscape under Rule 32.3.8 and a discretionary activity in an ONC area under Rule 32A.3.18. It is not immediately apparent...