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7426 items matching your search terms

  1. Neemia v International Waste Ltd [2021] NZHRRT 32 [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...he did not like Mr Neemia. Mr Richardson’s evidence was that Mr James was more thorough than the previous manager. [40] In relation to Mr Neemia’s resignation, Mr Richardson said Ms Shandil had asked him to approve Mr Neemia’s request he be permitted to resign rather than being dismissed to assist him with his future employment and he had approved this. [41] When cross-examined regarding Mr Neemia being disciplined in May 2014 for not wearing correct PPE and not operating the shr...

  2. Court-Remote-Participation-Amendment-Bill_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...the proceedings. 14 Audio links will be able to be used for civil proceedings when the judicial officer or registrar is satisfied that the parties will be able to effectively comprehend and participate in the proceeding. Audio links will not be permitted for mental health proceedings, which determine whether a person needs to be compulsorily detained and treated, if the affected person is attending. Judges need to be able to see and hear the affected person, and similarly the affected...

  3. Te Wini v Askelund [2015] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 97 KB]

    ...remedies: (a) (b) a declaration that the action of the defendant is an interference with the privacy of an individual: (c) an order restraining the defendant from continuing or repeating the interference, or from engaging in, or causing or permitting others to engage in, conduct of the same kind as that constituting the interference, or conduct of any similar kind specified in the order: damages in accordance with section 88: (d) (e) an order that the defendant perform...

  4. Smith v ACC [2010] NZACA 6 [pdf, 192 KB] subject to subs.(1) and provides a variety of methods to choose from if relevant earnings at the time of the accident cannot be determined under s.53(1). [62] Significantly, Mr Peart noted, none of those methods set out in the statute permit a reduction in relevant earnings by reference to speculation as to the availability of future work. Rather, in Mr Peart’s view the Act anticipates the use of accounting and other records to determine average weekly earnings at the tim...

  5. Beef + Lamb NZ - EiC - J M Chrystal - Agricultural Science (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 777 KB]

    1 IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T o...

  6. Bennett v Proprietors of the Waipiro A22B3 Incorporation (2014) 39 Tairawhiti MB 257 (39 TRW 257) [pdf, 257 KB]

    ...39 Tairawhiti MB 271 present during the 2012 and 2013 AGM’s of the Waipiro A22B3 Incorporation, were entitled to regulate the procedure of those meetings, subject to their constitution. [54] Unfortunately, that constitution does not permit the dissolution of a COM by declaration. Thus the Chair of the 2013 AGM had no right to move a motion dissolving the COM of 2012 and the shareholders had no right to vote on such an outcome. But all of this is rather academic because at...

  7. Hawkes Bay Standards Committee v Heaphy [2014] NZLCDT 61 [pdf, 343 KB]

    ...was his 13 responsibility to get clear instructions on the specific overseas investment to be made. [47] We have found that Mr Heaphy had instructions to invest $130,000 of Mr Porter’s money. Those instructions did not however permit Mr Heaphy to act as he did in making the investment of Mr Porter’s funds. He was required by the instructions of the client to fulfil the trust imposed on him by making a thorough analysis of each investment proposal considered by h...

  8. Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Katui Early Childhood Learning Centre Ltd [2019] NZHRRT 55 [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...following remedies: (a) a declaration that the action of the defendant is an interference with the privacy of an individual: (b) an order restraining the defendant from continuing or repeating the interference, or from engaging in, or causing or permitting others to engage in, conduct of the same kind as that constituting the interference, or conduct of any similar kind specified in the order: (c) damages in accordance with section 88: (d) an order that the defendant perform any...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 097 Handley v South Taranaki District Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...relies on the High Court decision in Westfield6 It is helpful to refer to the relevant passages from the judgment of Fisher J in full : [59J Of course it would be different if it could be postulated that consents could not be given to certain permitted activities without the imposition of invalid conditions. But I can see no reason for assuming that, faced with the need for changes to roads which lay beyond the immediate ownership and control of the appellants, it would be impossibl...

  10. Nile Mosley v The Real Estate Agents Authority (CAC 409) & Cooper & Co Real Estate Limited t/a Harcourts Cooper & Co [2017] NZREADT 62 [pdf, 304 KB] provide the Authority with full records. The Tribunal found that the licensee’s conduct, although unsatisfactory, was not at the level of disgracefulness. [67] The Tribunal took into account that the licensee thought that his conduct was permitted by the Residential Tenancies Act, and by the terms of his management contract. 30 Complaints Assessment Committee (CAC 10024) v Downtown Apartments Ltd (in Liq) [2010] NZREADT 6, a...