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Search results for no licence.

7535 items matching your search terms

  1. Covid 19 Traffic Light Protocol PSPLA 5 Jan 22 [pdf, 63 KB]

    Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority COVID 19 Traffic Light Protocol As from 5 January 2022 1. As all New Zealand has moved into the Covid 19 Traffic Light system the PSPLA will process all application for licences and certificates and deal with complaints in its usual manner, with only the following exceptions: • Where appropriate hearings will be held by telephone or video rather than in person. • Where and in person hearing is held all people attending the hea...

  2. CAC 10063 v Rajneel Raj - Interim Decision 2 [2011] NZREADT 25 [pdf, 45 KB]

    ...respect of issues arising out of an agreement for sale and purchase of properties at 13 Piper Place, Manukau and 14 Andover Way, Manukau. [2] On 10th August 2011 the Tribunal issued a decision giving notice of its intention to suspend the licence of Rajneel Raj in accordance with the procedure set out in s.115 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008. By memorandum dated 29th August 2011 counsel for the Complaints Assessment Committee advised that service had been affected on Mr R...

  3. PSPLA - Details of employed certificate holders form [pdf, 402 KB]

    Enter the names and certificate numbers of all your employees in the fields below Are there any changes to the following employee details? If so, please enter these in the fields below. Certification Are there any changes to the details of certificate holders employed by you? (Yes or No) Date Certificate Expires Certificate Number Full Name House/Unit Number, Street, Suburb, City, Postcode Contact Phone Number Email address In the last 12 month

  4. CAC20003 v Santipongchai [2015] NZREADT 11 [pdf, 177 KB]

    ...Motel, 85 Sherbourne Street, St Albans Street, Christchurch: (a) by misleading his client about how those funds would be applied; and (b) used the funds for his own benefit. 4. Disgraceful conduct – agency work on own account without agent’s licence The Committee charges the defendant with misconduct under s.73(a) of the Act in that his conduct would reasonably be regarded by agents of good standing, or reasonable members of the public, as disgraceful. Particulars: The defen...

  5. PSPLA - Details of employed certificate holders form [doc, 150 KB]

    Enter the names and certificate numbers of all your employees in the fields below Are there any changes to the following employee details? If so, please enter these in the fields below. Certification Are there any changes to the details of certificate holders employed by you? (Yes or No) Date Certificate Expires Certificate Number Full Name House/Unit Number, Street, Suburb, City, Postcode Contact Phone Number Email address In the last 12 months, have any of your employees ever

  6. 2023 NZPSPLA 067 [pdf, 88 KB]

    ...and A McLellan for CIPU G Ioane – no appearance DECISION [1] In June 2022 we received a complaint that Gregory Ioane was providing restricted security services through his company AG Consultancy NZ Limited without holding the necessary licence. I referred the complaint to the Complaints, Investigation and Prosecution Unit (CIPU) for investigation and report. [2] The report, associated documents and evidence provided at the hearing establish that Mr Ioane: a) Conducted s...

  7. Wells 6 August 2015 NZSHD 8 [pdf, 79 KB]

    ...Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers (“the Authority”) may waive disqualification if application is made in writing, any prescribed fee is paid, the disqualification does not result from conviction for a specified offence and the Licencing Authority is satisfied on the basis of the written material in front of him or her, that there are special reasons why the person should not be disqualified from holding a certificate. [3] Section 23(2) provides that a person...

  8. 2023 NZPSPLA 001.pdf [pdf, 89 KB]

    ...[2] CIPU have decided that prosecution action is not appropriate in this case but have issued Mr Bonney with a formal written warning. [3] I accept CIPU’s conclusion. Although the complaint has been established, as Mr Bonney is not a licence or certificate holder, there are no grounds for me to take any other disciplinary action against him. [4] The complaint is accordingly closed. DATED at Wellington this 9th day of January 2023 P A McConnell Private...

  9. Covid-19-Protocol-LASDP-Traffic-light-system-01.02.2022-.pdf [pdf, 17 KB]

    ...protocol has been set for when the country is within any colour of the Covid 19 traffic light system. 2. Under red, orange or green of the traffic light system the Licensing Authority will continue as far as possible to process applications for licences and certificates as normal other than: • Any hearings of objections or complaints will be heard by either telephone or video if practicable. • If an in-person hearing is held all people attending the hearing will be requ...

  10. 2024 NZPSPLA 077.pdf [pdf, 89 KB]

    ...definition of misconduct in s 4 of the Act includes “conduct that contravenes this Act or any regulations made under the Act”. Therefore, South Security is guilty of misconduct. Misconduct is a discretionary ground for cancelling South Security’s licence. [6] Section 78(1)(c) of the Act says that instead of, or in addition to, cancellation I can make other orders including suspending South Security’s licence, impose conditions on their licence, reprimand South Security or impo...