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  1. LCRO Annual Report 2010 [pdf, 517 KB]

    ...benefit from the lawyer’s attendances in responding to the complaint, and that these were independent matters, and that even if the lawyer no longer acted for the Estate, he would still be obliged to respond to the complaint. Clause 6 of the Rule permitted the lawyer to charge for work done “in relation to my Estate or affairs”. The LCRO concluded that responding to a complaint is a matter between the professional body and the lawyer, and it could not be said to be “in relation to...

  2. 2022-12-07-Decision-on-Application-to-Remove-Counsel-Assisting.pdf [pdf, 390 KB]

    ...there are no parties, there is no indictment, and there is no trial. There is simply an attempt to establish facts. It is an inquisitorial process, a process of investigation quite unlike a trial. The fact that cross examination by counsel for permitted Interested Parties is allowed does not detract from the inquisitorial nature of the inquiry, nor from the fact that the findings are not conclusive as to the civil or criminal liability of any person. [9] Establishing the facts may...

  3. IPT Practice Note 2/2024 Refugee and Protection [pdf, 383 KB]

    ...for which it was sought in the application. (b) The appellant in person, but the appellant will need to attend at the Tribunal’s offices, where facilities will be made available to listen to the recording. An appellant in person will not be permitted to retain a copy of the recording and the CD must not be removed from the Tribunal’s premises. No recording or copying of the CD is permitted. (c) The High Court, Court of Appeal or Supreme Court, on request by the relevant co...

  4. Environment Court Annual Review 2016 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...the risks to, species of fauna in New Zealand’s rivers. Water take and use — Water divert — River — Effect adverse — Earthworks This was an appeal about an application to take water from the Waimakariri catchment by obtaining a new permit to take water from the Cass River (“the river”) (a tributary in the upper catchment) which the applicant P and E Ltd (“PE”) proposed to substitute for existing permits in the lower catchment. PE had sought resource consent to take...

  5. LCRO 201/2021 DK obo The LK Estate v BY and FM (31 July 2023) [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...a person to use the complaints process under the Act to bring complaints against a lawyer on an evolving basis. The requirement for complaints to be dealt with expeditiously and the need for finality are both seriously compromised if a person is permitted to respond to an adverse finding simply by filing a further complaint. 13 Mr DK has submitted on the meaning of this word. In this context, it means just to pursue a legal dispute a second time, regardless of whether this is in a co...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 239 Christchurch International Airport Limited v Selwyn District Council [pdf, 342 KB]

    ...duration of the construction project, whichever is the lesser, on any site; b. a total of 50m² in Gross Floor Area on any site, except within the KNOZ where a total of 100m2 in Gross Floor Area shall not be exceeded for any construction project; c. the permitted thresholds for height, height in relation to boundaries, setbacks, of the zone of the site in which they are located, except within the KNOZ where KNOZ-REQ4.1 shall not apply to temporary buildings and structures ancillary to a const...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 291 Strain v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...Proposed Moderate Capacity Area Proposed Moderate Capacity Area Key Landscape Character Units boundaries A B C Appendix 1 – Agreed final drafting3 27.5 Rules - Subdivision 27.5.1 All subdivision requires resource consent unless specified as a permitted activity. The abbreviations set out below are used in the following tables. Any activity which is not permitted (P) or prohibited (PR) requires resource consent. Subdivision Activities - District Wide Activity Status 27.5.19...

  8. [2019] NZEmpC 47 Postal Workers Union of Aotearoa Inc v New Zealand Post Ltd [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...provisions are directed at regulating what are colloquially known as “zero-hour” contracts. These are contracts which provide no guaranteed hours of work but which require an employee to remain available to accept work.1 Second, s 67E only permits employees to refuse to perform work in addition to any guaranteed hours specified in an employment agreement. The collective agreement does not specify “guaranteed hours” of work and accordingly s 67E is not engaged. That means...

  9. LCRO 43/2019 KD v MX (19 February 2021) [pdf, 223 KB]

    ...for the Appeal. The relevance of this has to be questioned but can only serve to imply that the outcome of the appeal would be available in the near future and that the status quo needed to be preserved in the meantime, and Mr KD should not be permitted to uplift the children from school. (f) Mrs MX advised the schools that the children were “lawfully” in Ms QY’s care pending determination by the High Court. It is exaggerating the words of the Judge, to say that the childr...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 174 Barbican Securities Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...addition to the existing dwelling on the site, a further principal 8 JWS - Planning at [8.2]. 9 Guardians of Paku Bay Association Inc v Waikato Regional Council [2012] NZRMA 61 (HC). 7 dwelling and an accessory building could be built as a permitted activity provided the relevant development standards are met. There is also a right (either by way of existing consent or existing use right) to replace the dwelling which was destroyed by fire towards the end of 2022. [20]...