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7515 items matching your search terms

  1. AMLCFT Statutory Review Consultation Document [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    - Review of the AML/CFT Act Consultation Document Ministry of Justice October 2021 Important notice The opinions contained in this document are those of the Ministry of Justice and do not reflect official government policy. Readers are advised to seek specific legal advice from a qualified professional person before undertaking any action in reliance on the contents of this publication. The contents of this discussion document must not be con

  2. Information sent to Ministers

    ...Ministers for either action or noting To formally request a copy of any title listed please email Date Type Vote Minister Title 18/10/2024 Notes Justice McKee Deep Dive Two: Responsible possession and use, and Dealers’ licences 18/10/2024 Weekly Report Justice McKee Weekly Report (Justice, Associate Justice and Courts) 18/10/2024 Briefing Justice Goldsmith Draft comms pack for the Minister on the Foreign Interference Bill 18/10/2024 Aide memoire Justic...

  3. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 511 KB]

    ...recommendations of advisory committees as to whether or not the Minister should consent to the distribution of a new medicine • To hear appeals under section 88 of the Medicines Act. This covers appeals against refusals by the Ministry of Health to issue licences to manufacture, pack or sell medicines; appeals against refusal by the Director-General of Health of an application for approval to carry out a clinical trial of a medicine; and appeals against a decision by the Director-Gener...

  4. Victims Code report PDF [pdf, 424 KB]

    ...4 Ministry of Justice (2013), Current State Report, unpublished. “I see the Victims Code being like the Road Code. The Road Code puts the Land Transport Act into plain English so you can get your driver’s licence. The Victims Code puts the Victims’ Rights Act into plain English too. Those that deal with victims should read the Victims Code so you can understand the principles of treatment and victims’ rights. If you want to find out the whys

  5. Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 511 KB]

    ...recommendations of advisory committees as to whether or not the Minister should consent to the distribution of a new medicine • To hear appeals under section 88 of the Medicines Act. This covers appeals against refusals by the Ministry of Health to issue licences to manufacture, pack or sell medicines; appeals against refusal by the Director-General of Health of an application for approval to carry out a clinical trial of a medicine; and appeals against a decision by the Director-Gener...

  6. Brunton v Accident Compensation Corporation (Treatment Injury) [2023] NZACC 187 [pdf, 382 KB] New Zealand hospitals. We have been unable to provide her with samples of fentanyl and midazolam to independently test as a prescription can only be issued for the purposes of therapeutic treatment and as per the misuse of drugs legislation a licenced authority is necessary for the subject of research and analysis of medication. From a medical perspective, I am not aware of any parasites that could be causing throat symptoms. Her symptoms could relate to globus (a feeling of a sensa...

  7. OIA-94638.pdf [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...areas of human activity which can give rise to a firmly held belief that they create a danger to others . .. environmental protection, genetic engineering, animal vivisection, abortion ... Such beliefs, no matter how honestly held, cannot become a licence to commit offences. 63. The Court held that judicial or administrative decisions should be challenged using available legal processes ( eg, appeal or judicial review), and concluded: we cannot presently conceive of a situation in whic...

  8. Ruapuha Uekaha Hapu Trust - Hauturu East 8 Block (2008) 134 Waikato MB 3 (134 W 3) [pdf, 10 MB]

    ..."by the hapu of Ruapuha and U ekaha." (CAB (90) M3111). The same minute also notes that "ownership of the three acres claimed in the core cave area should be vested in the claimants ... ". In addition the draft agreement to licence the Waitomo Glow Worm Caves was expressed to be between the Minister of Conservation, the hapu of Ruapuha and Uekaha and the Tourist Hotel COl}loration of New Zealand Limited. The draft loan agreement, which was pali of the settlement,...

  9. Chaudhary v CAC 414 [2019] NZREADT 24 (7 June 2019) [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...discussed. [83] In Home Buyers Limited v Real Estate Agents Authority,12 her Honour Justice Mallon considered the interpretation of “real estate agency work” in the context of a person charged with carrying out real estate agency work without a licence issued under the Act. Her Honour stated that the definition of “real estate agency work” is the “cornerstone of the Act”, because it determines whether the consumer protection provisions set up by the Act apply.13 [84]...

  10. Independent Electoral Review Final Report Executive Summary Te Reo Maori [pdf, 204 KB]

    ...Recommendations for a Fairer, Clearer, and More Accessible Electoral System. Wellington: New Zealand. ISBN 978-0-473-69963-5 (Print) ISBN 978-0-473-69964-2 (Online) This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, provided you attribute the work to the Independent Electoral Review, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.