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7515 items matching your search terms

  1. Common Bundle Volume 2 [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    .......................................................51 1D Schedule of spiritual and cultural beliefs, values and uses of significance to Kai Tahu .............................................................................................53 2. Schedule of specified restrictions on the exercise of permits to take surface water ...............................................................................................................58 2A Schedule of specific minimum flows for primary...

  2. [2014] NZEmpC 231 Premier Events Group Ltd and Anor v Beattie and Ors [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...claim, in only one of which there were third and fourth causes of action. These purported to be causes of action brought by Mr Regan. They are not, however, justiciable because Mr Regan was not in an employment relationship with PEGL and was only permitted by the Court in an earlier interlocutory judgment, to proceed with set-off defences against BAPL. In these circumstances, there are no third and fourth causes of action by Mr Beattie and/or Ms Panapa, but I have continued to al...

  3. AMLCFT_Release_Pack_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 7.5 MB]

    ...businesses when complying with their AML/CFT requirements. Group wide compliance/reliance Workstream 3 Regulatory relief: This work will review the application process for establishing designated business groups (DBGs). Reporting entities are only permitted to share customer due diligence information within a financial group if they apply and are approved to form as a DBG. The application process is resource intensive and costly. Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 075 McCallum Bros Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...extraction might be discontinued after 10 to 15 years in the event of erosion of sand volumes within defined areas of the beach and dunes. [17] The consents sought were by way of “renewal” of existing consents for inshore sand extraction Permit Nos. ARC28172 and ARC28165 (for 27,000m3) and ARC28174 and ARC28173 (for 49,000m3), which commenced in 2006 following an appeal to the Environment Court, and expired on 6 September 2020.7 McCallum Bros was continuing to operate under th...

  5. [2015] NZEnvC 218 Waiheke Marinas Ltd [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...application of a parking deck option a permissible change? [16] The substantive application was first lodged with the Council on 18 March 2013, at which time two elements of the proposal were of non-complying status, namely the need for a coastal permit for reclamation, and a land use consent to e:t:lable a boardwalk, landing and earthworks within the Coastal Protection Yard on an historic reserve. [17] The applicant argued that those two features of the proposal had been withdrawn,...

  6. E10 Joe Phillips Traffic and Transportation EIC Applicant [pdf, 12 MB] management of crowds within and between activation areas. A managed road closure is a full road closure for motor vehicles only, with access 39 Proposed Conditions 183A to 183C 0555 20 permitted for authorised vehicles, i.e. vehicles travelling to and from properties for which access needs to be maintained. The extent of the activation overlays and managed road closures will need to be confirmed by detailed pedestrian mod...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 155 Save the Maitai Inc v Nelson City Council [pdf, 888 KB] approach to their implementation. The first consent application for earthworks anywhere on the PPC28 site has particular importance in those terms. [129] We note that the planning witnesses, in their JWS, record their opinion that permitted activity earthworks (under REr.61, OSr.49 and RUr.27), in combination with other relevant permitted activity standards (for example those addressed in Mr Lile’s June 2022 evidence at [175]) sufficiently manage erosion and sedimenta...

  8. Geary v Accident Compensation Corporation [2013] NZHRRT 34 [pdf, 293 KB]

    ...(Principle 6) and to request correction of the information. Second, the principle that an agency which holds personal information cannot disclose that information unless the agency believes, on reasonable grounds, that disclosure of the information is permitted by one or more of the nine grounds enumerated in Principle 11. [2] In relation to Principle 6 it is common ground that when on 13 May 2005 Mr Geary requested access to personal information held by the Accident Compensation Corpo...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 013 Edens v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...factors leads to less certain results, especially where the factors are themselves inherently complex. The activity classification framework of the RMA, 17 as typically implemented in plans, reflects this by reliance on rules and standards for permitted and controlled activities and relatively greater reliance on objectives and policies in assessing applications for consent 13 14 15 16 17 Pathways to Prosperity, Marie Brown, Environmental Defence Society and the New Zealand...

  10. Director of Proceedings v Nelson [2013] NZHRRT 38 [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...that of the patient. In the view of Dr Malpas, this suggested that Mrs Nelson put the decision and interests of Mrs Maine at the forefront of 26 her decision-making. Dr Malpas said it was also appropriate to note that a competent patient is permitted to make decisions about his or her health care, even if those decisions are not in the patient’s best medical interests and where such decisions may be disputed by health practitioners. While it could be argued that Mrs Nelson did...