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7428 items matching your search terms

  1. LA Terms of Reference - quality and value audits [pdf, 531 KB]

    ...the appropriate Approval/s to undertake such work and complies with any Condition/s of their Approval/s. This applies whether the delegated provider is to be paid or unpaid, and 4.2.5. must ensure that any work delegated to a non-lawyer is of a kind permitted by the policy, and must provide appropriate supervision. CON 3.6 In accordance with section 105 of the Act, the Provider must not take any payments relating to Legal Aid Services or Specified Legal Services unless those 7 Provider Co...

  2. LCRO 105/2018 SW v NL (23 August 2019) [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...concluded that Mr NL, when acting on the sale of the property, did so for both Mr RA, and Ms SW. Taking into account that Mr RA and Ms SW were involved in an unresolved relationship property dispute between them, the next question is whether Mr NL was permitted to do so in such circumstances. [129] As discussed above, the test in r 6.1 whether a lawyer is permitted to act for more than 1 client on a matter or transaction is whether “there is a more than negligible risk that the l...

  3. [2009] NZEmpC WC 17A/09 Idea Services Ltd v Dickson [pdf, 138 KB] is not relevant to the interpretation and application of s6. In contrast Mr Toogood submitted that the Act does not give any specific guidance about how to assess compliance with s6. [20] Finally, Mr Toogood submitted that if Mr Dickson is permitted to rely on the Act to claim an additional amount for hours worked during sleepovers, this will have the effect of varying the collective agreement to provide an additional contractual entitlement beyond that already agreed between t...

  4. Parihaka Te Kawanata o Rongo Deed of Reconciliation [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...standards. Administration of civil works contracts on behalf of Parihaka. In-kind Environmental Services Concept Plan Continue to work with the Parihaka community to give effect to the concept plan within the Proposed South Taranaki District Plan which permits a range of activities. Consenting under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) Provide assistance to identify resource consent requirements under the RMA in relation to development plans for Parihaka. TE HUANGA O RONGO APPENDIX...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 064 New Zealand Transport Agency v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Council hereby grants consent to: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (Regional Office) PO Box 973 Waikato Mail Centre Hamilton 3240 (hereinafter referred to as the Consent Holder) Consent Type: Discharge permit Consent Subtype: Water- Stormwater Activity authorised: To discharge of stormwater in association with the SH1/SH29 Intersection Upgrade Project. Location: Intersection of SH1/SH29, Piar...

  6. CAC402 v Dunham [2016] NZREADT 26 [pdf, 248 KB]

    ...on top of it. [36] Mr Ogilvy said he had a very clear recollection of his discussions at material times and what was said to him by the licensee. He said he had mistakenly assumed that the amount of land available for building works would only permit a single storey double garage. Mr Ogilvy is a project manager and a builder by trade. He assumed that the neighbour would need to get consents from neighbours especially if views were to be affected but Mr Ogilvy was not aware of Counci...

  7. Katu v Peni - Tiroa E and Te Hape B (2015) 105 Waikato Maniapoto MB 157 (105 WMN 157) [pdf, 405 KB]

    ...Court. If neither of these steps is taken, and the conflicted trustee participates in decision making, any resulting transaction will be voidable regardless of the fairness or otherwise of that transaction. Indeed, “no inquiry on that subject is permitted”. Likewise, the honesty or otherwise of the fiduciary is also irrelevant. [82] As far as I can determine, the trustees have not put themselves in a position of conflict. The current trustees were not involved in the loan appli...

  8. Cao v Tony Tay and Associates Ltd (in liq) [2010] NZWHT Auckland 26 [pdf, 270 KB]

    ...4 Body Corporate No. 189855 v North Shore City Council HC Auckland, CIV-2005-404-5561, 25 July 2008, Venning J. Page | 18 [46] I accept that proprietary seals were permitted but any sealant that was applied to the windows in this dwelling was inadequate and in some places non-existent. It was not applied in a manner that met the requirements of E2/AS1. The presence of appropriate sealing was crucial

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 120 Housing New Zealand Corporation v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...development pathways in the single house zone creating additional dwellings using the density provisions. There is also potential for the conversion of existing dwellings into two, and for minor household units, which he believed would either be a permitted activity or require a low level consent. In addition, there is an integrated residential development pathway (with activity status of discretionary as amended by the Council from the Panel's restricted activity status.) [72]...

  10. Appendix-M4-Economic-Impact-Report-on-the-New-Zealand-Sport-Horse-Industry-2012-.pdf [pdf, 695 KB]

    ...purchases of tack - Rugs and rug maintenance - Clipping or show prep - Clothing (for you)* - Lessons, Clinics etc* - Off the horse - Events, and Shows Books, videos, DVDs, magazine subscriptions etc* - Recreational Costs - Memberships, caps or permits* - Annual vehicle expenses - COF, WOF, RUC etc - Vehicle Maintenance These questions are directly related to costs associated with each activity, they can then be divided into specific categories such as Health and Wellbeing...