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7429 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEnvC 198 Banora v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...Act 2004 and the Resource Management Act 1991 by the Council in respect of his construction of the retaining wall without consent; failing to comply with a notice to fix; undertaking earthworks in a manner that contravened the District Plan; and permitting a contravention of an Abatement Notice. In the District Court at Auckland, Judge Harland heard the matter and, following his guilty pleas, imposed total fines on Mr Sanora of $67,050. Mr Sanora took that sentence on appeal to the...

  2. [2022] NZEmpC 89 Bay of Plenty District Health Board v CultureSafe New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 299 KB]

    ...Authority Member had no power to restrict fundamental freedoms of speech, which was the effect of the directions that were made. In short, he asserts that the allegations brought against himself and Ms Shaw were all to do with things they were permitted to do by law. The DHB, he says, has not pleaded otherwise. [20] With regard to the DHB’s claim in contempt, he says the statements made in support of this claim bear no relation to the statutory provisions relating to conte...

  3. FINAL-Summary-of-Consultation-Political-Donations.pdf [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...names, a declaration that donors have not made other 8 donations to the same party, and providing education to promote understanding of why anonymous donations are no longer allowed. One submitter observed that the current donations regime permits donations to be sent anonymously to the Electoral Commission, which then passes the donation on to the intended political party. The same submitter suggested that donations of any amount could potentially be allowed if channelled in an a...

  4. [2018] NZEnvC 232 Tasman District Council [pdf, 3.4 MB] ownership which have no bearing on the road stopping. We will not consider those matters further. She set out three further grounds of opposition23: 22 23 (a) some of the directors of the Rainbow Community wish to obtain retrospective permits for their houses, the land is not suitable for housing due to the flooding risk; J J Hilson affidavit dated 7 September 2018 at 36 and 37 p 15. R A Cant affidavit dated 11 September 2018 exhibit RC-13. 9 (b) a scenic reserve is un...

  5. 2017 NZSSAA 063 (20 October 2017) [pdf, 247 KB] have the witness declared hostile, but could not do so on a proper basis. Counsel held no written statement from the witness that he would say such a thing, as is usual when applying to declare a witness hostile. Regardless, the Authority did permit cross-examination of this witness by counsel for the Chief Executive. [59] There are strict prohibitions on attacking a lawyer, or anyone else under the cloak of absolute privilege; it is necessary for counsel to possess an adequate...

  6. ORC PC7 Hearing Schedule - 12 April 2021 [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...Summary (10min) ORC (30min) Court (45min) TA's Matthew Twose Planning Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (45min) Court (45min) TA's Jennifer McGirr Planning Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (30min) Court (45min) TA's - CODC only *If time permits, otherwise reschedule for Week 7 in Dunedin Nick Lanham Representation Representation (30min) TA's - CODC only *Unavailable after 13 April, rescheduled for Week 7 in Dunedin Benjamin Patterson Economics Evidence Summary (1...

  7. Security Information in Proceedings Bill [PDF, 1.1 MB]

    ...Procedure Act. 5 6490402_1 16. The ultimate safeguards for the rights of defendants are as follows: 16.1 There is no power in the Bill to close the court for the substantive criminal trial itself. 16.2 New s 146A of the Criminal Procedure Act permits a prosecutor to withdraw proceedings, without leave, if the judge orders material to be disclosed but the prosecutor remains of the view that disclosure would be likely to prejudice national security. 16.3 New s 147A of the Crimi...

  8. [2008] NZEmpC AC 4/08 NZ Airline Pilots Association Inc v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 54 KB] the performance of one’s duties. That is likely to be the meaning to be ascribed to “works” in s50(1). [33] As Mr Toogood submitted it is difficult to reconcile that concept when a pilot in a rest period during a layover is permitted to carry out personal activities without effective constraint by the employer. [34] Turning to the words in s50(1) “in accordance with his or her employment agreement” we agree with Mr Toogood’s submission that the definitio...

  9. CM v RG LCRO 131/2012 (7 September 2015) [pdf, 67 KB]

    ...attributes of a barrister. It is his duty to not keep back from the court any information which ought to be before it, and he must in no way mislead the court by stating facts that are untrue, or mislead the judge as to the true facts, or knowingly permit a client to attempt to deceive the court. How far a barrister may go on behalf of his client is a question too difficult to be capable of abstract definition, but when concrete cases arise one can see for oneself whether what he has done...