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7429 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZSSAA 7 (30 March 2023) [pdf, 260 KB]

    ...DES that was approved after the third period was outside of the scope of the Home Help Programme. [20.5] There is no basis that XXXX is entitled to further grants going forward. [20.6] The Ministry provided other forms of support that were permitted by law, and appropriate. This included support 7 from a disability allowance and “home help for domestic support”.4 The Law [21] As was said in the Indicative decision, the regulation of social security is so...

  2. [2017] NZSAAA 03 (7 July 2017) [pdf, 343 KB]

    ...ambit of the discretion provided by reg 4(6) which, while providing the necessary flexibility to enable StudyLink to accommodate the impact of “external influences that temporarily prevent the person from meeting their requirements”, does not permit the wholesale ignoring of the prescribed timeframe. [11] In assessing the appellant’s arguments, both on the papers and at the hearing, the Secretary starts by emphasising that: 4 “My assessment of the Applicant is that she...

  3. Auckland Standards Committee 1 v Harder [2022] NZLCDT 29 (23 August 2022) [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...leave him alone with Mr S even after he was interrupted. In short, while his judgment may have been “clouded” Mr Harder certainly knew what he was doing, and that it was wrong. [66] Those who are in custody are vulnerable. They are not permitted any freedom of movement and have few options by way of complaint. Mr Harder only gained access to the cells because the custodial officers believed he was a lawyer exercising his functions as such. [67] While Mr Harder refrained...

  4. Tamou v Smith - Sections 57, 58, 70, 72 and 100 of the Ratana Pa (2016) 361 Aotea MB 75 (361 AOT 75) [pdf, 297 KB]

    ...deed of trust, and must be exercised accordingly, in the interest of the beneficiaries. A power, even though not a fiduciary power, must be exercised solely in furtherance of the purpose for which it was conferred. [29] Generally the Court is permitted to appoint a new trustee or new trustees, whenever it is expedient per s 51 of the Trustee Act 1956. If it is found inexpedient, difficult, or 12 119 Whanganui MB 201, 206 (...

  5. E50 Myfanwy Eaves - Historic Heritage - EIC - Council V2 [pdf, 810 KB]

    ...without prior authority from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. An Authority is required whether or not the land on which an archaeological site may be present is designated, a resource or building consent has been granted, or the activity is permitted under the Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part (November 2016). According to the Act (section 6) archaeological site means, subject to section 42(3) – a) any place in New Zealand, including any building or structure (or part...

  6. Matchitt v Butler - Matangareka 3B Ahu Whenua Trust (2016) 154 Waiariki MB 261 (154 WAR 261) [pdf, 226 KB]

    ...of s 227A. 9 Rather, that ss 17(1)(b) and 17(2)(c) and (f) are indicators that the Māori Land Court is able to make its own pragmatic assessment as to whether rescission is appropriate. 10 [33] It is also settled law that trustees are not permitted to profit from their trusteeship and to do so is a breach of fiduciary duty. This applies regardless of whether or not the trustee’s actions result in a benefit for a beneficiary. 11 [34] The duty not to profit includes receipt...

  7. AB v DE & Ors LCRO 75/2014 (11 July 2016) [pdf, 90 KB]

    ...Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 (the Rules) and effectively ignored 3 other provisions in those rules and was a ruling that there was no effective restraint on the four practitioners and that they were permitted to indulge in illegal activities to protect their client. (c) Misinterpreted legislation in favour of the practitioners complained about. (d) Ignored examples of where the practitioners had acted outside the law and legal prece...

  8. [2019] NZEmpC 173 Allied Investments Ltd v Flowers [pdf, 387 KB]

    ...entitlements, but there were occasions when he received less than them. Mr Nevell submitted that meant Mr Flowers had not suffered any detriment because, over time, the position “evened out”. [32] Mr Cranney submitted that such an effect was not permitted under the Act and, even if it was, would only have a neutral outcome provided the employee remained employed. He submitted that, while Mr Flowers may not have a claim for unpaid wages, the roster system could operate to e...

  9. Kruger v Nikora - Tuhoe -Te Uru Taumatua [2021] Māori Appellate Court MB 444 (2021 APPEAL 444) [pdf, 296 KB]

    ...that is designed to capture any trust that holds Māori land or General land owned by Māori, including those trusts not constituted under Part 12. That is the intent of s 236, having regard to the scheme in Part 12. This scheme does not easily permit a reading that would exclude some trusts that hold these land statuses. [32] Mr Harman encouraged us to observe that the Preamble, and in particular its reaffirmation of rangatiratanga, imports into the Act a focus that is much broad...

  10. [2024] NZEmpC 105 Watkins v Highmark Homes Ltd Interlocutory Judgment [pdf, 281 KB]

    ...the application for security an abuse of process? (c) Were Ms Watkins’ financial circumstances caused by Highmark Homes? What are the merits of Ms Watkins’ challenge? [15] Schedule 2 cl 4 of the Employment Relations Act 2000 (the Act) permits the Authority to reopen an investigation upon such terms as it thinks reasonable. The overarching principle is that a reopening will be granted where it is necessary to avoid a miscarriage of justice. A miscarriage of justice can occ...