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7440 items matching your search terms

  1. Hammond v Credit Union Baywide [2015] NZHRRT 6 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...following remedies: (a) a declaration that the action of the defendant is an interference with the privacy of an individual: (b) an order restraining the defendant from continuing or repeating the interference, or from engaging in, or causing or permitting others to engage in, conduct of the same kind as that constituting the interference, or conduct of any similar kind specified in the order: (c) damages in accordance with section 88: (d) an order that the defendant perform any...

  2. 2021-03-19 Fish & Game 1 Proposed National Environmental Standard on Ecological Flows and Water Level as at 19 March 2021 [pdf, 495 KB]

    ...can be allocated from a resource for consumptive use, including both existing and potential authorised uses”. It includes uses for reasonable stock and domestic water supplies provided by the RMA section 14(3), as well as small-scale abstractions permitted by regional plans. Because environmental flows and water levels cater for natural variability in water systems, the volume of available water may vary seasonally and possibly between years. These definitions, and definitions of som...

  3. Hart v Auckland Standards Committee 1 of the New Zealand Law Society CIV 2012 404 5076 5528 [pdf, 515 KB]

    ...and the prospects of a fair trial for the defendants who are present. 6. If the judge decides that a trial should take place or continue in the absence of an unrepresented defendant, he must ensure that the trial is as fair as the circumstances permit. He must, in particular, take reasonable steps, both during the giving of evidence and in the summing up, to expose weaknesses in the prosecution case and to make such points on behalf of the defendant as the evidence permits. In...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 180 Northern Land Property Limited v Thames-Coromandel District Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...for the minimum average lot area in the Rural zone is 20 hectares and Rule 9(1)(b) generally purports to restrict successive subdivisions. In the rules applying to the Rural zone in Section 56, Rule 17.1 provides that, generally, one dwelling is permitted per lot. [47] We observe here that, given that the land in the structure plan contains 375 ha in 11 titles, notionally one may anticipate that seven additional lots, to a total of 18 lots, could be created. Various alternative subd...

  5. [2018] NZEmpC 151 Ovation New Zealand Ltd v The New Zealand Meat Workers and Related Trades Union Inc [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...breaks was to benefit employees by providing for a better work-life balance.10 Parliament’s intention was to provide for the wellbeing of employees by requiring them to take specified rest and meal breaks during work periods.11 Parties are not permitted to contract out of the entitlement.12 [17] Employees may not benefit if employers have an unrestricted choice of what rate they will pay for rest breaks. If employers pay employees less than the amount they would otherwise be pa...

  6. Common Bundle Volume 3 [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...section 33 of the Act (b) joint management agreements under section 36B of the Act (c) mana whakahono a rohe (iwi participation arrangements) under subpart 2 of Part 5 of the Act. (4) To avoid doubt, nothing in this National Policy Statement permits or requires a local authority to act in a manner that is, or make decisions that are, inconsistent with any relevant iwi participation legislation or any directions or visions under that legislation. 3.5 Integrated management (1) Adopt...

  7. [2022] NZEnvC 91 Otago Regional Council - Chapter 7 (Landfills) [pdf, 600 KB]

    ...Retain Appendix 2 as notified. Accept FS103 Otago Fish & Game Council and Central South Island Fish & Game Council Support Accept Rule 7.6.10 10019 10019.06 Dunedin City Council Support Delete Rule 7.6.10 Green waste landfills (permitted activity). Reject Rule 7.6.11 10019 10019.07 Dunedin City Council Support Delete Rule 7.6.11 Green waste landfills (discretionary activity). Reject Whole Plan Change 10019 10019.08 Dunedin City Council Support Amend to support wider...

  8. RIS-Timing-and-Frequency-of-the-Maori-Electoral-Option.pdf [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...the same roll choice for any by-election and boundary review as they made in the General Election. They would also keep it for any local elections that fall before the next general election. 42. Under this option, changing roll types would be permitted up to and including on polling day. The Electoral Commission considers it is operationally feasible to allow Māori voters to change rolls in the advance voting period and on polling day for general elections. People who change rol...

  9. Regulatory Impact Statement all-of-Government Response to Organised Crime [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...apply for an interim order as an unnecessary preliminary step (resulting in an increase in Crown costs and court time associated with the request). Options Option 1: status quo 65. This means that only interim foreign restraining orders would be permitted to be registered without notice. 66. This option is not preferred because it results in inefficient processes and increased costs, court time and delay associated with applying for unnecessary interim foreign restraining orders...

  10. [2020] NZSSAA 2 (11 February 2020) [pdf, 217 KB]

    ...paid as they are income tested, and this income was not taken into account when the benefits were paid. [10] The information before us, which does not allow a complete reconciliation back to the bank statements the Ministry relied on, does not permit verification of the Ministry’s calculations. There is also an inherent uncertainty in that the Ministry presented figures it said were from “the appellant’s bank statements” that allowed the Ministry “to calculate the rent rec...