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7442 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal theme D - Crown's right of preemption [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...participate' in the benefits of that increase.13 The nature of the proposed Crown dealings with Maori for their lands was further elaborated: • They were to be conducted with 'sincerity, justice, and good faith'. • Maori 'must not be permitted to enter into any contracts in which they might be the ignorant and unintentional authors of injuries to themselves'. Hobson was not, for example, to 'purchase from them any territory, the retention of which by...

  2. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 2 [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...relevant contaminants recorded under Policy CC1, to assist the improvement of water quality in the freshwater management units, to meet those targets, and within a defined timeframe. Policy A3 By regional councils: a) imposing conditions on discharge permits to ensure the limits and targets specified pursuant to Policy A1 and Policy A2 can be met; and b) where permissible, making rules requiring the adoption of the best practicable option to prevent or minimise any actual or likely adve...

  3. 2021-10-27 ORC - PC8 - Common Bundle - Volume 3(a) [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...DEPICTED BY THE TAOKA “KAITIAKITAKA” -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ISBN 0-476-00823-9 This work is copyright. The copying, adaptation or issuing of this work to the public on a non-profit basis is welcomed. No other use of this work is permitted without the prior consent of the copyright holder(s). CB1405 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Plan is the culmination of 2 years of effort by Papatipu Rünaka and whänau röpü representatives, principally a voluntary group of people dedic...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 8 state of gulf [pdf, 7.9 MB]

    State of our Gulf Tıikapa Moana – Hauraki Gulf State of the Environment Report 2011 State of our Gulf Tıikapa Moana – Hauraki Gulf State of the Environment Report 2011 First published August 2011 Published by: Hauraki Gulf Forum c/o Auckland Council Private Bag 42300 Auckland, 1142 The Hauraki Gulf Forum is a statutory body, established under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000, responsible for the promotion and facilitation of integrated management and the protect

  5. 2017 Population report [pdf, 14 MB]

    Justice Sector POPULATION REPORT 1 POPULATION REPORT JUSTICE SECTOR 2 Justice Sector POPULATION REPORT ISSN 2538-1431 2018 © Crown copyright This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. In essence, you are free to: share ie, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; adapt ie, remix, transform and build upon the material. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence and indicate if changes were made....

  6. [2023] NZEmpC 89 A Labour Inspector of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment v Prisha’s Hospitality (2017) Ltd T/A Royal Cambridge Indian Restaurant [pdf, 787 KB]

    ...Sharma’s evidence in chief was that Mr Kalra commenced full-time employment after he got his visa on 7 March 2018. However, under cross-examination and in submission, it was said he was a volunteer until 9 April 2018, when he received his liquor licence, which was, the defendants say, a condition of his employment. [41] The meaning of s 6(1)(c) of the Act must be ascertained from its text and in the light of its purpose and its context.20 [42] It provides: 6 Meani...

  7. Directory of Official Information V-Z [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...and regulation for land transport When providing access to and regulating the land transport system, Waka Kotahi works closely with its agents to provide transport users with various services, such as driver testing, issuing driver and transport licences, undertaking vehicle certification, registration and licensing, and collecting road user charges and other road-related revenue. 30 Structure Waka Kotahi Structure Waka Kotahi has eight business groups to carry out its function...

  8. NZCVS topical report Cycle 2 (2019) - Victims' trust and confidence in the criminal justice system [pdf, 748 KB] This document is available at data/nzcvs/resources-and-results/ Crown copyright © 2021 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any dep...

  9. NZCVS topical report Cycle 2 (2019) - Social wellbeing and perceptions of the criminal justice system [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...nearest thousand. Estimates measured in percentages are rounded to the nearest integer, except when it is deemed important to show more detail. Crown copyright © 2020 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emble...

  10. Recommendations recap - issue 7 [pdf, 1.4 MB]‑ramp before, and were able to stop the cars from turning while they were stopped at the traffic signals. There was no such time in this case for anyone to stop the deceased. Even though the deceased had passed a medical test to renew her driver licence two months previously, a friend had observed that her driving skills were deteriorating; she was driving slowly and would stick to familiar areas. She had not driven on the motorway in some time. It is not clear why she was in the...