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7443 items matching your search terms

  1. November 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 322 KB]

    ...113 A20160004993 18(1)(a)/93 Maurice Te Morehu Morehu Sybil Isabell Ngahipora Morehu - Determination of a life interest 114 A20160005302 150A(3) (b)/93 Rea Martin Rotomahana Parekarangi 6G3B Trust - Memorandum of Private Road vehicle usage Licence Agreement - Noting by Registrar 115 A20160004892 113, 118(6)/93 Jessie Fiona Tebbutt, Maria mariana Ratana Jack Ngahau Ratana - Succession (further interests) 116 A20160004893 86/93 Deputy Registrar Hauauru Rauhuhu - Amendment of C...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 136 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 9.5 MB] use controls imposed by regional rules under s 9(2) RMA and that these are supported by a rule controlling discharges under s 15 RMA. The latter rule (LR R 13) makes the discharge of nutrients onto land where a contaminant may enter water a permitted activity provided the land use associated with the discharge is authorised under the relevant regional land use rules (LR R1 to LR R11). [50] Being regional land use rules rather than district land use rules, s 10 RMA does not appl...

  3. Maori Land Court National Panui 2021 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...215/93 Benny Ngarangi Topetopea Te Maari Okauia 4E2B3 and others - Constitute the Te Maari- Marsh Whänau Trust A20210006483 19/93 Mihi Harris Opuatia No 11 No 68 Block - Injunction A20210005969 150A/93 Erana Frances Paenga Parish of Te Papa Lot 97B - Licence to Occupy A20210006190 118/93 Rangimoana Bernadette Morgan Piri Pono Nohe or Perry Pono Ngohe or Piripono Nehe or Percy Ngohe or Perry Nohe or Percy Nohe - Succession Pipiri / JUNE 2021 - NATIONAL PÄNUI 61 WAIKATO MANIAPOTO...

  4. MLC 2017 10 National Panui [pdf, 310 KB]

    ...(Rangi) Staples - Amendment of name to Rangi te Aroha Staples A20170004738 118(6)/93 Doris Tumanako Tata Tumanako - Succession - (further interests) A20170004634 160/93 Cliche Raqual Henry Te Awa O Te Atua 3C2A - Certifi cate of Confi rmation for a licence to occupy A20170004723 118(6)/93, 220/93 Dean Rangi Te Huna Rangi also known as Ethel Una Mamaemaha Conroy or Maha Conroy or Maha Rangi - Succession (further interests) A20170004874 150B(3) (b)/93 Anna Bernie The Proprietors of Wai...

  5. May 2016 National Pānui [pdf, 300 KB]

    ...Trustees Wiri (William) Nicholas Ahu Whenua Trust - Reduce the trustees by removing Monique Matine Nee Nee and Carlton Paul Bidois as trustees 82 A20160002135 150B(3) (b)/93 Dale Evon Arapo Edwards Maungatautari 3A5J Section 1 block - Noting of a licence to occupy by the Registrar 83 A20160001970 118/93 June Raima Tupou, Juney Rosemary Manu Alfred Harry Manu also known as Harry Manu - Succession 84 A20160001958 86/93 Deputy Registrar Ngapeke 3F Block - Amendment of Court record 8...

  6. December 2015 National Pānui [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...Kaipara Address: 102 Commercial Road, Helensville Time: All sessions 10-2 except Trustee trainings 9.30-3.30 Contact: Auckland Advisory – 09 279 5821 Dates: 4 November - Succession and setting up a trust 3 December - Occupation order and licence to occupy ADVISORY SERVICES CLINICS 50 NATIONAL PÄNUI - Hakihea / DECEMBER 2015 ADVISORY SERVICES CLINICS TÄKITIMU DISTRICT Dannevirke Clinic Address: REAP House, 15 Gordon Street, Dannevirke Date: 1st Tuesday of every month...

  7. December 2019 National Panui [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...applications listed below were received up to the closing date of this Pänui and are yet to be considered by a Registrar or Judge APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: A20190008868 150A(3) (b)/93 Mita Rahiri Allotment 8A2D Te Papa - Noting of Licence to Occupy A20190008827 18(1)(a)/93 Ewen Rata Turoa Anna Elizabeth Turoa - Determination of a Life Interest A20190008566 118/93 Natasha Pohutuhutu Barry Pohutuhutu or Hamuera or Barry Haamiora- Pohutuhutu - Succession A20190009164...

  8. December National Panui 2019 [pdf, 358 KB]

    ...applications listed below were received up to the closing date of this Pänui and are yet to be considered by a Registrar or Judge APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: A20190008868 150A(3) (b)/93 Mita Rahiri Allotment 8A2D Te Papa - Noting of Licence to Occupy A20190008827 18(1)(a)/93 Ewen Rata Turoa Anna Elizabeth Turoa - Determination of a Life Interest A20190008566 118/93 Natasha Pohutuhutu Barry Pohutuhutu or Hamuera or Barry Haamiora- Pohutuhutu - Succession A20190009164...

  9. Domestic violence legislation & child access in New Zealand [pdf, 1018 KB]

    ...provisions in relation to the arrangements made for access to children. The Domestic Violence Act 1995 provides that, when there is a Protection Order in place, the respondent may not contact any child of the applicant’s family, unless contact is permitted under any order or written agreement. Section 16B of the Guardianship Act 1968 presumes that children’s access with a parent who has previously been violent within the family will be supervised unless the Court can be satisfied...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal theme C - Customary land tenure [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...of dubious validity – but Hobson was prepared to ‘sanction any equitable arrangement’ to get Maori to abandon their pa and cultiva- tions to the company, and Maori were told they had no choice but to accept compensation, since they would not be permitted to resume land already built on by settlers, even though the purchase might not have been valid. FitzRoy put pressure on Te Aro Maori to accept £300 ‘for valuable land which they had never sold and which happened to be right in the mid...