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Search results for no licence.

7533 items matching your search terms

  1. Nguyen v Hu [2016] NZIACDT 51 (12 September 2016) [pdf, 134 KB]

    ...address the situation even when facing professional disciplinary charges, protection of the public becomes a priority. [10] In its directions of 11 June 2015 the Tribunal put Mr Hu on notice the Tribunal would potentially make orders affecting his licence, and indicated he may wish to take legal advice. Mr Hu’s response was to fail to take any steps to comply with the timetable the Tribunal set. 3 The legal principles relating to exclusion fro...

  2. [2021] NZIACDT 17 - TI v Malcolm (20 July 2021) [pdf, 199 KB] the complaint is set out in the earlier decision of the Tribunal and will only be briefly summarised here. [5] Mr Timothy James Malcolm is a former licensed immigration adviser. He practised under the name TM Immigration, in Auckland. His licence expired on 3 February 2021. [6] The complainant is TI, a national of Germany. [7] The complainant and Mr Malcolm entered into terms of engagement on about 7 August 2020 and shortly afterwards he completed the appropriate visa a...

  3. Mason v REAA Registrar [2013] NZREADT 35 [pdf, 31 KB]

    ...THE TRIBUNAL [1] In our decision of 23 January 2013 [2013] NZREADT 7, we detailed why we consider that the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority was correct on 15 August 2012 to decline the applicant’s application for a salesperson’s licence. We were reviewing that decision of the Registrar pursuant to s.112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”). [2] Section 112(3) provides for such a review to be conducted on the papers. Although it seemed to us on the pa...

  4. Nikora - Section 1 D2 Parish of Katikati (2019) 185 Waikato Maniapoto MB 129 (185 WMN 129) [pdf, 465 KB]

    ...They have a house there. It is said that they have been there for many years. They occupy an area of approximately 1,800m2, with views of the estuary. It is also said that they do not currently have an occupation order from the Court, or a licence to occupy from the trustees, over this area. [4] Rose Nikora wishes for three of her children, James Nikora, Sharyn Nikora and Charles Nikora, to receive her shares in the block, equally. There is no dispute that James Nikora is the...

  5. 2021-03-15 MfE - opening submissions [pdf, 471 KB]

    ......................................................................................................................................... 21 2 6181215 MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT INTRODUCTION 1. The Minister for the Environment (the Minister) has called in Otago Regional Council’s (ORC, Council) Plan Change 7 – Water Permits (PC7) pursuant to s 142 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) as a nationally significant proposal. Accordingly, PC7 has been referred to the Env...

  6. Landpro - Supplementary - C R Perkins - Planning (23 March 2021) [pdf, 482 KB]

    ...the start of a transition towards a new land and water plan and full implementation of the NPSFM and Te Mana o te Wai; and (b) Further changes to the operative Regional Plan Water (RPW) cannot be made through this process; and (c) Pursuing a permitted activity pathway does not provide sufficient certainty to current permit holders. Response to amendments to PC7 of Mr de Pelsemaeker Controlled activity pathway 9 I note that the changes recommended by Mr de Pelsemaeker do go a lo...

  7. FFNZ - EiC - K L Reilly - 5 Feb 2021 - PC7 Amendments (filed 5 March 2021) [pdf, 201 KB]

    Regional Plan: Water for Otago Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) 18 March 2020 ii Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago 18 March 2020 Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago 18 March 2020 iii Introduction The Otago Regional Council has prepared Proposed Plan Change 7 to the Regional Plan: Water for Otago....

  8. XG v BC LCRO 131 / 2011 (24 June 2013) [pdf, 63 KB]

    ...account. The executors instructed Mr BC to make payment to Mr XG provided he was satisfied as to Mr XG’s identity. [5] Mr BC requested all beneficiaries of monetary bequests (of which there were 70) to provide photographic ID such as a driver’s licence or passport as proof of identity. The photographic ID was to include all data, including the expiry date and the relevant number. 2 [6] Mr XG objected to this on privacy grounds. He provided a copy of his licence (veri...

  9. 2021-07-06 ORC - Position on Objective, CWS & Hydro - amended [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...Objective 10A.1.1 Facilitate an efficient and effective transition from the operative freshwater planning framework toward a new integrated regional planning framework, by managing: (a) the take and use of freshwater not previously authorised by a water permit, (b) the replacement of deemed permits, and (c) the replacement of water permits for takes and uses of freshwater where those water permits expire prior to 31 December 2025. 10A.1.2 Enable activities authorised by deemed per...

  10. 2021-07-06 ORC - Position on Objective, CWS & Hydro [pdf, 251 KB]

    ...Objective 10A.1.1 Facilitate an efficient and effective transition from the operative freshwater planning framework toward a new integrated regional planning framework, by managing: (a) the take and use of freshwater not previously authorised by a water permit, (b) the replacement of deemed permits, and (c) the replacement of water permits for takes and uses of freshwater where those water permits expire prior to 31 December 2025. 10A.1.2 Enable activities authorised by deemed per...