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7454 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 124 Skyline Enterprises Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 do not apply to the matters before us, given the direct referral was made before those amendments came into force: RMA Sch 2, cl16. Section 87G(6) also references s 138A which is not relevant as it concerns coastal permits for dumping and incineration. 5 determination of discretionary and non-complying activities; and (c) s 108 on conditions of resource consents. Section 104D threshold [10] The treatment of the proposal under rules of the...

  2. Horowhenua: The Muaūpoko Priority Report [pdf, 8.4 MB]

    ...view in respect of redress in the Broadcasting Assets case : ‘where the Crown’s own actions have contributed to the precarious state of a taonga, there is an even greater obligation for it (the Crown) to provide generous redress as circumstances permit’ 86 1.6.3 The issue of sovereignty and the Te Raki Stage 1 Report Two claimant closing submissions and one reply submission87 referred to the recent findings of the Te Paparahi o Te Raki Tribunal about sovereignty in its stage 1 repor...

  3. Taueki v Procter - Horowhenua 11 Lake Block (2020) 415 Aotea MB 1 (415 AOT 1) [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...activities of the Horowhenua District Council and Horizons Regional Council. Mr Taueki also claimed that the former trustees failed or refused to take steps against the local authorities and instead are working with them to, in effect, continue to permit the ongoing pollution of Lake Horowhenua. He further argued that, by declining to support his proceedings in this Court against the HDC for continuing discharge of storm water into the Lake, the former trustees were acting against t...

  4. Conviction & sentencing of offenders in New Zealand 1996 to 2005 [pdf, 844 KB]

    ...774 1175 1334 Total 11594 12997 14168 14021 13649 12555 12272 12359 11666 10920 Note Mostly offences relating to the possession of pipes, needles, syringes or other drug-related utensils. The category also includes offences where the offender permitted his or her premises or motor vehicle to be used for a drug offence, or where the offender made a false statement in relation to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. Convictions for possession or use (other than for supply) of drugs other tha...

  5. Proactive-release-OIA-review-Aug22.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...within it refer to the Green Vegetable Bug/Southern Green Stink Bug, Nezara viridula, photographed on 26/03/2019, at location LAT 40:37, LONG 75:18, altitude 45m above sea level, taken by me, and with no copyright restrictions but a Creative Commons licence of CC-BY. Those pieces of information are metadata elements held within the file and available for display in, for example, Windows Explorer, or for discovery via the search capabilities of a wide variety of modern technologies. T...

  6. NZ Law Commission review of the law of Trusts [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...uncertainty and there is a risk it may invalidate legitimate dispositions. It is not well understood, and so trust deeds may inadvertently fall foul of its requirements. We consider that extending the maximum duration of trusts is more appropriate than permitting trusts to continue indefinitely. In our view, there are strong policy reasons to retain some form of limit on the duration of private trusts. Our recommendation is to replace the current judge-made rules and the Perpetuities Act 1964...

  7. Justice: our people, our communities [pdf, 6.2 MB]

    ...Marlborough West Coast region. Introduced in October 2016, a new initiative dubbed the ‘Westport way of working’ sees staff at Westport District Court undertaking region-wide ‘quick win’ tasks including E-duty, witness summons, marriage licences and motor vehicle confiscations. Their case management duties were moved to Greymouth District Court. It’s a significant change in the way the region is managing its workload across the four courts. ‘The main focus was try...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 169 NZ King Salmon v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 624 KB]

    ...purpose and its context”.8 Resource consents are to be interpreted according to their plain ordinary meaning, having regard also to the context in which the words 7 King Salmon application for declaration as to scope of conditions of coastal permit dated 22 June 2021 at [1]. 8 Legislation Act 2019, s10. 5 are used.9 That includes the statutory regime of which the consent was a part and the terms of the application itself.10 The interpretative context also includes...

  9. Directory of Official Information Search Tool accordance with statutory election procedures the new zealand council consists of one member appointed by each of the regional fish and game councils each council elects its own chairperson all councils employ their own staff are fully funded from licence fees and thus discharge their statutory functions without any funding or other operational assistance from central government all councils report annually to the minister of conservation and are audited by the office of the controller and a...

  10. Evaluation of the Te Hurihanga pilot [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...the programme (and begins to abide by them) is introduced to a routine living environment (set meal and bed times, required hygienic activities, some domestic responsibilities) is weaned off substance use and abuse (drugs and alcohol are not permitted and routine tests are carried out to ensure the young people are not obtaining substances from elsewhere) is introduced to regular education and training (through the in-house classroom and activities with the skills workers) is in...