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7454 items matching your search terms

  1. Folwell & Anor as Trustees of the Paul and Pauline Folwell Family Trust v NC Developers Ltd 2010] NZWHT Auckland 11 [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...Mr Paul Folwell to undertake and control the organising of the extension work. He Page | 5 engaged TSE Architectural Group to draw up plans for the extensions principally for obtaining the necessary territorial authority building permit. The third respondent was often contracted by Mercury Construction Limited for its building work and the third respondent indicated that he contracted all such work through his company NC Developers Limited of which he is sole director...

  2. E12 John Mckensey - Lighting - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 4.6 MB]

    ...available for night works and that receptors who may be affected by construction lighting illuminance are notified prior to the works being undertaken (refer to Section 7 of the CEMP for detail of the Project stakeholder notification procedures and the permit to notify process). The following matters shall be included in night works planning documents: 1. Identification of sensitive receptors and other stakeholders potentially affected by construction lighting illuminance as a result of p...

  3. B v Southern Response Earthquake Services Ltd [2021] CEIT-2021-0006 [pdf, 336 KB]

    ...the home is genuinely proceeding. As previously advised we have met the terms of the policy and settlement and discharge agreement. Beyond 27 March 2019 Southern Response consider no further comeback or payment for enhanced foundations will be permitted and the claim will be closed. 41) To which Ms Wood replied: Please note that significant progress has been made in the last while on the engagement of professionals and finalisation of documentation for the rebuild. There was a m...

  4. [2017] NZEnvC 173 National Trading Company of New Zealand v Auckland Council [pdf, 872 KB]

    ...Auckland Council's decision on the recommendation. He considered that controls constrained important re-development, particularly within the Centres. [14] However he did agree with the proposed removal of the constraints on the maximum parking permitted in the Compromise Agreement A. Furthermore, he acknowledged the significant improvements in the Compromise Agreement A over the IHP's recommendations. He acknowledged, in answer to questions, that the Compromise Agreement...

  5. IPT Practice Note 1/2023 Deportation Resident [pdf, 368 KB]

    ...known to the Tribunal before the commencement of the hearing, may make written notes and may make a film or video recording if granted leave by the Tribunal in accordance with [21.4] below. [21.3] No use of electronic media or communication is permitted in the course of a hearing, save that mobile telephones may be used to send and receive text messages, so long as the telephone is switched to ‘silent’ and does not otherwise disrupt proceedings. [21.4] No filming or video reco...

  6. Lochead-MacMillan v AMI Insurance [2012] NZHRRT 5 [pdf, 109 KB]

    ...exceptions which are not relevant in the present context, no reason other than one or more of the withholding grounds set out in ss 27 to 29 of the Act justifies a refusal to disclose any information requested pursuant to Principle 6: 30 Refusal not permitted for any other reason Subject to sections 7, 31, and 32, no reasons other than 1 or more of the reasons set out in sections 27 to 29 justifies a refusal to disclose any information requested pursuant to principle 6. [20] The agen...

  7. Trustees of the Horina Nepia and Te Hiwi Piahana Whanau Trust v Ngati Tukorehe Tribal Committee & Tahamata Incorporation (2014) 314 Aotea MB 159 (314 AOT 159) [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...Tukorehe Pā, Ohau was not a shareholder of the Incorporation and consequently the shares must ultimately revert back to the estate of Paora Te Hiwi and to John Te Hiwi, the residuary beneficiary. [6] The applicants also say that the transfer, if permitted to stand, cannot be solely for the benefit of Ngāti Tukorehe hapū since Te Mateawa and Ngāti Kapu are also tribes of Paora Te Hiwi. It would be unfair and inconsistent with the intentions of Mr Te Hiwi to maintain the share tr...

  8. Fehling v Ministry of Health [2017] NZHRRT 31 [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...funding. The Ministry uses the NHI database to ensure the data in the registers is accurate. How the information on the NHI is kept secure 34. The NHI database is not a public database. Access is only allowed by authorised users, and when it is permitted by the Code and the Act. The only people who can access it are a select number of people at the Ministry of Health (who are required to sign confidentiality agreements) and health providers. Within those who have access, only the...

  9. [2024] NZEmpC 131 Boyd v OJI [pdf, 363 KB] so significant that a consideration of merits is necessary, albeit on a provisional basis. My consideration of this topic must begin by referring to the substantive determination because unless leave is granted to challenge it, the case for permitting challenges to the subsequent determinations becomes weak, as I will explain. [128] My initial assessment is that Mr Boyd’s prospects of success in challenging the key findings in the first determination are not strong. [129] I...

  10. LAP contract for services [pdf, 753 KB]

    ...relation to charges and Proceeds of Proceedings 3.7. The Provider must comply with their obligations under section 107 of the Act to: 3.7.1. take all reasonable steps to protect the interests of the Commissioner under a charge, including not doing or permitting anything that would or might effect the transfer of the property without the charge being satisfied, and 3.7.2. advise the Commissioner if they are aware that an aided person has, is, or is attempting, to avoid making payment...