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7456 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Parliament Bill [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...are sufficient safeguards to ensure that these search powers are not more intrusive than reasonably necessary: a. Reasonable grounds are required to conduct more intrusive searches under clause 170. b. Regardless of the method, clause 170 only permits the officer to ask to search. The person must still consent to the search (see clause 171). If they do not consent, or they withdraw their consent after it is given, then there is no authority to search. The person may then be denied entr...

  2. Duty Lawyer Operational Policy for CPIP November 2024.pdf [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...supervisor will send the applications to the Legal Aid office, respond to any queries there may be and liaise with Legal Aid when needed to ensure assignments are made promptly. 25. For cases requiring a PAL3 or PAL4 provider, duty lawyers are not permitted to ask a person if they can be that person’s preferred lawyer. Similarly, they are not permitted to nominate or recommend any other lawyer (or firm/chambers) as the preferred lawyer. 26. If a defendant specifically requests the d...

  3. Duty Lawyer Policy v2.15.pdf [pdf, 302 KB]

    ...the Grants Handbook • for a Provider Approval Level 3 or 4 case, the defendant is able to choose their own lawyer. If the defendant does not have a genuine preferred lawyer one will be assigned by the Legal Aid office. Duty lawyers are not permitted to ask a person if they can be that person’s preferred lawyer. Similarly, they are not permitted to nominate or recommend any other lawyer (or firm/chambers) as the preferred lawyer. If a defendant specifically requests the duty l...

  4. EZ & UC v HQ & LQ [2024] NZDT 424 (15 May 2024) [pdf, 171 KB]

    ...that HQ and LQ knew of the leak non-disclosure cannot be made out. Was there a breach of the S&P? 22. Clause 9.2(5) for the S&P: The vendor warrants and undertakes that at settlement… (5) Where the vendor had done or caused or permitted to be done on the property any works: (a) any … building consent required by law was obtained; (b) to the vendor’s knowledge, the works were completed in compliance with those permits or consents. (c) where appropriate a cod...

  5. [2024] NZEmpC 200 Caleys Ltd v Deadman [pdf, 232 KB]

    CALEYS LIMITED v TEINA DEADMAN [2024] NZEmpC 200 [18 October 2024] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA TĀMAKI MAKAURAU [2024] NZEmpC 200 EMPC 414/2023 IN THE MATTER OF a challenge to a determination of the Employment Relations Authority BETWEEN CALEYS LIMITED Plaintiff AND TEINA DEADMAN Defendant Hearing: 1 August 2024 (Heard at Tauranga) Appearances: C Pepper, agen

  6. [2024] NZEmpC 222  Courage & Ors v The Attorney-General & Ors   [pdf, 264 KB]

    ...control of management; for the hours required by management; for the benefit of the business endeavour; often in environments of an industrial and/or hazardous nature; at the strict direction and control of those in charge of the business operations; permitted to take a holiday per year (at a time convenient to the leadership) and limited time off if they were sick (although this was actively discouraged). [16] It was found that boys who reached the age of 15 years were required to pa...

  7. Duty Lawyer Operational Policy for CPIP December 2024.pdf [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...supervisor will send the applications to the Legal Aid office, respond to any queries there may be and liaise with Legal Aid when needed to ensure assignments are made promptly. 25. For cases requiring a PAL3 or PAL4 provider, duty lawyers are not permitted to ask a person if they can be that person’s preferred lawyer. Similarly, they are not permitted to nominate or recommend any other lawyer (or firm/chambers) as the preferred lawyer. 26. If a defendant specifically requests the d...

  8. [2024] NZEmpC 252 Soundhomes NZ Limited v Doughty [pdf, 258 KB]

    ...the trust in the meantime, given the existence of the equitable right under the loan agreement, which I agree would not have required Mr Doughty’s co-operation. [42] If a question had come before the Court as to whether the trust should be permitted to proceed with registration of the mortgage, it is more likely than not the Court would have approved this possibility, given the pre-existing liability and associated rights held by the trust. The applicant’s rights under the free...

  9. Issue 25 1 October 31 December 2020 [pdf, 737 KB]

    ...The programme is in its fourth year of operation and Police advise it has been highly successful for participants. III. Oranga Tamariki (OT) advised this inquiry that it supports rangatahi/youths in care who are old enough to get their driver’s licence though its ‘Transition to Independence’ support services. In August 2019, OT partnered with the NZTA and MSD to financially support rangatahi through the graduated driver licence process. OT worked with its partners to focus on im...

  10. Human Rights Act 1993

    ...right of court or tribunal to regulate its own procedure in the interests of the proper administration of justice – whether fair or unfair to deny litigant in person a particular form of assistance – circumstances in which particular agent not be permitted to represent a party – Human Rights Act 1993, ss 104(5) and 108(3) – Human Rights Review Tribunal Regulations 2002, reg 16(1) Guo v Culpan (Agent) [2017] NZHRRT 57 Apparent bias – recusal – test for Deliu v New Zealand Law Soci...