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  1. Waitangi Tribunal - He Whiritaunoka (Whanganui) chapter 28 [pdf, 857 KB]

    ...with their communities to give those aspirations expression in State­recognised institutions ; ӹ persisted in the characterisation of Māori initiatives for self­management as an undesirable continuation of old ways that it sought to end by permitting Māori to exercise authority only through Crown structures and processes ; ӹ refused to engage with and recognise Māori­initiated rūnanga and hui ; 28.10.2 Downloaded from Downloaded from www.wai...

  2. Rangahaua Whanui National Overview volume 1 [pdf, 881 KB]

    ...sovereignty of pre-1840 New Zealand. Judging the extent and nature of Treaty breaches by the Crown is largely a matter of determining whether the Crown intruded upon Maori rangatiratanga unreasonably, need- lessly, and excessively and whether it failed to permit Maori to share with it, as a joint enterprise, the task of nation building. • Secondly, there is a cluster of historical reasons why the Crown was caught up in breaking the Treaty from the outset. By the late 1830s, the British Gover...

  3. [2020] NZEnvC 024 Panuku Developments Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...parties that the land at 9-15 Carrick Place had been gifted to the Council and was subject to a 999-year lease. This, on the face of it, had implications for how much weight we should give the THAB zoning over it, even though Panuku did not mount a permitted baseline argument with reference to it. We asked for the ownership of this property to be properly addressed by Panuku in its closing. We were advised that: 6 The Carrick Place Village is run as an Own-Your-Own pensioner village w...

  4. Final-Technical-Assessment-I-Contaminated-Land_Part1.pdf [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...September 2021, one community water supply scheme was identified within the proposed designation (Glenmorgan Water Supply Scheme) as well as 34 bores, and a further 104 within 250 m. Only one bore within the designation (the Glenmorgan CS bore) has a permit to take water. Most bores with water permits are a sufficient distance from the Project that they are not adversely affected by the works. Consented takes were mainly for agriculture irrigation/water supply, horticultural irrigation/wat...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 086 Smith & Silk v Christchurch City Council [pdf, 6 MB]

    ...supported on a "non-notified" basis, if written consents are obtained from 12 Earlham Street, and 399, 429 and 433 Kainga Road (owners and occupiers). 8 1118 341 Kāinga Road Figure 4: Zoning (Site outlined in black) 15. Rule Permitted activities P6 Residential activity 1. The site containing the residential unit shall have a minimum net site area of 20ha Rule Non-complying activities NC2 Any activity listed in Rule P6 that does not meet t...

  6. ENVC Matiatia transcript 20150727 [pdf, 1.9 MB] accordance with these District Plan provisions, is that how I understand your criticism? A. That's correct, yes. 46 W M LTD v A COUNCIL – ENV-2013-AKL-000174 (27 Jul 2015) Q. It remains the case that the District Plan does not permit those forms of development to simply occur on the land, though, does it? A. That's my understanding. Q. Are you aware of any current proposals by anyone to implement those District Plan provisions by redevelopment of new buildi...

  7. NZLS Predictions in an Uncertain World [pdf, 957 KB]

    ...consent. It is only the reasonably foreseeable – as forecast by an operative23 district plan – environment that needs to be considered. Unexercised resource consents off-site – see Queenstown Lakes District Council v Hawthorn Estate Ltd24 – or permitted activities on-site (the “permitted baseline”) may25 be taken into account. The point of the latter is that if the district plan permits effects of a similar quality, scale and intensity there may be no point in refusing con...

  8. [2021] NZEnvC 032 Cabra Rural Developments Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 32 MB]

    ...listed in Rule C1 .13(4). E39.6. Standards Subdivision listed in Tables E39.4.1 to E39.4.5 must comply with the relevant standards in E39.6.1 General standards (except as otherwise provided in Standard E39.6.5.1 (2)). and the relevant standards for permitted, controlled, restricted discretionary and discretionary activities in E39.6.2 to E39.6.5. E39.6.1. General standards E39.6.1.1 Specified building area (1) A specified building area must be clearly identified on every site on a...

  9. Ministry of Justice annual report 2019-20 [pdf, 9.3 MB]

    ...provided advice on policy and legislative settings for the 2020 General Election. This included: • banning overseas donations over $50 and introducing a due diligence requirement on political parties • introducing election day enrolment, and permitting the use of supermarkets and malls as voting places • giving voting rights to people serving a sentence of imprisonment for a term of less than three years, • providing a statutory framework for the two referendums being held al...

  10. [2015] NZEmpC 57 Q v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 719 KB] reason why this should not occur. Police had disagreed with the result that a Notice of Duty Stand Down was served on 17 May 2010, and Notices of Restricted Duties on 14 June 2010 and 12 October 2010, the effect of which were that he was not permitted to return to work with the Unit but alternative work was available elsewhere. Mr Q attended his GP throughout this period, obtaining medical certificates which confirmed he was unfit for work. On 29 October 2010, the reha...