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  1. 1-Oji-Fibre-Solutions-NZ-Limited.pdf [pdf, 158 KB] land use change (k) Through regulation of land use change under Policy 2 (c) and Rule, that the Decisions restrict land use flexibility in a manner that is inconsistent with Part 2 of the RMA; (l) That the Decisions, in finding that permitted farming activities (per rules, 2 and 3) will have a relatively low risk of more than minor discharges of the four contaminants, err by failing to apply a consistent, equitable approach to other land uses seeking to change...

  2. [2020] NZREADT 45 - Patel v Real Estate Agents Authority (22 September 2020) [pdf, 171 KB]

    ...require an oral hearing on appeal in order to ‘get to the bottom’ of the issues”.6 The Court further noted that:7 …there may be cases where, in order to secure the objective or a just and effective right of appeal, the discretion to permit further evidence or 2 Eichelbaum v Real Estate Agents Authority [2016] NZREADT 3. This decision was recently affirmed by the Court of Appeal in Nottingham v Real Estate Agents Authority [...

  3. Justice-Factsheet-for-claimant-funding-for-Tuapapa-Stage.pdf [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...• Accommodation Flights: If there are no available seats on flights, we will let you know and you may wish to think about a different form of travel. Driving: We can make rental car bookings if the driver has a full license and is legally permitted to drive. The Ministry will not be liable for the costs of any damage caused or fines incurred during travel, including costs of any damage or fines involving use of rental cars. Taxi/Shuttles: We can also provide taxi chits and p...

  4. Davis v Davis - Estate of Charles Davis (2008) 134 Otorohanga MB 63 (134 OT 63) [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...application and wish to see these interests placed in trust for the benefit of the collective. However, the law as set out in Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 strikes a balance between the interests of the whanau and individual rights. Succession is permitted to individual successors, although there is OPPOItunity to use the Whanau Trust provisions of the Act to provide for land to be held for the whanau. Of pmticular relevance here is section 109(2) ofTe Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 whi...

  5. TTC v BL [2013] NZIACDT 25 (4 April 2013) [pdf, 90 KB]

    ...approved under section 35A. [13] The Authority obtained documentation from Immigration New Zealand to confirm the factual background. Immigration New Zealand provided a copy of a letter dated 30 July 2010 from Ms BL. The letter provided a student permit application form and various supporting documents. The application appears to be signed and dated 6 July 2010. The application has a lodgement stamp of 30 July 2010, which has been crossed out and a new date of 17 August 2010 stamped o...

  6. Family Court Rewrite Submission - Portia Law [pdf, 443 KB]

    ...Justice Service? The Ministry of Justice website lists lawyers who hold contracts to provide legal aid. But it does not adequately reflect who is more likely to provide legal aid. Not all contract holders offer a legal aid service even though they are permitted to do so. Service delivery is concentrated and new clients often complain that they have rung lawyers listed as being legal aid providers only to find they no longer offer the service. The system needs to be more user friendly to...

  7. 2021-04-23 ORC - MOC - expert conf [pdf, 128 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA...

  8. Georgeson - Motueka 1 ML 15353 (2004) 25 Nelson 164 (25 N 164) [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...freehold land. Therefore, as stated in Re Cleave, the Court treats an application that could endanger the continued relationship of Maori with their ancestral land with grave concern and will only allow a status change to happen in the rare circumstances permitted by statute. The legislation only allows this Court to act inconsistently with the kaupapa of the Act if the Maori freehold status operates as a clear obstacle to the effective use of the land. Accordingly, for me to approve Mrs...

  9. [2020] NZREADT 06 - Wheeler - Ruling (4 May 2020) [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...require an oral hearing on appeal in order to ‘get to the bottom’ of the issues”.5 The Court further noted that:6 …there may be cases where, in order to secure the objective or a just and effective right of appeal, the discretion to permit further evidence or carefully limited rights of cross-examination may be necessary and appropriate…The Court will be guided by the usual criteria of freshness, relevance and cogency. Material that would merely elaborate or improve upon...

  10. EC COVID-19 Protocol - All Alert Levels 6 September 2021 [pdf, 160 KB]

    ...observed in the courtroom, and people present will be required to maintain one metre social distancing, with alternate seats in public galleries taped off. Hand sanitiser will be available for use in all courtrooms. 19. The Court will not normally permit documents to be handed up. Documents that parties wish to produce should be scanned and shared by email at the appropriate time. 20. The Ministry of Justice will continue to take steps to ensure the safety of those coming into cour...