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  1. Lawyers-and-Conveyancers-Lawyers-Practice-Rules-Amendment-Regulations-2022FINAL.pdf [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...register, the draft Regulations now also refer to the consequences of their details being on the register i.e., the NZLS may prevent or restrict public access to a lawyer’s work details in order to protect the lawyer’s privacy or personal safety, if permitting access is likely to result in physical or mental harm to the lawyer or a person they live with. b. including a provision which sets a renewable time limit of up to the three years on the public restriction of information; and c....

  2. [2010] NZEmpC 24 Tian v Hollywood Bakery (Holdings) Ltd [pdf, 31 KB]

    ...of the way the plaintiff’s representative conducted the case. [3] Mr Liu referred first to the difficulties in obtaining a statement of claim which complied with the Employment Court Regulations 2000 (the Regulations) and which would have permitted the defendant to be properly informed of the claims against it. Mr Liu set out the attendances which were required to try and clarify the plaintiff’s pleadings which, in the event, still did not produce a statement of claim in ei...

  3. ENV-2017-AKL-000155 The National Trading Company of New Zealand Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...Tawhia Drive and from Te Oranui Way. Te Oranui Way is one of the four existing arms of the roundabout intersection of Fred Taylor Drive and Don Buck Road (“Roundabout”). (c) The Supermarket was established pursuant to LUC-2012-1109 and Permit 410526 (“Consents”). The Consents were granted in reliance on the roading layout shown in Plan Change 15 to the Auckland Council District Plan (Waitakere Section) and the Massey North Urban 3 DS-010469-76-399-V4 Concept...

  4. Dassanayake v Manukau City Council [2010] NZWHT Auckland 18 [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...claim is the subject of: a) ... b) Proceedings initiated by the way of: (i) Proceedings in a Court or Disputes Tribunal; or (ii) ...” [12] Council submits that it is clear from section 60(5) that the claimants were not permitted to file the claim for adjudication in this matter. Furthermore, the claimants failed to notify the Tribunal or the parties that District Court proceedings had already been commenced. [13] Council further submits that having pro...

  5. [2020] NZSSAA 10 (17 March 2020) [pdf, 142 KB]

    ...[12] Clause 5 sets out the applicable principles: the applicant’s ability to meet the need from their own resources and the assistance that might be available to the applicant from other sources to meet the particular need. The principles also permit the Ministry to consider the extent to which the applicant has caused or contributed to the immediate need, or the situation that has given rise to the immediate need. [13] Clause 11.2 sets out eligibility criteria for a food grant...

  6. 16.-James-Kendrick-Ngati-Kahungunu-Ki-Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua60182469.1.pdf [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...Partners to sustainably harvest resources. 22. As at the time of preparing this statement of evidence, there are three outstanding matters from the perspective of Ngāti Kahungunu that remain to be addressed. I provide further details below. Water permit application 23. The Transport Agency is preparing an application for consent to take water from the Manawatū River as part of an "enabling works" consent application. 24. Ngāti Kahungunu are concerned about one aspect...

  7. 2021-02-25 List of Parties [pdf, 156 KB]

    Page 1 of 6 LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Decision on the provisions and matters raised in submissions on Otago Regional Council Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) Role Name Address for service Applicant Otago Regional Council Service via the website Section 274 Party Aepurist International Section 274 Party Airdrie Service via the website Section 274 Party Akarua Ltd Service via the website Section 274 Party Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wine Estate...

  8. Auckland Standards Committee v Lee [2015] NZLCDT 33 [pdf, 36 KB]

    ...Breach Occur? [5] The order was made on 9 December 2013 in the course of a relatively lengthy oral decision delivered by Her Honour Judge M-E Sharp. Her first comments related to the defendant, as recorded at paragraph [53] of the decision:1 “To permit the defendant to continue to litigate with the Konishis in this proceeding despite unpaid costs awards in the High Court and the Court of Appeal is an abuse of process in any Court. I therefore now make an order preventing her from...

  9. [2015] NZSSAA 002 (13 February 2015) [pdf, 37 KB]

    ...the payments of benefit in good faith; (d) the beneficiary changed their position believing they were entitled to receive the money; and (e) it would be inequitable in all the circumstances, including the debtor’s financial circumstances, to permit recovery. 3 [11] Pursuant to s 86(9B) of the Social Security Act 1964 the term “error” includes: (a) the provision of incorrect information by an officer of the Ministry; (b) an erroneous act or omission occurring during...

  10. Pomare - Utakura 2D8A3A (2003) 96 Whangārei MB 32 (96 WH 32) [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...or administration vf that land. (emp. added) The Court obviously believed it had the power to recommend the setting aside of this block as a Maori reservation while it was vested in ahu whenua trustees and certainly sections 338(1) and 338(4)/93 permit it. Accordingly, it is not surprising that Judge Spencer did grant the order, Returning to my review, the Court then ordered that once gazetted, the block would vest in the following people as trustees: Waipo Mane; Wiremu Pomare; Betty H...