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7533 items matching your search terms

  1. 8.2 Appendix 2 to JWS 8 - Recommended Amendments to PC7 [pdf, 401 KB]

    Error! Unknown document property name. Appendix 2 to JWS expert conferencing deemed permits and associated rights of priority on 18 June 2021 Regional Plan: Water for Otago Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) DRAFT AMENDMENTS AS AT 18 JUNE 2021 BASED ON MATTERS DISCUSSED BY EXPERT WITNESSES IN THE EXPERT CONFERENCING DEEMED PERMITS AND ASSOCIATED RIGHTS OF PRIORITY (Showing amendments to 14 March 2021 version) Error...

  2. Apatu v Trustees of Owhaoko C Trust - Owhaoko C 1 and C 2 [2010] 2010 Maori Appellate Court MB 34 (2010 APPEAL 34) [pdf, 116 KB], and a failure to carry out a census of stock numbers to establish whether or not there had been over-hunting by the licensee Heli-Sika. Before the Lower Court Mr Apatu was critical of the lack of return. He contrasted money earned from a licence, of $8,000.00, with $1,000,000.00 worth of deer stock which he says had been culled by a licensee. [20] Unfortunately for the appellant none of those matters were proven as a fact before we could even move to consider whether or no...

  3. GZ v Ke (Luke) Lu [2019] NZIACDT 26 (6 May 2019) [pdf, 113 KB]

    ...BACKGROUND [2] The narrative is set out in the decision of the Tribunal upholding the complaint and will only be briefly summarised here. [3] Mr Ke (Luke) Lu is a licensed immigration adviser resident in Australia, where he is also an Australian licenced migration agent. [4] Mr Lu became a director and shareholder of a New Zealand registered company, Headsun International Group Ltd (Headsun). The company was intended as a joint venture between Mr Lu and New Zealand based Ms L...

  4. Social Wellbeing Commitee Paper COVID-19 options to amend Sale And Supply of Alcohol FINAL [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    I N C O N F I D E N C E 1 I N C O N F I D E N C E In Confidence Office of the Minister of Justice Chair, Cabinet Social Wellbeing Committee Options to temporarily extend the physical area of alcohol licences under COVID-19 restrictions Proposal 1 This paper provides options to temporarily extend physical areas of alcohol licences under COVID-19 restrictions that require physical distancing. Relation to government priorities 2 This paper relates to the Government’s overa...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 130 New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Incorporated v Kapiti Coast District Council [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...At the hearing, Ms Thomson (KCDC's planning witness) advised that she supported a number of the amendments being sought by the Appellants. Later, in response to a pre-hearing request from the Court for clarification on some aspects of the permitted activity standards, the Council provided a further version of the standards to the Court. [2] The Court issued its decision on 13 March 2019 and allowed the appeal to the extent that we accepted the Council's Appendix A version...

  6. 8.2 Appendix 2 to JWS 8 - Recommended Amendments to PC7 [pdf, 426 KB]

    Error! Unknown document property name. Appendix 2 to JWS expert conferencing deemed permits and associated priority rights 18 June 2021 Regional Plan: Water for Otago Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) DRAFT AMENDMENTS AS AT 6 21 MAY 2021 BASED ON MATTERS DISCUSSED BY ALL EXPERT WITNESSES IN THE PLANNING CONFERENCING AND FOLLOWING SENSITIVITY TESTING OF STEP 4 IN SCHEDULE 10A.4 (Showing amendments to 14 March 2021 version)...

  7. 8.2 Appendix 2 to JWS 8 - Recommended Amendments to PC7 [pdf, 426 KB]

    Error! Unknown document property name. Appendix 2 to JWS expert conferencing deemed permits and associated priority rights 18 June 2021 Regional Plan: Water for Otago Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) DRAFT AMENDMENTS AS AT 6 21 MAY 2021 BASED ON MATTERS DISCUSSED BY ALL EXPERT WITNESSES IN THE PLANNING CONFERENCING AND FOLLOWING SENSITIVITY TESTING OF STEP 4 IN SCHEDULE 10A.4 (Showing amendments to 14 March 2021 version)...

  8. Regulatory Impact Statement 2010 Alcohol Reform [pdf, 918 KB]

    ...................................................................................................................... 10 Lever 1 Regulation of the physical availability of alcohol .............................................................. 10 Criteria for obtaining a licence ...................................................................................................... 10 Density of outlets ..............................................................................................

  9. V Nair v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 5 (29 January 2014) [pdf, 63 KB]

    ...complainant to apply, a formal application for a residence visa could be filed. The contract set out that $2,500 became payable after the Expression of Interest was selected from the pool, $1,250 after receiving the invitation to apply for the residence permit, and the remaining $1,250 after receiving the Levy for stamping of the residence permit 3 [8.5] The Statement of Complaint sets out the claim the actual payments made by the complainant for this work were: [8.5.1] $4...

  10. 2021-05-21 ORC & OWRUG - MOC - identifying issues for determination regarding dams [pdf, 447 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA BETWEEN OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL Ap...