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7460 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal COVID-19 Level 2 Protocol (12 August 2020) [pdf, 146 KB] to enable staff and lawyers to keep their immediate areas clean (including AVL suites). c. Face masks and gloves may be worn. d. Hand sanitiser will be readily available within the hearing venue. e. The Tribunal will not normally permit documents to be handed up to the panel. Documents that parties wish to produce should be scanned and shared by email at the appropriate time. 23. Any concerns about health and safety practices should be raised with the Tribunal Registra...

  2. Karena v Te Koau A Ahu Whenua Trust [2018] Māori Appellate Court MB 154 (2018 APPEAL 154) [pdf, 337 KB]

    ...they act in reliance on the judgment of the court only to learn that the matter is to be reheard and the court’s judgment may therefore not stand. Consequently, there is a quality of urgency about applications for rehearing. The statute does not permit parties to dillydally or prevaricate, and the court too must act promptly. In order that parties know where they stand as soon as possible, the court must quickly determine whether a rehearing will ensue. [9] The court is determini...

  3. [2021] NZEnvC 076 Wellington City Council v Zhou [pdf, 166 KB]

    ...(c) in the event that implementation of a permanent geotechnical solution is not carried out in accordance with any orders made pursuant to paragraphs 1(a)-(b) above, under ss 314(1)(d) and (2) of the RMA to require Ms Zhou and Mr James to: (i) permit the Council (including its employees, agents and contractors) to enter 120A Nicholson Road and implement a permanent geotechnical solution; and (ii) pay money to or reimburse the Council’s actual and reasonable costs and expenses incur...

  4. [2008] NZEmpC WC 17/08 Witcombe v Clerk of the House of Representatives [pdf, 219 KB]

    ...other witnesses. [81] In an attempt to avoid any offence to the privileges of Parliament through the giving of inappropriate evidence, I directed both parties to file and serve briefs or proofs of the evidence that each might wish to call if permitted to do so. I have had recourse to these drafts not to determine the truth or otherwise of their contents but, rather, to be able to indicate the acceptability of issues or evidence affecting them. [82] Unfortunately the position is...

  5. Guo v REAA & Jackman [2013] NZREADT 1 [pdf, 31 KB]

    ...not good enough to be architects. The evidence is only that they are not New Zealand registered architects and do not hold New Zealand tertiary qualifications in architecture, nor qualifications or titles awarded by overseas agencies which might permit them to describe themselves as “architects” or “registered architects”. [86] Proof of registration as an architect under the Registered Architects Act 2005 (or prior legislation) would be a sufficient evidential basis to confirm...

  6. E80 Karen Wilson - EIC - Te Ākitai Waiohua [pdf, 921 KB]

    ...must be able to review things in light of our outstanding Te Tiriti claims. The Cumulative Effects on Te Waitematā 35. Te Waitematā and the surrounding areas have been significantly modified by past activities and activities that are currently permitted within the area. 36. We do not have an environmental bottom line or isolated assessment of the effect of particular activities. The mauri of Te Waitematā and the surrounding areas cannot be fragmentised or compartmentalised in...

  7. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix D [pdf, 428 KB]

    ...houses are in the rural zone of Dunedin City as shown in maps 8, 9 and 12 of the current district plan. There is no specific reference to wind farm noise limits in the district plan. Rule 21.5.1 of the district plan sets general noise limits for permitted, controlled and restricted discretionary activities with reference to Noise Maps. Noise limits apply at the notional boundary 50 metres from houses in the rural zone. South of the wind cluster the area is covered by Noise Map 68 (War...

  8. 2020-02-19 Julie Everett-Hincks Reply [pdf, 163 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA...

  9. 20 November 2020 List of Parties [pdf, 127 KB]

    Page 1 of 6 LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Decision on the provisions and matters raised in submissions on Otago Regional Council Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) Role Name Address for service Applicant Otago Regional Council Service via the website Section 274 Party Aepurist International Section 274 Party Airdrie Service via the website Section 274 Party Akarua Ltd Service via the website Section 274 Party Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wine Estates...

  10. 2020-12-03 List of Parties [pdf, 157 KB]

    Page 1 of 6 LIST OF PARTIES TOPIC: Decision on the provisions and matters raised in submissions on Otago Regional Council Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) Role Name Address for service Applicant Otago Regional Council Service via the website Section 274 Party Aepurist International Section 274 Party Airdrie Service via the website Section 274 Party Akarua Ltd Service via the website Section 274 Party Aotearoa New Zealand Fine Wine Estate...