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7459 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 107 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v Waipa District Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...roost trees within the Northern Precinct and enhancement and protection of biodiversity compensation areas to be undertaken in accordance with an approved Ecological Management Plan. Section 10 – Airport Business Zone 10.4 Rules 1. For the permitted activities in Activity Status Table 10.4.1, delete Rules (bb) and (dd) and amend Rule (cc) to read: (bb) Trimming or pruning of vegetation or trees within the Northern Precinct outside a Bat Habitat Area. (ccbb) Rem...

  2. Anderson v Lowe - Succession to Moera Anderson [2021] Chief Judge's MB 728 (2021 CJ 728) [pdf, 499 KB]

    ...Māori people enjoy. A whāngai that is not Māori falls outside the ambit of this legislative scheme and policy unless the tikanga (as an expression of their rangatiratanga over land) of the relevant group of owners, their whānau and their hapū permitted such whāngai to succeed. [41] In this case, I note that the applicant contended that the tikanga of her hapū of Ngāti Maniapoto prevents whāngai from succeeding to land where there is no blood connection to the owners, whāna...

  3. Tukapua v Taueki - Horowhenua Block 11 (2012) 278 Aotea MB 172 (278 AOT 172) [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...His nomination was then endorsed by two existing trustees, Mr Matakātea and Dr Proctor. [31] Phillip Taueki, however, submitted that Mr Tukapua displayed ignorance of the duties of a trustee when he did not follow proper process in requiring permits of any persons who wished to undertake activities at Lake Horowhenua. It was argued that this lack of understanding underscored the unsuitability of Mr Tukapua for appointment. [32] The ―reserve‖ referred to in the original Nativ...

  4. Privacy-Act-2020-Indirect-notification-obligation-April-2023-Cabinet-paper_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ...providers to the benefit of Māori. Withholding information and data from Māori during the COVID-19 response led to a lengthy judicial process.4 As a result of this, health data is now shared directly with Māori in support of self-determination and as permitted by the Privacy Act. 49. The risk that the notification requirement could create some disincentive to share personal information with Māori groups has been minimised by placing the notification obligation on the collecting ra...

  5. BORA New Zealand Intelligence and Security Bill [pdf, 292 KB]

    ...Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (‘the ICCPR’), to which New Zealand is a party, confirm that everyone shall be free to leave any country, including their own. 3 However, the ICCPR permits certain restrictions on this right, including where it is necessary to protect national security, public order, or the rights and freedoms of others. 4 23. The Bill makes permanent a number of provisions introduced by the Count...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 167 MTP Limited v Westland District Council [pdf, 324 KB]

    ...Building consents or concept drawings have 12 Johnson affidavit affirmed 22 September 2022 at [48] identifies that by Westland District Plan Table 5.7(g): Rural Zone buildings and structures are required to be a minimum of 150m from MHWS as permitted and controlled activities with no limit for discretionary activities. 13 Johnson affidavit affirmed 22 September 2022 at [76]. 14 Transcript (Giddens) at 29. 15 MTP legal submissions at [46]. 16 13 Fox Moth Drive. 17 MTP legal submiss...

  7. [2023] NZEnvC 003 Judgeford Environmental Society Incorporated v Wellington Regional Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Greater Wellington Regional Council Conditions This condition set has been updated following the hearing (note condition numbers and cross references differ from the previous hearing condition set). Consents granted and associated durations. Permit Activity Description Consent Duration 37659 Land use consent S9(2) To undertake roading and tracking associated with the upgrade of existing farm access tracks. Restricted Discretionary Activity. 35 years 37659 Land us...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 074 Malaghans Investments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 704 KB]

    ...Vegetation and Biodiversity 34 Wilding Exotic Trees 35 Temporary Activities and Relocated Buildings 36 Noise 37 Designations 39 Wāhi Tūpuna District Plan web mapping application 46.3.2 Interpreting and Applying the Rules A permitted activity must comply with all the rules (in this case Chapter 46 and any relevant district wide rules). Where an activity does not comply with a standard listed in the standards tables, the activity status identified by the...

  9. WHT - glossary [pdf, 685 KB]

    ...Transfer Act 1952 (in a land registration district), including the deposit of Land Transfer Plans and the issue of new certificates of title. District Plan: A document, general consisting of maps, policies and rules, that sets out the activities permitted on any land governed by a District or City Council. It provides the conditions under which these activities require resource (or planning) consent. Downpipe: A pipe for conveying rainwater from a roof or gutter to a drain, sump or...

  10. [2015] NZEmpC 54 Goel v Director-General for Primary Industries [pdf, 266 KB]

    ...registered psychologist was not a medical practitioner to whom such reports were confined. Judge Travis dealt with the application alternatively and went on to comment as follows 8 : I observe that s 104(1)(g) (sic) of the Employment Contracts Act permits the Employment Court to make an order which the High Court could make under any enactment or rule of law relating to contracts and may well permit the invocation of s 100 of the Judicature Act in appropriate circumstances. [23]...