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Search results for no licence.

7532 items matching your search terms

  1. Ms L v REAA Registrar [2013] NZREADT 47 [pdf, 168 KB]

    ...her salesperson license under s.43(3) of the Real Estate Agents 2008 (“the Act”) but, on 18 December 2012, the Registrar declined to do so. The Registrar was not satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold a salesperson’s licence because on 2 August 2012, after trial by jury, she was convicted of permitting premises to be used for the manufacture of methamphetamine under s.12(1) and (2)(a) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. [2] The applicant applies for a revie...

  2. ED Ltd v UW Ltd [2016] NZDT 922 (1 July 2016) [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...represented at all three hearings by Mr A. UW Ltd was represented at the first two hearings by Mr B. UW Ltd was not represented at the third and final hearing. Issues [3] The issues to be determined are: A. Did UW Ltd breach cl 8.4 of the licence and supply agreement? B. Did ED Ltd breach cl 8.3 and if so, is that a defence to a breach of cl 8.4? C. What is the impact of cl 4.7 on the interpretation of the agreement? D. If UW Ltd has breached cl 8.4 then what is the appropriat...

  3. 2021-03-14 Joanna Gilroy - Evidence (13 March 2021) [pdf, 20 MB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA...

  4. 10.1. Appendix 1 to JWS 10 - Draft Amendments to PC7 [pdf, 377 KB]

    447585.29#5369449v1 Appendix 1 to JWS expert conferencing 5 July 2021 Regional Plan: Water for Otago Proposed Plan Change 7 (Water Permits) DRAFT AMENDMENTS AS AT 5th July 2021 BASED ON MATTERS DISCUSSED BY EXPERT WITNESSES IN THE CONFERENCING ON RIGHTS OF PRIORITIES (Showing amendments to 14 March 2021 version, and includes amendments recommended in the JWS on 5 July 2021 (minor amendments) 447585.29#5369449v1 ii...

  5. Practice notes and guides

    ...Participation) Amendment Act 2023 has recently been introduced.   Doc title Date of issue Document type Act/ Regulations cited Concerning ARLA 2024 Practice Direction 1 8-Apr-24 Practice direction   Numbering of District Licensing Committee licences and manager certificates ARLA 2024 Practice Direction 2 8-Apr-24 Practice direction   Monthly Returns (includes a template) ARLA 2024 Practice Direction 3 30-Aug-24 Practice direction s 104s 130s 221s 226 Requirements for...

  6. What you need to apply

    You need a suitable photo and ID. Suitable passport-style photo Your photo will be printed on your licence and ID badge. The best way to make sure your photo is suitable is to get a professional passport photo. All photos must be: good quality in colour a good likeness taken less than 6 months before you apply. All photos must also: have a plain, light background (not white or dark) with no background shadow be a full front view of your face, head and shoulders, with your head filling most of...

  7. 2024 NZPSPLA 010 pdf [pdf, 75 KB]

    ...this he is no longer suitable to be a responsible security worker. If his COA had not expired, I would have cancelled it. As Mr Timoti is serving a lengthy prison sentence the only other appropriate penalty is to bar Mr Timoti from applying for a licence or certificate. I consider the appropriate period for the bar is six years. [5] I also note that Mr Timoti’s convictions are grounds for disqualification from reapplying for a certificate for seven years from the date of his convic...

  8. BORA Sale of Liquor (Objections to Applications) Amendment Bill [pdf, 202 KB]

    ...Act 1990 (Bill of Rights Act). The Bill is a member’s Bill in the name of Hon George Hawkins. We understand that the next member’s day is 2 July 2008. 2. The Bill seeks to amend the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 to: • require applicants for an on-licence or off-licence to carry out an evaluation of the social impacts on the community if the licence were to be granted; • enable any person to object to the application; and • require the Licensing Authority to take into account any...

  9. CAC 20005 v Morton-Jones [2014] NZREADT 100 [pdf, 29 KB]

    ...Prosecutor/Applicant AND ALAN MORTON-JONES Defendant/Respondent MEMBERS OF TRIBUNAL Judge P F Barber - Chairperson Mr G Denley - Member Mr J Gaukrodger - Member HEARD ON THE PAPERS DATE OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTERIM-SUSPEND LICENCE – 24 September 2014/[2014] NZREADT 74 DATE OF THIS DECISION 16 December 2014 COUNSEL Ms J MacGibbon for prosecutor The defendant on his own behalf DECISION OF INTERIM SUSPENSION PURSUANT TO S.115 OF THE REAL ESTATE AGENT...

  10. FE v VF LCRO 59 / 2011 (7 September 2011) [pdf, 58 KB]

    ...available. That material has included the Standards Committee file plus all information provided by the parties for the review. Background 2 [3] On 14 November 2009 the Applicant received notice from the NZ Transport Agency that his licence was suspended immediately for a period of three months from the date of the notice. The Applicant is a taxi driver and was unable to work without a licence. On 24 November 2009 he consulted the Practitioner with instruction to obtain...