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7469 items matching your search terms

  1. Peters v Wellington Combined Shuttles (Application by Defendant that Jurisdiction be Declined) [2013] NZHRRT 21 [pdf, 69 KB]

    ...Part 3 of the Human Rights Act prescribes the statutory procedure for the resolution of disputes about compliance with Part 1A and Part 2 of the Act. Emphasis is placed on the resolution of disputes by way of mediation. Access to the Tribunal is permitted only after a complaint has been lodged with the Human Rights Commission. For present purposes it is necessary to set out only ss 75 and 76 of the Act: 75 Object of this Part The object of this Part is to establish procedures that...

  2. WHT - Chair's directions for multi unit claims [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...documentation including authorities given for the representative to bring the claim  Documents that relate to any tenancy agreement or lease of any of the units where claims of loss of rent form part of the claim  Plans, scopes of work, building permits and consents for both the original construction and any remedial work  Any expert’s reports and pre purchase inspections  Any relevant photographs, video or audio tapes, or other evidence 10.5 Material to be provid...

  3. E85 Zaelene Maxwell-Butler - EIC - Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi claims and redress; (d) Marine and Coastal Area; (e) Engagement with Panuku to date; 2502 TU-447097-3-1211-V13:TU 3 (f) Cultural impacts resulting from the cumulative effects of development and/or activities permitted to date; and (g) Conditions proposed by Panuku. 5. Ngāi Tai became a part of the Panuku Mana Whenua Governance Forum (“Governance Forum") and Project Working Group in around 2014-2015. 6. At the outset we note that although...

  4. [2018] NZEnvC 002 Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...rather abstract analysis more concrete it is worth considering how the status of activities may change as a proposed plan (change) develops. We will give two examples: Rules as set by: Example 1 Example 2 Proposed plan as notified Prohibited Permitted (clause 5) Proposed plan as decided Discretionary Permitted (clause 10) Proposed plan as Non-complying Discretionary appealed (clause 15) In fact the progression in Example 2 is precisely what has occurred to the activities of...

  5. Joint Witness Statement Noise and Vibration 25 July 2018 [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...insert them into the condition set at the appropriate place. The experts consider that the objectives for the Noise Event Management Plan should be: a) To ensure that the consent holder identifies the number of Noise Events needed out of the total permitted number of Noise Events each year in accordance with Rules 1211.6.1(1) and 1214.6.4(4) and to communicate this to the Council for its record keeping; b) To provide methods and procedures to ensure that the noise limits in Condition...

  6. ENVC speech Harland Environment Law Regulation conf 2012 [pdf, 130 KB] their widest sense can be seen as an impediment to timely economic development. These tensions are nothing new, although at this time they are more sharply in relief due to the state of the international economy. [5] As a Judge, I am not permitted constitutionally to enter this debate, but I can offer you some thoughts about the Court’s role in trying 3 to address these tensions. This will be the focus of this address. But it also needs to be said that there are som...

  7. PQ v Hakaoro [2013] NZIACDT 48 (8 August 2013) [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...the bedroom Mr Hakaoro shared with his wife. It also involved heavy lifting. She was not paid any wage. 3 [15] Mr Hakaoro and his wife told the complainant shortly after she undertook these duties she had been issued with a work permit, and it had cost them $5,000. The complainant believed the claim which, in fact, was false. [16] Mr Hakaoro, on an occasion when he was alone with the complainant, said words to the effect that he would get her a residence permit if she...

  8. Khan v New Zealand Law Society [2014] NZLCDT 18 [pdf, 83 KB]

    ...practice in New Zealand when not admitted under this Act or a corresponding law, or not holding an appropriate New Zealand practising certificate, as required by law: (e) whether the person has practised law in a foreign country- (i) when not permitted by or under the law of that country to do so, or (ii) if permitted to do so, in contravention of a condition of the permission: (f) whether the person is subject to- (i) an unresolved complaint under a corresponding foreign...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 169 Prime Property Group Limited v Wellington City Council [pdf, 261 KB]

    ...Prime Property Group Ltd (Prime) to amend an existing resource consent relating to billboards erected on the western side of the Hutt Road (SH2) at Horokiwi, between Ngauranga and Petone. The existing consent was originally granted in 2009 and permitted the display of advertising unrelated to the site itself. The consent was amended in 2010, and again in 2019. There had been (we understand smaller) billboards on the site for some years before the present arrangement. [2] The prope...

  10. Proactive release – Sexual Violence Legislation Bill: approval for introduction [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...their evidence before the trial so it can be played back in court. 12. Children under 18 are already entitled to give their evidence in alternative ways, but the prosecution must apply to the court and satisfy statutory criteria before any adult is permitted to do so. It is not uncommon in sexual violence cases for complainants to give their evidence-in-chief by way of pre-recorded video of their original police interview. However, court precedent has meant pre-recorded cross-examinati...