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Search results for no licence.

7532 items matching your search terms

  1. Chand v Devi [2016] NZIACDT 4 (14 January 2016) [pdf, 134 KB] [1.2] Ms Devi failed to complete the steps required to commence the professional engagement. [1.3] An unlicensed person provided immigration services. [1.4] Ms Devi failed to ensure her client’s interests were represented when her licence was cancelled. The parties approach to sanctions [2] The Registrar provided details of Ms Devi’s history of compliance with sanctions imposed by the Tribunal. The key features are: [2.1] The Tribunal cancelled Ms Devi’s registrat...

  2. [2024] NZIACDT 11 - UT v Lawlor (11 March 2024) [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...narrative leading to the complaint is set out in the earlier decision and will only be briefly summarised here. [5] Mr Lawlor was at the relevant time a licensed immigration adviser and director of Lawlor & Associates Ltd, of Thames. His licence expired on 7 January 2023. [6] The complainant is a national of Brazil whose partner is a national of India. The partner entered into an immigration services agreement with Mr Lawlor on 12 January 2022 concerning the filing of a resi...

  3. BV v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 677 (6 September 2024) [pdf, 124 KB]

    ...under the insurance policy that he holds with [an insurance provider] for the value of his [Car] that was irreparably damaged in a crash. U Ltd has declined to pay BV on the ground that he failed to disclose a previous suspension of his driver’s licence. CS said that U Ltd was the underwriter for [an insurance provider], an entity or name used by U Ltd, and that she was speaking for both entities. [2] The facts were not in dispute. BV first insured his vehicle for an agreed value of $2...

  4. O'Reilly v Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority [2016] NZREADT 78 [pdf, 172 KB]

    ...Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”), Mr O’Reilly has applied to the Tribunal for a review of the decision of the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents’ Authority (“the Registrar”), dated 6 September 2016, in which she cancelled Mr O’Reilly’s licence, effective from 7 September 2016. Background Mr O’Reilly’s application to renew his licence [2] Mr O’Reilly has been a licensed salesperson since 2007. On 22 January 2016, he completed an online application form to renew...

  5. Mr G v REAA Registrar [2013] NZREADT 15 [pdf, 66 KB]

    ...APPEARANCES Mr P McDonald and Ms K McHugh for the applicant Mr L J Clancy counsel for the respondent DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL Introduction [1] The Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority has refused to grant a salesperson’s licence to Mr G. Mr G seeks a review of that decision. The issue for the Tribunal today is whether in the circumstances of this case Mr G should be granted a licence. The Real Estate Agents Authority declined the application because Mr G rec...

  6. Cash N Trade Limited & Cleary 14 December 2016 NZSHD 8 [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...LICENSING AUTHORITY OF SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS HEARING by telephone on 7 December 2016 DECISION [1] Cash N Trade Limited has filed an application with the Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers for a licence under s 8 of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 (the Act). Its director Gavin Cleary has applied for a certificate under s 21 of the Act. [2] The Police oppose granting Mr Cleary’s certificate and Cash N Trade Ltd’s li...

  7. 2023 NZPSPLA 005.pdf [pdf, 100 KB]

    [2023] NZPSPLA 005 IN THE MATTER OF Complaints against NICHOLAS MAYER made under s 73 Of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 DECISION [1] Nicholas Mayer holds an individual licence as a private investigator. In January he was engaged by someone who wished to remain anonymous to contact the complainant and tell her that her husband was having an affair. [2] Following his client’s instructions Mr Mayer rang the complainant and told...

  8. ET Ltd v District Council [2021] NZDT 1317 (20 January 2021) [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...APPLICANT ET Limited RESPONDENT [redacted] District Council The Tribunal orders: [Redacted] District Council is to pay $5,681.85 to ET Ltd on or before 9 February 2021. REASONS Brief details of claim 1. ET Ltd (ETL) had a Licence to Occupy a site on the south east corner of [redacted] (Site 2) for a cart selling [redacted]. The Licence commenced on 1 September 2019 and was for a 6 month trial period, expiring on 26 February 2020. 2. In November 2019, Ms I (So...

  9. PSPLA - Form N: Apply to Have a New Company Director or CEO [pdf, 613 KB]

    ...unless the instructions tell you otherwise. Payment information The fee for filing an application to appoint a new company officer is $100. To confirm how you pay the application fee, visit our website: certificates/pspla/forms-and-fees/ If you need further assistance, then please contact the Authority on: Ph: 0800 477 752 Email: Application fees are non-refundable. Application process In normal circumsta...

  10. [2022] NZIACDT 21 - CT v Nandan (18 August 2022) [pdf, 215 KB] application for an essential skills work visa. The fee was $2,200. [7] The complainant paid Ms Nandan $2,000 on 25 October 2019. He says he subsequently paid the balance of $200. [8] Ms Nandan surrendered her immigration adviser’s licence on [date], in order to practice law. She has told the Authority that she had an “internal agreement” to move the immigration consultancy’s active files to her new law firm.1 [9] Ms Nandan and the complainant continued to inter...