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Search results for no licence.

7532 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZREADT 30 Cavanagh (23 July 2020) [pdf, 545 KB]

    ...TRIBUNAL ____________________________________________________________________ Introduction [1] Mr Cavanagh has applied for review of the Registrar’s determination, dated 17 January 2020, to decline his application for a salesperson’s licence. Background [2] In around January 2004, Mr Cavanagh completed the required training and was granted a certificate of approval as a real estate salesperson, under the Real Estate Agents Act 1976 (“the 1976 Act”). He was...

  2. 2021-03-26 - ORC - Memorandum legal issues - PC 7 - 26 March 2021 [pdf, 107 KB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH REGISTRY I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI ROHE ENV-2020-CHC-127 UNDER the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) IN THE MATTER of the Water Permits Plan Change - Plan Change 7, being part of a proposal of national significance directed by the Minister for the Environment to be referred to the Environment Court under section 142(2)(b) of the RMA AND IN THE MATTER of an application under section 149T of the RMA...

  3. 2024 NZPSPLA 078.pdf [pdf, 102 KB]

    ...within the definition of a security consultant. [4] The issues I therefore need to determine are: • Is Ms Baker a security consultant employee? • Has Ms Baker breached the Act by working as a security consultant without the required COA or licence? • Is Ms Baker still suitable to carry on business as a security consultant after considering her character, circumstances, and background? • If grounds for a complaint are established what is the appropriate disciplinary act...

  4. Schiller-Cooper v Lozano [2013] NZIACDT 17 (21 March 2013) [pdf, 137 KB]

    ...Tribunal hearing and meeting. [5] Ms Lozano said she should not be obliged to pay compensation. Discussion [6] As the complaint has been upheld, section 51 allows the Tribunal to impose sanctions. The findings that determine whether Ms Lozano’s licence should be suspended or cancelled [7] The most critical decision is whether Ms Lozano’s licence should be suspended or cancelled, and if so, on what terms. [8] As is evident from the decision upholding the complaint, the origina...

  5. OIA-110821.pdf [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    ......................................................................................................... 52 4.0 Out of scope findings ........................................................................................................ 55 4.1 Changes to premises and licence types ..................................................................... 55 4.2 Staff turnover and loss of institutional knowledge....................................................... 57 4.3 Te Tiriti o Waitang...

  6. V Nair v Devi [2014] NZIACDT 31 (17 March 2014) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...person. Complainant: In person. Adviser: S Singh, Singhs Barristers & Solicitors, Auckland. Date Issued: 19 March 2014 2 DECISION Preliminary [1] The complainant says the adviser successfully applied for a work permit for him. Then he had the opportunity of applying for residence and entered into an agreement for the adviser to assist with that process. [2] The adviser took instructions for completing a residence application, agreed on fees, and...

  7. Goher v Hammadieh [2016] NZIACDT 1 (14 January 2016) [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...compensation of $3,900. [6.2] In Ikbarieh v Hammadieh [2014] NZIACDT 111, he pay a penalty of $5,000, and compensation of $2,000. [7] In Ikbarieh v Hammadieh [2014] NZIACDT 111 an order prevented Mr Hammadieh from reapplying for any category of licence for a period of two years from 13 October 2014. The period is the statutory maximum for a fixed period. The Complainant [8] The complainant said she had paid a total of $6,800 (Australian dollars) for services and disbursements, and t...

  8. 2021-10-01 Minute - PC7 - Trustpower [pdf, 371 KB] association with the hydro-electricity generation infrastructure listed in the Schedule. [4] Trustpower and ORC will confirm the court’s understanding that: (a) Trustpower’s existing take and use activities were authorised under Deemed Permits (only). If both Deemed Permits and water permits apply, an amendment is required; and (b) with the exception of Deep Stream, the races listed in Trustpower’s memorandum ‘intake coordinates’ dated 9 July 2021 (attached) perta...

  9. Nabi v Devi [2011] NZIACDT 21 (7 July 2011) [pdf, 74 KB]

    ...[6.6] The record provided to the Tribunal is incomplete, however it appears the key steps in relation to the Complainant’s immigration applications were: 3 [6.6.1] The Adviser submitted an application for a student permit on 25 September 2009 and it was declined. [6.6.2] The Complainant’s visa expired while he was still in New Zealand. Accordingly, on 17 November 2009, the Adviser submitted an application under section 35A of the then current Immigr...

  10. Nicholas v Te Amo - Te Whaiti-Nui-A-Toi Block [2021] 2021 Maori Appellate Court MB 273 (2021 APPEAL 273) [pdf, 274 KB]

    ...Douglas Rewi, Peter White and Renee Rewi.5 [6] In 1989, after obtaining the consent of one of the advisory trustees, Phyllis bought a shed and moved it onto the land. As the lessee of the land, the Ministry of Forestry had the authority to grant a licence for the erection and occupation of the shed. On 31 January 1990 the advisory trustees wrote to the Ministry of Forestry, to set out the terms and conditions for the issue of any such licence. [7] The trustees advised the Ministr...