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7532 items matching your search terms

  1. 8.3 Appendix 3 to JWS 8 - Draft Consent Conditions [pdf, 44 KB]

    Appendix 3. Example of Draft Conditions Dominant “right of priority” Consent Holder Draft condition for any dominant consent[s] or other water permit[s]: a) The Consent Holder may serve the subservient Consent Holder(s) listed in Appendix X* of this consent written notice they are unable to abstract their maximum authorised rate of take; b) The notice to the subservient Consent Holder(s) must include: i. Instruction to cease taking; ii. A start date and time and end date...

  2. [2020] NZIACDT 32 - BV v Aiolupotea (27 July 2020) [pdf, 207 KB]

    ...the decision of the Tribunal upholding the complaint and will only be briefly summarised here. [6] Mr Aiolupotea was at the material time a licensed immigration adviser. He was a director of Breakthrough Consultancy Limited, of Auckland. His licence expired on 26 January 2019. [7] The complainant and his brother, both nationals of Samoa, travelled to New Zealand in November 2017. They met Mr Aiolupotea a number of times in January 2018 to discuss visitor visas, citizenship...

  3. IAA v van Zyl [2012] NZIACDT 59 (11 September 2012) [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...this complaint. [2] It is an “own motion complaint” presented by the Registrar pursuant to section 46 of the Act. [3] The complaint involves Mr K, a migrant worker in the Philippines, and Mr van Zyl’s role in assisting him to gain a work permit. [4] Mr van Zyl was in New Zealand. He did not personally communicate with Mr K. He received draft papers prepared in the Philippines with the assistance of a person who was not a licensed immigration adviser. He reviewed the papers...

  4. [2020] NZIACDT 13 - Registrar v Ryan - Sanctions (27 February 2020) [pdf, 108 KB]

    ...complaint concerning Mr Singh was also referred to the Tribunal and resulted in a decision issued on 8 November 2019.2 [6] Mr Peter Graeme Ryan was until recently a licensed immigration adviser. As a result of the two complaints, he surrendered his licence on 27 September 2019. He is the sole director and shareholder of Capital Immigration Services NZ Ltd (Capital Immigration). [7] Mr Ryan was also the sole director and majority shareholder of BC International Ltd. Mr Ryan’...

  5. Foot v Registrar of the REAA [2015] NZREADT 24 [pdf, 238 KB]

    ...Registrar DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL Introduction [1] Ms Catherine Foot has applied to us for a review of a 3 September 2014 decision of the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority declining her application to renew her salesperson’s licence. The Registrar made the determination in light of Ms Foot’s previous convictions for tax evasion offences. The Offences [2] In May 2011, Ms Foot was convicted (after pleading guilty) to various charges under the Tax Administration...

  6. Worksheet - Inspector staff and DLC member costs [xlsx, 33 KB]

    ...that, for each inspector and administrator, by their costs per hour or day, as appropriate]. It is designed to produce an estimate of the costs of the licensing system, based on a specific average cost, for inspectors and administrators, based on each licence type. For the DLC Chair and members, it is assumed that all their costs are related to decisions on licence applications, hence are only included on this “licensing decisions” sheet. They are automatically copied from the “Person c...

  7. Samuelu v Aasa [2014] NZIACDT 89 (16 September 2014) [pdf, 179 KB]

    ...independent course of conduct on Ms Aasa’s part. This is not a case where there is effectively one transaction with two victims, though the circumstances are similar. [13] For reasons discussed below Ms Aasa will be prevented from applying for any licence for two years in relation to this complaint. The finding of dishonesty is sufficient to reach that conclusion alone; however, the incompetence finding in the other complaint does reinforce the need to protect consumers. Absence of...

  8. JM v AHX [2011] NZIACDT 10 (29 March 2011) [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...provides: “Disciplinary sanctions (1) The sanctions that the Tribunal may impose are – (a) caution or censure; (b) a requirement to undertake specified training or otherwise remedy any deficiency within a specified period; (c) suspension of licence for the unexpired period of the licence, or until the person meets specified conditions; (d) cancellation of licence; (e) an order preventing the person from reapplying for a licence for a period not exceeding two years, or unti...

  9. Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill [pdf, 218 KB] the identification of, the address of the place where the witness or informant works cannot be disclosed to the defendant, except with leave of the court, unless the information is relevant to the charge or the case against the defendant. Permit disclosure of relevant information and maintain the defendant’s fair trial rights, while protecting the privacy and safety of witnesses and informants. 14. Criminal Procedure Act 2011 Clarify that the statutory requirement f...

  10. Finau v Tangilanu [2014] NZIACDT 50 (15 April 2014) [pdf, 110 KB]

    ...15 April 2014 2 DECISION Preliminary [1] The complainant engaged the adviser to assist with a request for a visa. She lodged the request and Immigration New Zealand requested further information. At that point, the adviser’s licence expired, so she could not respond to Immigration New Zealand. The loss of her licence precluded further work. [2] In the lead up to her licence expiring, the adviser did not inform her client in writing that she would no longer be able...