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  1. [2015] NZEmpC 8 Q v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 110 KB] the evidence whose circumstances would be considered as evidence of alleged disparity of treatment by the defendant. [29] The principles relating to the making of orders for non-publication are well known. Clause 12(1) of Sch 3 of the Act permits orders of non-publication by the Court, and the applicable principles were recently considered by this Court in both the interlocutory and substantive judgments of H v A Limited. 14 [30] As I stated in that case: 15 The principl...

  2. [2018] NZEmpC 143 Lorigan v Infinity Automotive Ltd [pdf, 316 KB]

    ...Act 2000, ss 114(4) and 115(b). when the issues arising in one of the challenges to be heard were before the Employment Relations Authority (the Authority). Discussion [31] Mr Lorigan’s contention that the defendant should not be permitted to call its intended witnesses confuses an issue of admissibility with an issue of credibility. [32] Where it can be established that a witness had been involved in criminal activity, it does not follow that the witness should be au...

  3. [2024] NZEmpC 219 Oliver v Biggs [pdf, 228 KB]

    DARREN VINCENT OLIVER v STUART DALE BIGGS [2024] NZEmpC 219 [19 November 2024] IN THE EMPLOYMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND CHRISTCHURCH I TE KŌTI TAKE MAHI O AOTEAROA ŌTAUTAHI [2024] NZEmpC 219 EMPC 261/2024 IN THE MATTER OF an application for a sanction AND IN THE MATTER OF an application for leave to file amended pleadings BETWEEN DARREN VINCENT OLIVER Plaintiff AND STUART DALE BIGGS Defendant Hearing: On the pa

  4. Reti v Smith - Part Lot 7 Deposited Plan 3351 - Petane Marae (2024) 109 Tākitimu MB 1 (109 TKT 1) [pdf, 281 KB]

    ...17), at [11]. 109 Tākitimu MB 7 although I accept this option may not have been feasible given the urgency at play. Rather than exercise one of the available options, the trustees simply authorised payments to themselves that were not permitted under the trust order or the charter. The trustees have therefore breached their trustee duties in receiving such payments. [16] The evidence indicates that Barbara Smith repaid her portion to the trust, because she believed tha...

  5. National Standards Committee 1 v Grey [2024] NZLCDT 36 (15 November 2024) [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...definition of unsatisfactory conduct, as “unacceptable, and/or unprofessional”? Background [5] Ms Grey was instructed by the parents of a young baby in respect of whom hospital authorities had sought a guardianship order from the Court to permit blood transfusion. The parents resisted that order to the extent that they sought that any blood used in such a procedure be sourced from a person who was unvaccinated by the COVID-19 vaccine. [6] Ms Grey was instructed late on th...

  6. Andrew Hill - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...representatives20 in ·the Bay of Plenty issued at least 594 authorisations to take fisheries resources for hui or tangi. These authorisations covered at least 11 species.21 23. Where rohe of tangata whenua overlap, more than one group may issue permits to take fisheries resources for hui, tangi or other approved customary purposes in the same area. But once Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki22 are confirmed as being responsible for managing customary food gathering for that area (under the Fis...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 102 Albert Road Investments Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...classifications for the FU zone (r H 18.4.1) is not consistent with the statement in the H 18.1. Zone description that the FU zone "cannot be used for urban activities until the site is rezoned for urban purposes". In particular, the list of permitted activities reveals a capacity for the Site, and other properties in the vicinity, to be developed (subject to performance standards) by replacement or upgrading of dwellings, or the development of small care centres, or even ma...

  8. [2022] NZEmpC 77 Courage v Attorney-General [pdf, 422 KB]

    ...has taken the Declaration. [26] The evidence given on behalf of the Gloriavale defendants stood in contrast to the evidence called on behalf of the plaintiffs. They drew a picture of a highly controlled, authoritarian environment which did not permit dissenting voices and 6 Which may, by virtue of s 6(6)(b), require an application for joinder or an opportunity for the proposed employer to be heard. which corralled obedience through fear. In summary they say that t...

  9. Questions and answers

    ...Act 1908 (but only for offences committed with any other male human being) section 154 (attempt to commit unnatural offence) Crimes Act 1908 (but only for offences attempted to be committed with or against any other male human being) The Act doesn't permit any other types of convictions to be expunged. However, certain convictions in the military justice system may also be eligible for expungement if they involved one of these specific offences. The threshold for granting an application would...

  10. Apply for probate & get a copy of a will

    ...Assist service You should talk with a lawyer if you want specific information about other court applications relating to estate matters such as contesting a will, distributing an estate or proving the validity of a will. Please note court staff are not permitted to provide, and cannot provide, any legal advice. Make an application to administer an estate Application for probate where the deceased person has left a will An application for probate is required from the person or organisation (‘t...

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