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7470 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZREADT 10 – HD v REAA and LD (18 May 2022) [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...produced by the purchaser). 2. Deal Transaction Report (18 September 2020) signed by the licensee and his manager. 3. Statement (6 February 2022) from the licensee’s wife. [17] The licensee also requests an oral hearing and that counsel be permitted to cross-examine the purchaser and his son. [18] Ms Bergin, for the Authority, abides the Tribunal’s decision on the applications, but has helpfully provided submissions on relevance. Legal principles [19] An appeal aga...

  2. Duty lawyer policy [pdf, 549 KB]

    ...Granting Decisions manual  for a Provider Approval Level 3 or 4 case, the defendant is able to choose their own lawyer. If the defendant does not have a genuine preferred lawyer one will be assigned by the Legal Aid office. Duty lawyers are not permitted to ask a person if they can be that person’s preferred lawyer. Similarly, they are not permitted to nominate or recommend any other lawyer (or firm/chambers) as the preferred lawyer. If a defendant specifically requests the...

  3. [2019] NZREADT 50 - Hu v CAC 416 & Yeung (14 November 2019) [pdf, 220 KB]

    ...2 Unless there were exceptional circumstances justifying the admission of new evidence which would not apply in this case. [21] To accede to the request of the Appellant would involve an order permitting the additional evidence to be considered by the Tribunal. Such an order is required because there is no entitlement as of right to put forward additional evidence on the appeal which had not been heard by the Committee [22] In

  4. Dixon v Accident Compensation Corporation (Leave to appeal to the High Court) [2022] NZACC 251 [pdf, 240 KB] Whether the Judge erred in law by failing to apply the High Court case of Ellwood v ACC [2007] NZAR 205? [34] Ms Woodhouse submits that the Judge made errors of law that undermined the District Court decision, and the decision cannot be permitted to stand. [35] She submits that the errors of law are bona fide and serious argument and go to the heart of the conclusions reached by the District Court. Respondent’s Submissions [36] Ms Becroft notes that after identifying the...

  5. Duty Lawyer Policy July 2017 [pdf, 460 KB]

    ...Granting Decisions manual • for a Provider Approval Level 3 or 4 case, the defendant is able to choose their own lawyer. If the defendant does not have a genuine preferred lawyer one will be assigned by the Legal Aid office. Duty lawyers are not permitted to ask a person if they can be that person’s preferred lawyer. Similarly, they are not permitted to nominate or recommend any other lawyer (or firm/chambers) as the preferred lawyer. If a defendant specifically requests the...

  6. BORA Films, Videos and Publications Classification Amendment Bill [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...nature are publications that deal with "a matter such as sex", as required by s 3(1) of the Act, and can therefore be examined and classified as "objectionable" by the censors (clause 4); 2.8 introduces a specific provision to permit a publication which would otherwise be classified as "unrestricted", to be classified as "restricted to persons of a specified age", if the publication contains offensive language and exposure to the publication would...

  7. Waitangi-Tribunal-COVID-19-Level-2-protocol-29-October-2021.pdf [pdf, 160 KB]

    ...made for some parties (especially any in high-risk groups) to attend remotely, or whether any parties seek a postponement of their hearing in light of the current alert level. 23. Under the COVID-19 Alert Level 2 Guidelines, the Tribunal can only permit a limited number of individuals to be able to safely distance within a hearing. Therefore, parties intending to attend an in-person hearing of the Waitangi Tribunal will be required to RSVP in advance to the Waitangi Tribunal Registrar at...

  8. [2014] NZEmpC 128 Huang v Li [pdf, 118 KB]

    ...residency, and is required to leave New Zealand for reasons directly related to the conclusions reached in the Employment Court, namely the forging of documents and for working in paid employment (unrelated to the parties in this case) without a Work Permit. c) The applicant has already advised the Court that he is unable to pay the filing fee for his application for a rehearing, and has further advised the applicant on a number of occasions that he would not be paying any costs...

  9. [2011] NZEmpC 80 NZ Professional Firefighters Union v NZ Fire Service Commission [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...BPA have agreed both that the mediation service to be used and the identity of the mediator are matters for discussion between them. This allows not only for the statutory Mediation Service of the Department of Labour to be selected, but also permits the parties to have a mediator of their choosing. That is to be contrasted with mediation facilitated by the Chief Executive of the Department of Labour under s 92 of the Act. As a matter of practice, the Chief Executive will provi...

  10. Armfield v Naughton [2014] NZHRRT 48 [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...Havelock Place in the presence of the parties. Mr Naughton did not, however, allow Mr Armfield to enter 16 Havelock Place on the grounds that a trespass notice served by Mr Naughton on Mr Armfield on 21 April 2012 was still in force. Ms Halls was permitted entry. The information obtained during the view aided an understanding of the evidence later given by the parties. It also allowed the Tribunal to see the surveillance system in operation and in particular to sight the images display...