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7471 items matching your search terms

  1. 2015 Ministry of Justice annual report [pdf, 4.2 MB]

    ...of training as required by the new regulations introduced from 1 October 2014. The PSPLA has issued applicants temporary certificates within 7 days but the substantive application remains open until evidence of training is provided and a full licence or certificate can be issued. Applicants are now being given a deadline for providing evidence of training and if these are not complied with applications will be closed. Licence applications received 256 150–250 306 The jurisdict...

  2. [2016] NZEmpC 143 Borsboom (Labour Inspector) v Preet PVT Ltd [pdf, 667 KB]

    ...companies engaged principally young Indian nationals in New Zealand on temporary work visas to staff these shops and outlets, which were open for business for long hours, mostly seven days a week. The staff engaged had been granted student visa permits to study in New Zealand. To satisfy Immigration New Zealand that they were employed in positions which matched their qualifications, these employees were described by the defendants as “managers” and the like. Although they wer...

  3. DML v Montgomery and MT Enterprises Ltd [2014] NZHRRT 6 [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...Director of Human Rights Proceedings v Smith (2004) 7 NZELC 97,425 (NZHRRT) at [10]. [48.4] The Family Court decisions relied on by the defendants were unhelpful as s 164 of the Family Proceedings Act is less specific than s 106(1)(d) of the HRA which permits the Tribunal to receive as evidence any statement which in the opinion of the Tribunal may assist the Tribunal “to deal effectively with the matter before it” whether or not it would be admissible in a court of law. [48.5] In...

  4. MLC 2019 January National Panui [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...Noting: Transfer of lease 3 A20180008220 150A/93 Thomson Wilson Ngatihine H2B - Noting of Forestry Right 4 A20180008076 150C/93 Vivian Kahi Omanaia 9A - Noting: Discharge of mortgage 5 A20180007711 150A/93 Ruby Culley Motatau 2 Section 22F - Noting: Licence to occupy Applications Not Ready to Proceed The applications listed below were received up to the closing date of this Pänui and are yet to be considered by a Registrar or Judge APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: A2018000...

  5. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 5 (Part 1) [pdf, 28 MB]

    ...DEPICTED BY THE TAOKA “KAITIAKITAKA” -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ISBN 0-476-00823-9 This work is copyright. The copying, adaptation or issuing of this work to the public on a non-profit basis is welcomed. No other use of this work is permitted without the prior consent of the copyright holder(s). CB1717 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Plan is the culmination of 2 years of effort by Papatipu Rünaka and whänau röpü representatives, principally a voluntary group of people dedic...

  6. Ngati Porou Deed to Amend the Deed of Agreement 9 Aug 2017 [pdf, 8.8 MB]

    ...consent to applications to establish marine reserves, proposals to establish or extend conservation protected areas, applications for concessions, proposals to establish or extend marine mammal sanctuaries, and applications for commercial marine mammal permits in a territorial customary rightscustomary marine title area (extended conservation mechanism, part D of schedule 4). e. Nga hapO o Ngati Porou w ill have prima facie ownership of any taonga tuturu found in a customary marine tit...

  7. Waitangi Tribunal Guide to Practice 2023 [pdf, 900 KB]

    ...prescribed in ss 8A to 8HJ of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975. This section summarises those provisions. The lands in relation to which the Tribunal may make a binding recommendation are : (a) Crown forest land that is subject to a Crown forestry licence ; and (b) memorialised lands, being land or an interest in land : (i) transferred to a State enterprise under section 23 of the State- Owned Enterprises Act 1986 or vested in a State enterprise by a notice in the Gazette under section 2...

  8. [2014] NZEmpC 143 O’Connor v Auckland University Students Assoc Inc [pdf, 441 KB]

    ...status of Bacchid’s overdraft from the bank. Prior to the meeting, a lawyer from Chen Palmer spoke to a bank representative who advised that it would have no difficulty in extending Bacchid’s overdraft facilities for another two weeks, so as to permit AUSA to make considered decisions. A comfort letter was required, rather than a guarantee. The lawyer was told that the bank acknowledged that it was an unsecured creditor and at that point saw it as preferable for Bacchid to tr...

  9. [2013] NZLCDT 28 Southland Standards Committee v W [pdf, 234 KB]

    ...condition.1 Submissions [8] For the Standards Committee, Mr Collins sought orders of suspension and censure. He noted the evidence of the various witnesses for the prosecution made it clear that it was appropriate that the respondent not be permitted to practise. The respondent had been shown to be lacking in basic legal skill and knowledge, had been unresponsive to client needs, had failed to attend Court when required, had been unprepared and disorganised on occasions, a...

  10. Proactive Release – Amendments to the Criminal Cases Review Commission Bill [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Commissioners; 41.2 allowing the CCRC to initiate an inquiry into a general matter that has arisen in the course of exercising “any of its functions or duties” rather than only during the investigation of a specific conviction or sentence; and 41.3 permitting the CCRC to disclose information where reasonably necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat (as defined in section 2(1) of the Privacy Act 1993) to public health or public safety, or the life or health of...