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  1. 2017 Ministry of Justice Annual Report [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...Waitangi Tribunal. We support other tribunals, authorities and committees (including the Disputes Tribunal and Tenancy Tribunal) that help New Zealanders resolve disputes, review administrative decisions that affect their rights and entitlements, or licence and discipline people who work in a regulated occupation. WE NEGOTIATE AND SAFEGUARD DURABLE TREATY OF WAITANGI SETTLEMENTS – building positive relationships between the Crown and Māori. WE LEAD THE JUSTICE SECTOR to collectively...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 179 Panuku Development Auckland Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Incorporate designs that recognise tangata whenua (g) Noise effects on surrounding residents and questions about the noise assessment submitted with the application (h) Ensure that any new buildings can withstand hazards (i) VEC building to be permitted to be decorated with associated bunting/flags/lighting U) The 1 O-year timeframe not justified and the sites should be cleared sooner (k) Provide infrastructure that can be used permanently for later events (I) Public access and m...

  3. 15-Damien-McGahan-Planning-statutory-assessment.pdf [pdf, 612 KB]

    ........................................................... 45 OTHER MATTERS ............................................................................................... 55 THE "GATEWAY TEST" UNDER SECTION 104D................................................ 58 MATTERS RELEVANT TO DISCHARGE PERMITS ............................................ 61 PART 2 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 63 COMMENTS ON SUBMISSIONS .....

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 228 Bay of Islands Maritime Park Incorporated v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...prefer that Rule C1.9.1 refers to: The following activities in a Te Hā o Tangaroa Protection Area involving the temporary or permanent damage or destruction or removal of fish, aquatic life or seaweed and any associated damage to the seabed are permitted activities, subject to other applicable rules: (a) … (b) … (c) In Sub-Area B (in addition to those listed in (a)): Any activity involving the temporary or permanent damage or destruction or removal of fish, aquatic life or s...

  5. 2020-10-16-EPA-PC8-Summary-of-Submissions-Further-Submission-Spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx, 187 KB] upgrading… Y Y N FS803 Dunedin City Council Oppose Part A: Policy 7.D.5(d)(i) 80004 80004.03 Maori Point Vineyard Ltd (Arthur) Oppose Amend by replacing the word 'during' with 'throughout': (d)(i) Compliance with the permitted activity rules and Schedule 16 discharge thresholds during throughout the duration of the consent; or Y Y N Part B: Rule 12.C.0.2(iv) 80004 80004.04 Maori Point Vineyard Ltd (Arthur) Oppose Delete 'soak hole': (iv) To any b...

  6. [2016] NZEnvC 051 Craddock Farms Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...fill over 1.5 metres, and with a maximum area in excess of 2,000m2 in the Rural zone as a restricted discretionary activity. Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan • Rule 3.H.4.1.1 provides for intensive farming of any number of poultry not meeting permitted, controlled or restricted discretionary controls (i.e. established after 21 October 2001 and over 180,000 birds) as a discretionary activity. • Rule 3.H.4.2.1 provides for earthworks greater than 2,500m2 and 2,500m3 as a restr...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC revised evidence chief Bremner tracked [pdf, 908 KB]

    ...the intended future development and use of the area within Matiatia land unit 27 . In my report I had noted the relevance of considering the likely future state of the environment as it might be modified by the utilisation of rights to carry out permitted activity. I identified that the future environment within the Transport Area of the Matiatia land unit could 25 Pryor EiC, at paragraph 49. 26 Brown EiC, at paragraph 40. 27 At...

  8. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC revised evidence chief Bremner final [pdf, 860 KB]

    ...the intended future development and use of the area within Matiatia land unit 27 . In my report I had noted the relevance of considering the likely future state of the environment as it might be modified by the utilisation of rights to carry out permitted activity. I identified that the future environment within the Transport Area of the Matiatia land unit could contain additional buildings and transport passenger activities as these are provided for as permitted activities within...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Nicole Bremner [pdf, 568 KB]

    ...the intended future development and use of the area within Matiatia land unit 27 . In my report I had noted the relevance of considering the likely future state of the environment as it might be modified by the utilisation of rights to carry out permitted activity. I identified that the future environment within the Transport Area of the Matiatia land unit could contain additional buildings and transport passenger activities as these are provided for as permitted activities within...

  10. ENV-2016-AKL-000185 Viaduct Harbour Holdings Limited v Auckland Council (scope) [pdf, 9.1 MB]

    ...proposed plan (rezoning Lighter Quay in Viaduct Harbour Precinct as Sub-Precinct C where offices will be discretionary activities), or a matter being excluded from the proposed plan (general provision for offices in (inter alia) Viaduct Harbour as permitted activities). 2.3 VHHL will be unduly prejudiced by the inclusion of the provision or exclusion of the matter. 3 Further details of the reasons for this appeal are provided below. 4 VHHL is not a trade competitor for the purpo...