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7471 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 187 The Canyon Vineyard Limited v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...(as amended to delete access to Lot 7 in terms of Condition 1) and any other easements required to protect access and/or access to services shall be duly granted or reserved. For the avoidance of doubt no right of way easement shall be created to permit Lots 1- 6 or 8-11 or Lot 13 to achieve access via Lot 14 to Bendigo Loop Road. 4. Prior to section 224(c) certification the carriageways within the right of ways that are to serve Lot 2, Lots 4-6 and Lots 8-11 shall be upgraded or con...

  2. [2020] NZEnvC 107 Whangarei District Council v Sustainable Solvents Group Limited [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...(NRC) to Sustainable Waste Management Ltd for discharges to air associated with composting of green waste and other organic material in March 2005 and for discharges to air arising from the recycling of solvents in March 2008. These two discharge permits were transferred to SSL under s 137 RMA on 4 May 2011. The air discharge permit for recycling solvents expired on 30 May 2018 but an application to replace it was made on 23 September 2017 and so it remains in effect pursuant to s 1...

  3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - summary record 5th report (continued) [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...officials. The Government did not consider such reasonable accommodation of religious observances to be discriminatory or anti-democratic. 9. Moving on to the questions asked by Ms. Keller, he said that special policy of granting limited purpose permits to children of foreign nationals unlawfully in New Zealand so they could access compulsory education had been successful. In 2006-7, only 22 permits had been issued to children aged 19 and under for study or other purposes. Since the i...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 029 New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...standards or legislation). 3. Only vehicles displaying membership of New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc may park overnight on the site. 4. Unless otherwise restricted by condition 19(a) below, a maximum of 80 motorhomes & caravans shall be permitted to occupy the site for the purpose of temporary accommodation at any one time. (Also refer to further advice note 1 below). 5. The duration of stay on-site shall be no more than 10 days in a 30 day period, with the exception of...

  5. 0724622 Ministry of Justice National Panui September 2022 [pdf, 541 KB]

    ...328/93 Noella Taylor Motukiore J2B - Occupation order A20220009183 164/93 Carolyn Walker Ngararatunua D2D - Transfer of shares from Carolyn Walker to Kurt McLean A20220010122 150B(3) (b)/93 Kathleen Lynette Connelly Opanake 1C South 6C - Noting Licence to Occupy by Registrar A20220010084 214/93 Priscilla Kim Shepherd, Darlene Myra Shepherd, Eadon Kane Kenneth Shepherd Oturu B1 & Others - Constitute the Ken More Shepherd Whänau Trust and appoint Priscilla Kim Shepherd, Darle...

  6. Final Submissions Summary Report [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Justice The Justice Centre, 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088, Wellington, New Zealand T +64 4 918 8800 F +64 4 918 8820 E W This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to the Ministry of Justice and follow any other licence terms. To see a copy of this licence, visit T...

  7. National Panui December 2021.pdf [pdf, 375 KB]

    ...Pauline Ani Phillips - Succession A20210011597 118(6)/93 Te Maramatanga Tia- Ward Petuere Te Rauriki also known as Petuere Rauriki - Succession (Further interest) A20210011627 150A/93 Frederick Higgison, Irrenya Higgison Rawhiti 2A9A - Noting: Licence to Occupy A20210011636 244/93 Te Maramatanga Tia- Ward Rawhiti 2C and others - Variation of trust A20210011862 113/93, 118/93 Dale Matthews, Gene Matthews Raymond Francis Matthews - Succession A20210011592 113/93, 118/93 Ashley Hin...

  8. Māori Land Court National Pānui November-2021.pdf [pdf, 353 KB]

    ...PÄNUI NO: APPLICATION NO: SECTION: APPLICANT: SUBJECT: 47 A20210009528 150B/93 Thomson Wilson Law Te Tii Tapuaetahi No.22 - Noting: Transfer (H C Craw & M S Benson to M S Benson) 48 A20210010285 150A/93 Waata Twaddel Manukau 5 - Noting of licence to occupy by the Registrar 49 A20210010284 150A/93 Dawn Davis Manukau 5 - Noting of licence to occupy by the Registrar 50 A20210010612 150C/93 Bella Tautari Motatau 2 Sec 22B1B1 - Noting of discharge of mortage by the Registrar 51 A202...

  9. AMLCFT Statutory Review Final Report [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...ISBN: 978-0-473-64218-1 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand license. You are free to copy, distributed and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to the Ministry of Justice and follow any other licence terms. To see a copy of this licence, visit Presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with section 156A(3) of the Anti- Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009. h...

  10. MLC April 2020 National Panui [pdf, 349 KB]

    ...A20200001623 239/93 Josie Hati Motatau 1B5B5 Ahu Whenua Trust - Replace Rogina Yorke 120 A20200002576 160/93 Patricia Love Pukepoto 8B3D1 - Noting discharge of mortgage by the Registrar 121 A20200001374 150A/93 Kylie Teaupa Oruawharo E3 - Noting of Licence to Occupy (Kylie Teaupa) 122 A20200001373 150A/93 Robert Ashby Whänau Trust Oruawharo E3 - Noting of Licence to Cccupy (Robert Ashby Whänau Trust) TAITOKERAU continued 22 NATIONAL PÄNUI - Paenga-Whäwhä / APRIL 2020 PÄNUI...