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Search results for no licence.

7471 items matching your search terms

  1. [2020] NZEnvC 201 Auckland Council v Noe [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Thomas Consultants Ltd has reached the following conclusions: Based on the rural residential land use, remediation of lead and zinc above the applicable soil contaminant standards (SCSs) and/or Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) (AUP (OP)) permitted soil activity criteria, and asbestos concentrations in excess of the applicable soil guideline values for asbestos (free fibres) in the New Zealand Guidelines for Assessing and Managing Asbestos in Soil (BRANZ Limited, 2017) is required...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 221 Giles v Auckland Council [pdf, 8.8 MB]

    ...consents, including making an application to vary or cancel consent conditions can be found on the Ministry for the Environment's website: v' 4. The consent holder is responsible for obtaining all other necessary consents, permits, and licences, including those under the Building Act 2004, and the Heritage New PouhereTaonga Act 2014. This consent does not remove the need to comply l11lj~I1~aIDllJfi~c..'" applicable Acts (including the Property Law Act...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 111 Tussock Rise Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 8.4 MB]

    ...(b) remove any sand, shingle, shell or other natural material from that area. (4) In this Act,- (b) remove any sand, shingle, shell, or other natural material means to take any of that material. .. (so that] the holding of a resource consent, a licence or profit a prendre to do so would be necessary. Section 12 covers both disturbance of the seabed and removal of the material "disturbed". [36] In contrast, section 13 reads more simply: 13 Restriction on certain uses of...

  4. [2015] NZEmpC 181 Allied Investments Ltd v Guise [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...relevant provisions, which are found in Appendix 2, provide: 10.1 The contractor must ensure that the Reputation and character of each respective Security Officer/Guard be beyond reproach, and that they possess the appropriate skills, training and licence to enable them to meet the CPIT staffing criteria. … 10.6 [The contractor must not] employ on CPIT Campuses any person CPIT has asked to be replaced, and Also not transfer or move any employee of the Contractor establis...

  5. Family Lay Advocate and Court Registry Handbook [pdf, 579 KB]

    ...Judges give a general greeting to those who are present before sitting down. • The dress code for court is tidy and professional. • Cell phones must be turned off at all times when you are in the courtroom. Tablets and laptops are generally permitted if they are required for the court process and are silent to operate. • Any reports or documents that need to be presented to the Judge in court for consideration on the day must be given to the court taker in advance. • Stand...

  6. Idea Services v Attorney-General (Interim Order Application) [2013] NZHRRT 24 [pdf, 148 KB]

    ...who turn 65 are eligible for needs-based referral for Ministry-funded day services until further order of the Tribunal or pending the final determination of this proceeding. [2] The application has been heard by the Chairperson sitting alone, as permitted by s 95 of the HRA. It is to be noted that this is the first occasion on which the Chairperson has heard any matter relating to these proceedings. In addition the urgency with which the application has been brought has not allowed ea...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 154 Cable Bay Wine Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...ensure any access by unauthorised persons will be prevented; d) A removable 1.2 m high post and vertical batten style fence at the northern edge of the Designated Area for Weddings with a pedestrian access gate (with signage on both sides stating permitted access rights) at the northern end of the existing wooden walkway from the vehicular mobility access area (as numbered 12 on Drawing LP.03 in Attachment 1 to these Conditions); e) A gate installed, normally locked, at the south-...

  8. LCRO 57/2018 G RC and D RC v YS (30 April 2019) [pdf, 335 KB]

    ...public domain, such information “will nevertheless be confidential information” 30 New Zealand Law Society "Practice Briefing: Protecting Clients' Personal Information" (June 2014) <>. 31 Required and permitted exceptions are set out in rr 8.2, 8.4 respectively and are mentioned below. 32 Prince Jefri Bolkiah v KPMG (a firm) [1999] 2 AC 222 (HL) at 235 per Lord Millett — see also Susan Galzebrook “Conflicts of Interest: The New Zealand Pe...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 265 Gibbston Vines Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...applies to a determination as to whether that threshold test is satisfied. In essence, in forming an opinion as to the adverse effects for the purposes of s104D(1)(a), we may disregard an adverse effect of the activity on the environment if the PDP permits an activity with that effect. [17] The non-complying activity status of the Modified Proposal brings into greater significance the PDP objectives and policies as to infrastructure and servicing. That is particularly insofar as t...

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 043 Turner v Thames-Coromandel District Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...yard is a non-complying activity. The background ro the proposed rule is set Dut in scc6on 28.1.2 of the prnposed plan 4 follows: On the northern boundary of the Pauanui Airfield is a 12 m Airfield Amenity Yard, within which no buildings are permitted. This is because the existing houses to the north of the airfield generally have been built back from the airfield, consistent with the previous Plan's 1:5 obstacle limitation. This setback has maximised views of the green ope...