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7473 items matching your search terms

  1. NZCVS-Cycle-4-Core-Report-Section-3-How-much-crime-fin.pdf [pdf, 574 KB]

    ...of Justice. This document is available at data/nzcvs/resources-and-results/ Crown copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, logo,...

  2. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Crime-scene-and-consequences-v3 [xlsx, 96 KB]

    ...Justice. 2023. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. Crime scene and consequences. [Data file]. Wellington: Ministry of Justice. Crown copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, log...

  3. [2021] NZACC 147 – Langston v ACC (30 September 2021) [pdf, 328 KB] dated 22 March 2010 of Dr Hill GPSI notes Mr Langston had persistent neck pain and as at 2010, he was not working. Dr Hill noted that pain had been challenging for Mr Langston in his different jobs. Dr Hill also noted Mr Langston lost his HT licence because of decreased range of motion in his neck. However, Dr Hill did not say when Mr Langston lost his licence or provide any detail about incapacity for employment. [26] Mr Langston was subsequently referred to Mr Finnis, Neur...

  4. People with finalised charges and convicted of psychoactive substances December 2023 [xlsx, 99 KB]

    ...approved products (section 70) - possession - includes possession of an unapproved product (section 71) and people under 18 years buying or possessing psychoactive substances (section 48) - other offences - includes offences related to sale without a licence (section 27), place of sale (section 52) and obstructing enforcement officers (section 83). Contents: Table 1a: Number and percentage of finalised charges for psychoactive substances offences, by charge outcome, 2014 - 2023 Table 1b: Nu...

  5. NZCVS-Cycle-4-Core-Report-Section-2-About-this-report-fin.pdf [pdf, 394 KB]

    ...of Justice. This document is available at data/nzcvs/resources-and-results/ Crown copyright © 2022 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, logo,...

  6. NZCVS-Cycle-5-Crime-scene-and-consequences-v2.xlsx [xlsx, 96 KB]

    ...Justice. 2023. New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. Crime scene and consequences. [Data file]. Wellington: Ministry of Justice. Crown copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, log...

  7. Family Legal Advice Service Operational Policy v2.0 October 2023 [pdf, 931 KB]

    ... Providers must satisfy themselves that the individual is who they say they are. Preferred forms of identification include: • NZ or overseas passport • NZ Firearms licence • NZ driver’s licence • Kiwi Access card (previously 18+ card) If the applicant cannot provide one of these forms of photo identification but can provide alternative satisfactory identification, the pro...

  8. NZCVS-Cycle-5-How-much-crime.xlsx [xlsx, 91 KB]

    ...New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey. Key findings Cycle 5. How much crime is there in New Zealand? [Data file]. Wellington: Ministry of Justice. Crown copyright © 2023 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 New Zealand licence. You are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the work to New Zealand Ministry of Justice and abide by the other licence terms. Please note you may not use any departmental or governmental emblem, logo, or...

  9. [2008] NZEmpC WC 21/08 Mitchell v Blue Star Print Group (NZ) Ltd [pdf, 68 KB]

    ...2003 Mr Mitchell was told by ACC his claim for cover was declined and he would get no further help for treatment costs or support for his condition. [36] Shortly after that he was also advised by the Land Transport Authority that his driver’s licence had been suspended following his car accident on 30 September. [37] Mr Mitchell said that by this time he just felt like “stringing himself up” the pressure was so much. He had lost his licence, ACC cover had been d...

  10. Puna - Rotopounamu 1B3A2C (2018) 70 Tākitimu MB 143 (70 TKT 143) [pdf, 574 KB]

    ...then takes another six to eight weeks, and the trustees may be required to provide further information or act jointly within a short timeframe. [16] A complicating factor was that the construction company, Fargher Construction Ltd who held a licence with A1 Homes NZ Ltd, had gone into liquidation and the building work paused. The trust has a Master Build guarantee and A1 Homes NZ Ltd has now offered for the building to be completed by a new construction company. New building contr...