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Search results for no licence.

7532 items matching your search terms

  1. What happens next

    ...decisions the tribunal could make If a complaint or appeal is upheld against an immigration adviser, the Immigration Advisers Complaints & Disciplinary Tribunal can: caution or censure the adviser require the adviser to undertake training suspend their licence cancel their licence make an order to prevent the adviser from reapplying for a licence for up to 2 years or until certain conditions are met pay a penalty up to $10,000 pay costs repay fees or expenses to the person who complained o...

  2. Criminal

    You may be able to submit this file type electronically and pay any associated fee through File and Pay. The majority of criminal cases go through the District Court. In the District Court, a Justice of the Peace or a Community Magistrate, or a District Court Judge could deal with your case. All crimes (offences) are placed into categories. Serious charges such as murder and manslaughter are placed into Category 4 and will be heard in the High Court. Most criminal charges are heard in the D

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  3. Notification Template Rugby World Cup 2023 [docx, 32 KB]

    ...your use, but not a legally prescribed or binding document. Guidance for filling in this form can be found on the Ministry’s website. Eligible premises details* Details of premises to be open during extended hours: Date of notification: Name of licence holder: Phone number: Type of licence: Expiry date of licence: Name of premises: Address of premises: Type of premises: Capacity of premises: * to check eligibility, please refer to ‘Who can extend their hours’ section on th...

  4. ARLA - Form 17 Application for managers certificate [docx, 14 KB]

    ...Transport Act 1998 not contained in Part 6, and offences to which the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 applies)] • Has the applicant had any experience (in particular recent experience) in controlling any premises or conveyance in respect of which a licence was in force? Yes/No If Yes, what are the details and dates of that experience? [state] • Has the applicant had any relevant training, in particular, recent training? Yes/No If Yes, what are the details of that training and on wha...

  5. Covid-19 Protocol LASDP amended protocols August 21 [pdf, 25 KB]

    ...alert system. 2. Under Alert levels 2 and 3 the work of the Licensing Authority will continue as far as possible as normal. This includes: • All applications already filed will be processed. • All applications for certificates and licences will be accepted and processed. • All complaints and objections will be accepted and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 and the directions of the Licensing Authority....

  6. PSPLA COVID-19 AL2 Emergency appointment directions [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...SECURITY PERSONNEL LICENSING AUTHORITY COVID 19 LEVEL 2 EMERGENCY DIRECTIONS 1. These directions have been issued to take effect while the country is in level 2 of the Covid 19 alert system. 2. Any person who has had an application for a licence, certificate or temporary certificate of approval approved during level 2: • May commence work once they have been notified that their application for a COA or licence has been approved; and • Is exempted from the requirement t...

  7. 2021 NZPSPLA 016.pdf [pdf, 130 KB]

    ...Singh since he was granted a certificate in 2016 which they say shows that Mr Singh is no longer suitable to be a certificate holder. The Police are asking for the cancellation of Mr Singh’s certificate of approval and 24/7 Patrols & Guards licence. [2] Mr Singh has not responded to the Police complaint other than to say that his company is no longer operating and that he is not currently working in security. However, he wants to retain his certificate, so he can return to wor...

  8. Makahili v Hakaoro [2015] NZIACDT 55 ( 14 May 2015) [pdf, 164 KB]

    ...than suggesting specific sanctions. She also reported on Mr Hakaoro’s history of offending and his non-compliance with sanctions imposed for earlier complaints. [6] The complainant and Mr Hakaoro did not make any submissions. Discussion Prior licence cancellation and sanctions [7] The Tribunal cancelled Mr Hakaoro’s licence and prohibited him from reapplying for two years from 27 May 2013. It dealt with a series of seven complaints. Multiple complaints would have justified cancel...

  9. Annexure 8 - Plan Change 7 Provisions [pdf, 343 KB]

    Annexure 8: Plan Change 7 Provisions Insert the following text as two new paragraphs at the end of the section entitled ‘How to Use the Regional Plan: Water’ [1] Applications for water permits to replace Deemed Permits or to replace water permits that expire before 31 December 2025 will be assessed in accordance with the objective, policies and rules set out in Chapter 10A of this Regional Plan: Water. [2] Applications for water permits that are not replacing either a Deemed Per...

  10. 2022 NZPSPLA 033.pdf [pdf, 129 KB] provide adequate security in terms of their contractual obligations and the security plan. . What disciplinary action should be taken against either Mr Brown or Brown Group? [21] Misconduct is a discretionary ground for cancellation of a licence. Section 78(1)(c) of the Act says that instead of cancellation I can make other orders including suspending a licence, ordering the licence holder to undertake further training, impose conditions on the licence holder, reprimand the li...