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7532 items matching your search terms

  1. Sale-and-Supply-of-Alcohol-Community-Participation-Amendment-Bill.FINAL.pdf [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...of the Act. Local councils can develop a LAP, in consultation with their community, about licensing of the sale and supply of alcohol in the area. The LAP can cover the location of licensed premises, maximum trading hours, conditions for sale, and licence density. 10. The intention is to empower communities to have their say about alcohol decisions that impact them, but, in practice, the ability to appeal means many LAPs get tied up in long costly court processes and are never adopted,...

  2. BORA Arms Legislation Bill [pdf, 119 KB]

    ...Overview of the Bill 4. The Bill will amend the Arms Act 1983 by introducing: 4.1 a new statement of its purposes (promoting safe possession and use of firearms and other weapons, and imposing controls on them); 4.2 requirements for dealers’ licences and permits to import firearms; 4.3 restrictions on the sale or supply of ammunition; 4.4 provisions as to obtaining, and disqualification from holding, firearms licences, as well as for their suspension and revocation; 4.5 provisio...

  3. [2021] NZREADT 42 - Complaints Assessment Commitee v Vulinovich (6 August 2021) [pdf, 259 KB]

    ...licensed as a salesperson in May 2013. At the time of the relevant conduct he was engaged at CBRE South Auckland (“the Agency”). [5] In February 2016, Mr Vulinovich moved to Sydney, Australia, where he obtained a New South Wales real estate licence through the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (“the TTMRA”) and worked for CBRE South Sydney until November 2017. His New Zealand licence expired on 14 May 2016. [6] Mr Vulinovich moved back to New Zealand and began wor...

  4. 2020 NZPSPLA 007 [pdf, 100 KB]

    ...investigator. Therefore, any competent and experienced employment investigator meets the training and experience requirements for a licence. [24] There is also no substance in the submission that the requirement for employment investigators to be licenced would be perverse as it would undermine the reviews by people such as Dame Margaret Bazely or Maria Dew QC into allegations of harassment and bullying. While both have undertaken investigations, neither are holding themselves out...

  5. Domb v REAA Registrar [2014] NZREADT 5 [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...Barrister, for the applicant Mr L J Clancy for the Registrar DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL Introduction [1] Mr Luke Domb (“the applicant”) applies to us for a review of the Registrar’s 18 June 2013 determination refusing to renew his licence as a real estate agent. The Registrar made the determination following the applicant’s refusal to consent to disclosure to the Registrar by the New Zealand Police of any information relating to the applicant, other than criminal convic...

  6. Castle v Castle - Waitakaruru 1A1B2C and D1 (2001) 103 Hauraki MB 107 (103 H 107) [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...proceeded to demolish the old homestead and to build his house. He had a Quonset hut in the shape of a half-round corrugated iron barn erected on the property and proceeded to modify it so that it served as a dwelling. He only obtained a building permit for the erection of a barn and even now no building permit has been issued for the erection of a house. Following completion of the house Dordy turned his attention to the grounds. He planted an orchard, shrubs and gardens and eviden...

  7. Guidance For Licensees Notification Cancellation of Notification Display Notice [pdf, 209 KB]

    ...cancellations of notifications, and display of information for extended hours during the Rugby World Cup 2023 Overview Temporary amendments to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) for the men’s Rugby World Cup 2023 allow eligible on-licence and club licence holders to extend their trading hours to televise live games from the tournament in France without applying for special licences. The amendments set out the specific requirements for licensees making notifications, c...

  8. Alcohol regulations

    The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 came into effect in December, 2013. It introduced changes to: public notification of local alcohol policies notification of licence applications (new and renewal) licensee obligations to record specified information about their managers prerequisite to obtaining a manager's certificate evidence of age documents the fees associated with infringement offences remote (internet and telephone) sales licensing and community trusts definitions evidence for asses...

  9. Keenan 6 October 2017 NZSHD 5 [pdf, 77 KB]

    ...granting of a application for a license filed by RICHARD ALLEN KEENAN BEFORE THE LICENSING AUTHORITY OF SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS HEARING at Wellington on 5 October 2017 APPEARANCES R A Keenan - Applicant for a licence Detective R J Cusin - NZ Police DECISION [1] Mr Keenan has filed an application with the Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers for an individual licence under s 8 of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers...

  10. 2023 NZPSPLA 011.pdf [pdf, 120 KB]

    ...DECISION [1] This decision deals with a complaint that Bonnie Hunt, through his company Watchmen Security Limited, knowingly employed a security worker who did not have the appropriate certificate of approval. Subsequently, Watchmen Security’s licence expired, and it continued to operate without a licence. [2] Mr Hunt accepts that he engaged Tirua Awa to work before Mr Awa applied for a COA and continued to employ him after his application for a COA was declined. However, he...