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Search results for no licence.

7532 items matching your search terms

  1. CAC 20006 v Azimi - Suspension Decision [2012] NZREADT 50 [pdf, 17 KB]

    ...for prosecutor Mr G Newell for defendant DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL Background [1] On 30 July 2012 we issued a decision [2012] NZREADT 43 in relation to the prosecutor’s application for suspension of the defendant’s real estate agents licence No. 10013497 pending the outcome of a hearing for certain substantive charges we set out in that decision. The point of that decision was to comply with s.115 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”) dealing with suspension of...

  2. Mr X 28 July 2016 NZSHD 4 [pdf, 76 KB]

    ...THE MATTER opposition to the granting of a renewal of a license filed by XXXXXXXX BEFORE THE LICENSING AUTHORITY OF SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS HEARING on the papers DECISION [1] Mr XXX has applied for an individual licence under s 8 of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 (the Act). The Police oppose granting Mr XXX licence as he has recent convictions for breach of protection orders and assault. [2] Mr XXX originally sought a hearing of h...

  3. LASDP Protocol 12 September 2022 [pdf, 17 KB]

    ...Pawnbrokers Protocols 1. These guidelines replace all previous Covid protocols and will apply to the Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers while Covid is in the community. 2. The LASDP will process all applications for licences and certificates and deal with complaints against all licence and certificate holders in its usual manner and in accordance with statutory guidelines but with the following conditions: • In person hearings will resume but mo...

  4. 2020 NZPSPLA 022 [pdf, 63 KB]

    ...DECISION [1] Thirsty Whale Bar and Restaurant Limited and Christopher Sullivan have applied for waiver of the grounds for disqualification following their convictions for employing or engaging a person without the relevant certificate or licence. Thirsty Whale holds a company licence in the classes of crowd controller, property guard and personal guard and Mr Sullivan, a director of the Thirsty Whale, holds a certificate of approval in the same classes. [2] Section 64 of t...

  5. 2024 NZPSPLA 013 pdf [pdf, 104 KB]

    ...months after their COAs had been declined. This is in contravention of s 45(1) and an offence under s45(3) of the Act. • Being a party to Visions of a Helping Hand Charitable Trust (Visions) running a security business without holding a security licence and wrongly advising Visions they could rely on Tigers Express’s security licence to run a security business. This is a contravention of s 20(1) and an offence under s 20(2) of the Act. [2] In addition, Mr Deane did not follow...

  6. Recommendations recap - issue 9 [pdf, 865 KB]

    ...Agency website, the Ministry of Transport website and data held by the Coronial Services Unit, New Zealand. Background In the 5-year period from 2010 to 2014, 5.7 percent of crashes resulting in death or injury involved a driver holding an overseas licence. This statistic varies when narrowed to a particular region, with the South Island tourist areas contributing to a large portion of crashes involving overseas drivers. The statistics can also vary when separated into short-term visito...

  7. Carley (INZ) v Kim [2015] NZIACDT 107 (22 December 2015) [pdf, 182 KB]

    ...the two complaints, as they involve allowing an unlicensed person to provide immigration advice, and were accompanied by other failures to maintain professional standards, the starting point would be: [16.1] Censure, [16.2] Cancellation of her licence; [16.3] Prohibition against applying for any licence for two years (though she could have no expectation the Registrar would then, or potentially ever, regard her as a fit and proper person to hold a licence); [16.4] A financial penal...

  8. L v Kim [2015] NZIACDT 108 (22 December 2015) [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...the two complaints, as they involve allowing an unlicensed person to provide immigration advice, and were accompanied by other failures to maintain professional standards, the starting point would be: [16.1] Censure, [16.2] Cancellation of her licence; [16.3] Prohibition against applying for any licence for two years (though she could have no expectation the Registrar would then, or potentially ever, regard her as a fit and proper person to hold a licence); [16.4] A financial penal...

  9. Pohatu v Muriwhenua Incorporation - Te Hapua 42 (2014) 91 Taitokerau MB 251 (91 TTK 251) [pdf, 195 KB]

    ...Taitokerau MB 252 Introduction [1] In March 2012 the applicant, Marama Pohatu, together with her father, Karaka Rapata Hoterene, and her two sisters, Aroha Meikle and Mereana Rapata-Hanning, each applied to the Muriwhenua Incorporation for a licence to occupy an area of a half acre (2032m² approximately) of Te Hapua 42 block. In June 2012 the Incorporation gave conditional approval to the four licences subject to Ms Pohatu and her whānau satisfying certain conditions. [...

  10. [2019] NZREADT 43 - Troughton v Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority (10 Oct 2019) [pdf, 240 KB]

    ...____________________________________________________________________ Introduction [1] Mr Troughton has applied pursuant to s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (“the Act”) for a review of the Registrar’s decision to cancel his salesperson’s licence, conveyed to Mr Troughton in a letter dated 15 July 2019. Background [2] Mr Troughton held a salesperson’s licence under the Act. On 29 June 2017, he voluntarily suspended his licence under s 58 of the Act. Pursu...