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Search results for no licence.

7530 items matching your search terms

  1. Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill Exposure Draft for Referendum [pdf, 2.2 MB]; and • licensing and authorising controlled activities at each stage of the cannabis sup- ply chain; and • setting potency limits through controls on the amount of THC (tetrahydrocan- nabinol – the main psychoactive compound in cannabis) permitted in cannabis products; and • administering and collecting excise taxes, levies, and fees; and • promoting responsible cannabis consumption and use through raising public awareness of harms, developing good practice guidelines, and...

  2. CAC 20007 v Marshall [2013] NZREADT 61 [pdf, 28 KB]

    ...received not only a formal charge from the Authority alleging misconduct by the defendant based on various alleged frauds, but also an application (with supporting affidavit) from the prosecution for suspension of the defendant’s Real Estate Agents Licence pending the outcome of a hearing for the substantive charge. [2] The appropriate procedure regarding suspension of licence pending outcome of hearing is covered in some detail in s.115 of the Act which we set out and refer furthe...

  3. Zhai v The Real Estate Agents Authority [2018] NZREADT 33 [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...OF THE TRIBUNAL ____________________________________________________________________ Introduction [1] Pursuant to r 8 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Continuing Education) Practice Rules 2011, licensees applying to renew their licences are required to satisfy the Registrar that they have complied with continuing education requirements during the preceding calendar year. These are to complete a minimum of ten hours of non- verifiable continuing education, and a mini...

  4. IS & JS v KC [2021] NZDT 1308 (9 April 2021) [pdf, 219 KB]

    ...about use and development of the baches. 4. The Ss purchased a Licence for one of the baches in June 1998 for $30,000.00. The arrangements worked well for the Ss, and other bach owners. Years passed, with very little change in ownership of the Licences. CI0301_CIV_DCDT_Order Page 2 of 5 5. Eventually, in early 2019, the Ss decided to sell. Approved purchasers were found, and an agreement was reached between the Ss and the purchasers that the Licence for the bach would be s...

  5. RA Burgess 15 April 2014 NZSHD 6 [pdf, 101 KB]

    [2014] NZSHD 6 LASDP Number: 711946 IN THE MATTER of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 AND IN THE MATTER of an Individual Licence held by ROBIN ADRIAN BURGESS of Auckland BEFORE THE AUTHORITY OF SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS DECISION Background [1] Mr Robin Adrian Burgess of Auckland holds Individual Licence no. 711946 (“the licence”) issued under the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 (“the Act”). [2]...

  6. Dickinson v The Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority [2018] NZREADT 31 [pdf, 195 KB]

    ...DECISION OF THE TRIBUNAL ____________________________________________________________________ Introduction [1] Pursuant to r 8 of the Real Estate Agents Act (Continuing Education) Practice Rules 2011, licensees applying to renew their licences are required to satisfy the Registrar that they have complied with continuing education requirements during the preceding calendar year. These are to complete a minimum of ten hours of non- verifiable continuing education, and a mini...

  7. What you'll need to apply

    On this page: Suitable passport-style photo Identification Training & skills documents Find out what you need to send us when you apply for a private security licence or certificate. Suitable passport-style photo Your photo will be printed on your licence and ID badge. The best way to make sure your photo is suitable is to get a professional passport photo. If your photo isn’t suitable your application may be turned down or delayed. All photos must be: good quality colour a good likenes...

  8. 2024 NZPSPLA 062.pdf [pdf, 74 KB]

    ...Police are asking for conditions to be attached to Mananui Love’s certificate of approval (COA). They advise that since Mr Love was granted a COA, he has had five warrants for his arrest and been convicted of failing to stop and driving while his licence was suspended. Mr Love also received seven infringements for breaching his learner licence between October 2022 and January 2023. [2] Police are asking for a probation period to be added to Mr Love’s COA with the effect that if he...

  9. [2022] NZREADT 17– Zhang v REAA (31 August 2022) [pdf, 175 KB]

    ...DECISION Dated 31 August 2022 2 INTRODUCTION [1] Zhi Zhang, the applicant, has filed an application under s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act), for review of the Registrar’s determination on 24 May 2022 to cancel her licence. [2] The Registrar cancelled Ms Zhang’s licence under s 54(d) of the Act, because she had not completed the mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. BACKGROUND [3] Ms Zhang previously held a sales...

  10. [2022] NZREADT 28 - Harris (14 December 2022) [pdf, 136 KB]

    ...2022 2 INTRODUCTION [1] Jacob Wi John Vincent Harris, the applicant, has filed an application under s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act), for review of the Registrar’s determination on 24 May 2022 to cancel his licence. [2] The Registrar notified Mr Harris that his licence would be cancelled under s 54(d) of the Act, because he had not completed the mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. Mr Harris challenges that decision....