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Search results for no licence.

7526 items matching your search terms

  1. 2024 NZPSPLA 007 pdf [pdf, 70 KB]

    ...required certificates of approvals (COAs). [2] CIPU established that from I September Your Cleaning Group Limited (YCGL) had been contracted to provide both cleaning and security services for the Bush Inn Centre although it did not have a security licence. In addition, some if its workers were carrying out security work without the required COA. CIPU therefore found that YCGL had breached s 23 of the Act by carrying on business as a property guard without a licence. [3] YCGL wa...

  2. 2023 NZPSPLA 089 pdf [pdf, 81 KB]

    ...Group Limited which was involved in providing security to hospitality venues and to three MIQ motels during the COVID pandemic security. [2] Mr Magele holds a current certificate of approval in the guarding classes. Blade Group holds a company licence in the guarding classes, repossession agent and document destruction agent. Blade Group however went into receivership and liquidation on 31 March 2021 and was removed from the company register in August 2022. [3] Having been senten...

  3. Copyright Licensing Limited v Universities of NZ [2013] NZCOP 18 [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...authorised persons of copyright material in compliance with the licence. The clause provided CLL with a discretion to take over the control of the conduct of any negotiations on an indemnified 7 claim under the clause, but CLL would not be permitted to settle any claim under the clause without prior notice to, and consultation with, the UNZ Copyright Expert Group. [31] Clause 9.2 provided that, during the term of the licence, the UNZ Copyright Expert Group would seek to reach ag...

  4. 2024 NZPSPLA 022 pdf [pdf, 128 KB]

    NZPSPLA 022 IN THE MATTER OF Application for an Individual Licence by IOANE PAPALI’I under the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 (the PSPPI Act) DECISION Application for an Individual Licence and Police objection [1] In December 2018 Ioane Papali’i applied for an individual licence in the classes of private investigator and security consultant. Police opposed Mr Papali’i’s application because he had a disqualifying 2014 assault convi...

  5. OWRUG - M Curran - Supplementary evidence - Appendix 1 - 24 May 2021 [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    Consent No: 2001.474 DEEMED PERMIT This is a Deemed Permit pursuant to Sections 413-417 of the Resource Management Act 1991. Name: Teviot Irrigation Company Limited Address: C/- Ibbotson Cooney Ltd, Level 1, 69 Tarbert Street, Alexandra to discharge up to 2832 litres per second from Lake Onslow for the purpose of irrigation and hydroelectric power generation for a term expiring: 1 October 2021 Location of activity: Lake Onslow, approximately 300...

  6. Joe - Tataraakina C (2003) 173 Napier MB 51 (173 NA 51) [pdf, 494 KB]

    ...resource on the Trust lands. Minute Book: 173 NA 52 6. By letter dated 24 October 2002 the Trust advised the applicant that his proposal had not been accepted by the Trust and that the Trust had granted Poronui Ranch Limited (PRL) a three year licence as from 1 October 2002 for the sole fishing and recreational use of the river margins on Tataraakina C Block. 7. The applicant maintains that the trustees did not have the power in terms of the Trust order to grant the licence to PRL...

  7. [2023] NZREADT 21 Wang v REAA (16 August 2023) [pdf, 169 KB]

    ...[1] Dongsheng Wang (the applicant) has filed an application under s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act) for review of the determination of the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority (the Registrar) on 1 May 2023 to cancel his licence. It was cancelled under s 54(h) on the ground he had not paid a prescribed fee. BACKGROUND [2] Mr Wang held a salesperson’s licence under the Act. [3] The Real Estate Agents Authority (the Authority) sent an email to the applicant...

  8. 2023 NZPSPLA 042.pdf [pdf, 103 KB]

    ...complicated projects requiring high levels of intelligence and understanding”. [2] Ms Nia Nia holds a COA in the classes of crowd controller, property guard and personal guard. However, as neither Ms Nia Nia nor Influential Security hold a security licence, I wrote to Ms Nia Nia advising her that her company needed to have a company licence if it was providing security services or employing security guards. [3] I also advised Ms Nia Nia that although it appeared she and her comp...

  9. 2023 NZPSPLA 059 [pdf, 90 KB]

    [2023] NZPSPLA 059 IN THE MATTER OF A complaint made under s 73 of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 (the Act) AGAINST C SECURITY LIMITED HEARD virtually on 4 September 2023 DECISION [1] The Complaints Investigation and Prosecution Unit (CIPU) investigated C Security and its sole director Mr AB as part of a wider complaint into related entities. CIPU concluded C Security and Mr AB breached the Private Security Personnel and Pr

  10. [2024] NZREADT 30 - Bhatt v Registrar of the REAA (9 September 2024) [pdf, 213 KB]

    ...[1] Nikhil Bhatt (the Applicant) has filed an application for review under s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act) against the determination of the Registrar of the Real Estate Agents Authority (the Registrar) on 7 May 2024 to cancel his licence. It was cancelled under s 54(h) of the Act on the ground that he had not paid a prescribed fee. [2] Section 54(h) requires the Registrar to cancel a person’s licence and remove the person’s name from the register if the person...