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Search results for no licence.

7524 items matching your search terms

  1. Basiri 6 February 2014 NZSHD 1 [pdf, 18 KB]

    [2014] NZSHD 1 SHD Number: 765794 IN THE MATTER of the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 AND IN THE MATTER of Individual Licence No. 765794 held by MOHAMMAD HASHEM BASIRI of Auckland. BEFORE THE LICENSING AUTHORITY OF SECONDHAND DEALERS AND PAWNBROKERS DECISION Background [1] Mr MOHAMMAD HASHEM BASIRI of Auckland holds individual licence number 765794 under the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 (“the Act”). [2] Waite...

  2. 2023 NZPSPLA 058 [pdf, 90 KB]

    [2023] NZPSPLA 058 IN THE MATTER OF An Application for a Certificate of Approval by NICHOLAS MULOCK HOUWER and an application for a company licence by CENTIVE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED under the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 HEARD by video hearing on 7 September 2023 DECISION [1] In April 2023 I referred a complaint that Nicholas Mulock-Houwer was working as a security technician and consultant under the name of Centive Technologies wit...

  3. 2021-05-12 Carrick Irrigation Exhibit Consent 2002.448-002.pdf [pdf, 173 KB]

    ...Gully and no more than a total of 85 litres per second. 3. Appended is a schedule of provisions from the former Water and Soil Conservation Amendment Act 1971 that may apply to this deemed permit. Note: 1. Priorities: Deemed Permits which can exercise priority over WR3937Cr: Nil Deemed Permits over which WR3937Cr can exercise priority: Nil 2. Deemed Permits which can exercise priority over WR1731Cr takes in Xmas Creek, Long Gully and Barn Creek : Nil...

  4. OWRUG - M Curran - Supplementary evidence - 24 May 2021 [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...knowledge and expertise and I have not omitted to consider any material matter that could influence my opinion. Scope of evidence 3. This evidence responds to the Court’s Minute dated 19 May. The purpose is to produce a schedule of the deemed permits relating to dams. Method 4. A table of deemed permits has been produced in consultation Mr Sean Leslie of the ORC. We are in agreement that the table is complete. 5. Section 413(1) of the Act provides that mining privileg...

  5. [2024] NZREADT 39 – Chen v REAA (22 October 2024) [pdf, 183 KB]

    ...2 INTRODUCTION [1] Chujun Chen, also known as Rita Chen (the applicant), has filed an application under s 112 of the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 (the Act) for review of the Registrar’s determination on 28 March 2024 to cancel her licence. The cancellation was under s 54(d) because she had not completed the mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. BACKGROUND [2] At the relevant time, Ms Chen held a salesperson’s licence under the Act. [3]...

  6. TTMR-Application-form-Approved-TM.pdf [pdf, 222 KB]

    TTO – 31/03/2021 Application for an Individual Licence or Certificate of Approval PRIVATE SECURITY PERSONNEL LICENSING AUTHORITY Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 When to use this form • Use this form to apply for an individual licence or certificate of approval if you are already registered for the equivalent occupation in an Australian jurisdiction. • Please visit or contact the PSPLA if...

  7. BL & UL v AX [2014] NZIACDT 9 (05 February 2014) [pdf, 84 KB]

    ...relating to the adviser. [2] The basis of the complaint was the adviser failed to exercise proper and adequate supervision in the course of supervising another licensed immigration adviser. The person subject to the supervision (the provisional licence holder) only held a provisional licence, so supervision was mandatory under the Act. [3] The issue arose as the complainants say they gave instructions to the provisional licence holder to lodge an appeal against Immigration New Zealand...

  8. Arms-Act-rewrite-discussion-document.pdf [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...semi-automatic rifles at Aramoana near Dunedin. After the Aramoana shooting, the 1992 Arms Amendment Act and Regulations required recordkeeping of who owned all automatic weapons, military-style semi-automatics and handguns, and changed lifetime licences to 10-year licences. After mass shootings in 1996 in Dunblane, Scotland, and Port Arthur, Australia, retired High Court Judge Sir Graham Thorp reviewed New Zealand gun control measures.2 His 1997 report recommended a range of chang...

  9. Check if you're eligible

    You are not eligible to hold a licence or certificate if you: are under 18 have been convicted within the past 5 years of an offence under the Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Act 2004 the Fair Trading Act 1986 sections 217 to 265 of the Crimes Act 1961 (these relate to crimes against property) the Pawnbrokers Act 1908 the Secondhand Dealers Act 1963 have been subject to a sentence of imprisonment at any time within the past 5 years have had a certificate or licence cancelled or had renewa...

  10. Your duties

    Read about your duties on this page and also additional specific duties for: Second-hand dealer duties Pawnbroker duties As a secondhand dealer or pawnbroker you'll need to do the following. Update your licence or certificate information If any details that are displayed on your licence or certificate change, such as your place of business, you must tell us straight away. You must also return to us your old licence or certificate as soon as you receive the new one from us. If you don’t follo...