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Search results for no licence.

7524 items matching your search terms

  1. Forms & fees

    Fees Apply for a licence or certificate by email or mail When you apply by email or mail, you can attach the receipt from File and Pay. Company licence form [PDF, 819 KB] $967 Company officer form Free Individual licence form $800 Certificate of approval $267 Certificate of approval form with temporary certificate $294 Trans-Tasman mutual recognition form - for a Certificate of Approval $267 Trans-Tasman mutual recognition form - for an individual licence $800 Substitute/Replace...

  2. ARLA PNG 7 [pdf, 186 KB]

    ...District Licensing Committees This is the fifth practice direction and statement issued pursuant to sections 172 and 176 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 since it came into force on 19 December 2012. 1. RENEWAL OF CATERERS’ OFF-LICENCES ISSUED UNDER THE SALE OF LIQUOR ACT 1989 1.1 Under the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 caterers were issued endorsed off- licences. Caterers are issued endorsed on-licences under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. District Lic...

  3. Apply by mail

    PSPLA DELIVERY CHANGES  Starting  Monday 15 November , all PSPLA products (including badges, licences and certificates) will be mailed directly to the company, residential or postal address provided in the application form.  No  PSPLA products will be sent to NZ Post Office locations for collection.  Find out how to apply by mail for a private security licence or certificate of approval. It costs more and takes longer to apply by mail than it does to apply online. To app...

  4. ARLA - Form 14 Application for variation or cancellation of conditons [docx, 14 KB]

    INDICATIVE FORM FOR TERRITORIAL AUTHORITY GUIDANCE ONLY Form 14 Application for variation or cancellation of conditions of licence Sections 280 and 283, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 To the Secretary District Licensing Committee at [place] Application for the variation or cancellation of the conditions of a licence is made in accordance with the details set out below. Details of licensee • Full legal name: • Postal address for service of documents: • Daytime contact name and tele...

  5. 2023 NZPSPLA 003.pdf [pdf, 98 KB]

    [2023] NZPSPLA 003 IN THE MATTER OF An application for a Company Licence by GREAT ONE SECURITY LIMITED and a complaint against CAPPER ALEFAIO made under the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010 HEARD virtually on 17 January 2023 ATTENDANCES A Kumar – CIPU C Alefaio – no appearance DECISION [1] In December 2021 Great One Security Limited applied for a company licence. The sole director of Great One is Capper Alefaio who at th...

  6. Alcohol Regulatory & Licensing Authority

    ...and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. ARLA considers and determines: appeals against decisions made by District Licensing Committees. applications made by licensing inspectors and New Zealand Police for the variation, suspension, or cancellation of liquor licences and manager’s certificates. Notice of appeal against a decision of a district licensing committee If ARLA can grant leave, District Licensing Committees may also refer applications for licences and manager’s certificates (or their ren...

    Located in:
  7. ARLA PNG 2 [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...2012. 1. MONTHLY RETURN 1.1 The licensing authority requires that a Monthly Return be submitted to it by all territorial authorities. 1.2 The following information is to be included in the Monthly Return: (a) The number and type of on-licence applications received, and their fee categories (b) The number and type of off-licence applications received, and their fee categories (c) The number and type of club licence applications received, and their fee categories (d) The...

  8. [2021] NZIACDT 8 - KX v Ji (12 April 2021) [pdf, 140 KB]

    ...v Ji.1 A sanctions decision was issued on 2 December 2020 in KX v Ji.2 [2] In the sanctions decision, the Tribunal directed Mr Ji to complete the LAWS 7015 Professional Practice paper at Toi-Ohomai Institute of Technology and suspended his licence with immediate effect until he completed that paper. This was coupled with an order preventing him from reapplying for a full licence until he had completed the paper. The Tribunal further stated that the order did not prevent him fro...

  9. Palmer v Harrison - Harataunga West 2B2B2B2 (2021) 227 Waikato Maniapoto MB 276 (227 WMN 276) [pdf, 211 KB]

    ...block have not granted her a final licence to occupy and appear to have granted such a licence over part of the area she currently occupies to someone else. She also says that the owners in the block have agreed for her to be granted additional licences to occupy, which she says the trustees refuse to acknowledge. She seeks an injunction against the trustees of the Harataunga West 2B2B2B2 Trust in relation to the process they have followed to grant licences to occupy over the block....

  10. Replacements & updates

    How to replace lost badges, licences or certificates and how to update your details. Replacing lost badges, licences or certificates If you lose your badge, licence or certificate, you must apply for a replacement using the statutory declaration form. Statutory declaration Update your details You must let us know if any of your personal or company details change. You can email any changes to us. Email: Changes to your personal details You must let us know if:...