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  1. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA - NOE 10-13 May 2021.pdf [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...carbon dioxide equivalents to first compare greenhouse gases regardless of sector or source, and second, to enable mitigation. I repeat, we 30 measure and mitigate, unlike the anonymous tragedy of the commons of the dense stocking rate of urban human biomass, whose waste and stormwater systems, conveniently interchangeable when required, remove, out of sight, out of mind, their detritus to the forgiving dilution of the sea. 1112 OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA Ors NOE EN...

  2. Status hearings evaluation: New Zealand study of pre-trial hearings in criminal cases [pdf, 487 KB]

    Status Hearings Evaluation: A New Zealand Study of Pre-trial Hearings in Criminal Cases Wendy Searle Tania Slater Trish Knaggs Janet November Christopher Clark ii First published in July 2004 by the Ministry of Justice and Law Commission PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand ISBN 0-478-20188-5 iii Foreword Status hearings were introduced on the initiative of judges in the Auckland District Court in 1995, as a type of pre-trial conference. They aimed to avoid the inefficiencies crea

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - District 11 Wairarapa [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...very populous, so that there would be little danger of quarrels with the natives ... 1 In 1827, Dumont D 'Urville pointed out that the coastal strip north of Cape Palliser 'runs along the sea fairly regularly and seems quite suitable for human habitation' . The earliest Europeans living in Wairarapa were whalers, flax gatherers, and merchants. John Wade and his employees, often regarded as among the first, lived in Palliser Bay as whalers in the early 1840s.1 There were n...

  4. David Bain appendices tabs F to J [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...the scene were put into a container at the scene, and that container was del ivered and sat in the yard at the police station, at the old pol ice station for qu ite a wh i le . BINNIE J: There's some kind of a refrigeration un it for the human samples? 25 MRWEIR: Oh, I don 't know, don't recal l . WEIR M OLe INTERVIEW (19 JULY 2012) 25 BINNIE J: So was this the officer in charge of exhibits who was concerned with - MRWEIR: Once the exh ibits arrived f...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Te Urewera [pdf, 3.8 MB]

    ...noted that Best has many modern critics who take him to task for both his colonial attitudes and his treatment of Tuhoe as museum pieces, as well as for his historical method. E Stokes, J Milroy, and H Melbourne comment that: Best was a årm believer in human evolution and the superior advancement of European civilisation. He also believed Tuhoe had retained more of traditions and customs than other tribes who had more European contact. The process of ‘civilisation’ was inevitable, [and Be...

  6. NZCVS Cycle 4 2020-21 Controlling behaviours and help-seeking data tables [xlsx, 512 KB]

    ...included in the report. 4.    Count estimates have been rounded to the nearest thousands or hundreds. Percentages, means, margins or error and random sampling error have been rounded to the nearest two decimal places. 5. Unfortunately, due to a human error in data collection, these tables do not include over 200 interviews in Hawkes Bay area. Survey results were revised, amended and re-weighted to maintain accuracy and avoid bias. Purpose This document is 1 in a set of 8 data table...

  7. Process evaluation for the Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Court [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    Process Evaluation for the Alcohol and other Drug Treatment Court Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua Interim Report Prepared for Ministry of Justice 18 August 2015 P R O C E S S E V A L U A T I O N F O R T H E A L C O H O L A N D O T H E R D R U G T R E A T M E N T C O U R T P I L O T , T E W H A R E W H A K A P I K I W A I R U A : I N T E R I M R E P O R T i Contents Preface v Glossary vi 1. Executive summary 1 1.1 Evaluation purpose 1 1.2

  8. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 1 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 13 MB]

    T   A   U    R    A     N    G     A  M   O  A     N     A 1  8  8  6    –    2  0  0  6 Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W  A  I  T A  N    G 

  9. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2200 6.2.2 Scoping report [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...importance. 16 • The treatment of Te Reo and customary medicine and wairuatanga • Treatment of intellectual and cultural property rights • Return of taonga from museums and other depositories • Treatment of constitutional and human rights • The status of Maori women • The right to harvest beached dead whales 3.3. Also not considered here are four other claims, namely: Wai 1729 which cites the Treaty settlement process itself as a breach of the Treaty; Wai 1...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2200 7.2.2 Scoping report [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...importance. 16 • The treatment of Te Reo and customary medicine and wairuatanga • Treatment of intellectual and cultural property rights • Return of taonga from museums and other depositories • Treatment of constitutional and human rights • The status of Maori women • The right to harvest beached dead whales 3.3. Also not considered here are four other claims, namely: Wai 1729 which cites the Treaty settlement process itself as a breach of the Treaty; Wai 1...