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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal - District 11 Wairoa [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...and her suspicions were increased by the fact that her husband crossed the river every day. Her certainty that her husband had murdered her brother was proved by smelling her husband's breath while he was asleep. His breath smelt strongly of human flesh. Concealing the knowledge of her discovery from her husband, she . communicated her suspicions to her father Moehau, who raised a war-party. This was led by Rongowhakaata, the husband of her sister Kakahu-po. They eventually killed...

  2. Christie Alexis Lesley MARCEAU (CSU-2011-AUK-001471) [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Whilst there Mr Chand was assessed by a psychiatric registrar (Dr Speeden) and a registered nurse (Ms Charles), both members of Waitemata DHB's Liaison Psychiatry Team. Mr Chand told them that he felt "depressed', "unloved as a human being', that his parents "couldn't care less" and that he had felt like this for two years. He described a difficult relationship with his mother, with whom he was angry for the indifference he perceived her to have...

  3. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 4: case study of Manurewa Local Police Area [pdf, 588 KB]

    Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 4 Case Study of the Manurewa Police Area Karen Johns December 2005 2 Research on the effectiveness of Police practice in reducing residential burglary Report 1: Surveys of Household Burglary part one (2002): Four Police Areas and national data compared, Dr Sue Triggs, Ministry of Justice, 2005. Report 2: Surveys of Household Burglary part two: Four Police Areas compared between 2002 and 2004, Dr S

  4. Berry & Ors as Trustees of the Burns Berry Trust v Lay [pdf, 301 KB] which owns a dwellinghouse must also be an “owner”. They go on to argue that trusts are often mechanisms for ownership, so that it is the trustees who are the actual proprietors or owners of the house. 16.3 Individual trustees are human beings who may own and occupy, or own and lease, the dwelling. They are the persons who will suffer as a result of the defects in the construction, and will often suffer the stress, anxiety, inconvenience or trauma that may go with the...

  5. Rec-Recap-2023-Q4-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 873 KB]

    ...selection – which almost certainly played the greatest role in Mr Laurie’s accidental fall on 18 January 2020. They also make a range of recommendations, which I adapt and adopt, as follows: • If you are experienced, be wary of the inherent human inclination toward complacency, underestimating risks, and over-estimating personal ability. • Correct route selection is critical, and an adaptable approach should be maintained in relation to dynamic terrain and circumstances. Cri...

  6. McElroy & Ors as Trustees of the Shona and Roger McElroy Family Trust v Lay [pdf, 284 KB] which owns a dwellinghouse must also be an “owner”. They go on to argue that trusts are often mechanisms for ownership, so that it is the trustees who are the actual proprietors or owners of the house. 16.5 Individual trustees are human beings who may own and occupy, or own and lease, the dwelling. They are the persons who will suffer as a result of the defects in the construction, and will often suffer the stress, anxiety, inconvenience or trauma that may go with...

  7. Review of the Delivery of Restorative Justice in Family Violence Cases by Providers funded by the Ministry of Justice [pdf, 602 KB]

    ...experience of individuals who have participated in restorative justice processes in family violence or domestic violence cases. 2.2 Ethical issues An application for ethical approval for the review was submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee detailing procedures for fully informing those being asked to take part in interviews about the research, for obtaining their consent, for providing feedback at the conclusion of the study, and for procedures for s...

  8. Shepherd & Ors as Trustees of the Bell Shepherd Family Trust v Lay [pdf, 288 KB] which owns a dwellinghouse must also be an “owner”. They go on to argue that trusts are often mechanisms for ownership, so that it is the trustees who are the actual proprietors or owners of the house. 16.4 Individual trustees are human beings who may own and occupy, or own and lease, the dwelling. They are the persons who will suffer as a result of the defects in the construction, and will often suffer the stress, anxiety, inconvenience or trauma that may go with t...

  9. Research into the New Life Akoranga Programme of the Mahi Tahi Trust [pdf, 649 KB]

    Research on the New Life Akoranga Programme of the Mahi Tahi Trust Nan Wehipeihana and Laurie Porima with Philip Spier December 2003 ii First published in December 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 0-478-20188-5 iii Foreword Tënä koutou katoa The publication of this research is the culmination of a long collaboration between the Mahi Tahi Trust, the Ministry of Justice, the Department of Corrections and Te Puni Kökiri.

  10. Talking about sentences & crime: views of people on periodic detention [pdf, 746 KB]

    Talking about sentences and crime: The views of people on periodic detention Wendy Searle Trish Knaggs Kiri Simonsen July 2003 ii iii First published in July 2003 by the Ministry of Justice PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand © Crown Copyright ISBN 478-20163-x iv Foreword This report examines the views of a cross section of offenders who were serving sentences of periodic detention in early 2000. It presents views of the criminal justice system from the perspectives of those