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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Rec-Recap-2023-Q1-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 889 KB]

    Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 January and 31 March 2023 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2023 (1) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a deat

  2. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 5: case study of Rotorua Local Police Area [pdf, 454 KB]

    ...initiatives which cross all those areas. This includes: • tactical coordination • Intel • LET • Field Officers • Strategic Section. 4.1 Tactical coordination The role of tactical coordinator was established in late 2003 in order to manage the human resources required to respond to crime and also undertake the proactive crime reduction strategies. In order to manage this, the tactical coordinator took a weekly, monthly, and quarterly overview of the staffing and planned for leave,...

  3. Rec-Recap-2022-Q4-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 931 KB]

    ...235-242. Hasegawa K, Wurita A, Minakata K, Gonmori K, Yamagishi I, Nozawa H, Watanabe K and Suzuki O. "Identification and quantitation of 5-fluoro-ADB, one of the most dangerous synthetic cannabinoids, in stomach contents and solid tissues of a human cadaver and in some herbal products" Forensic Toxicology 33 (2015) 112-121. 20 V. While I agree with, and endorse, Dr Quigley’s advice, I am unable to make any recommendations in this regard, as I have not heard...

  4. Miscarriage of justice - Scott Watson - K McDonald's final report March 2011 [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...squab cover was missing. The Defence contended there had been paint spilled on one squab cover, there had been a bum hole in another and the other had simply been mislaid. 3. 13 The Police took a blanket from the vessel, from which a number of human hairs were later recovered. They included two hairs that were the subject of later positive scientific testing which was strongly indicative of them having come from Ms Hope. 3. 14 The Crown case was that extensive Police enquiries res...

  5. 19 June 2020 Updated FC Caseflow Management Practice Note [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    Family Court Caseflow Management Practice Note Family Court Caseflow Management Practice Note March 2011 i INTRODUCTION Many changes in family law have occurred since the first comprehensive Family Court Caseflow Management Practice Note was published in 1998. This revised Practice Note is designed to update that document in light of a number of legislative and practice changes that have taken place since that time. The Care of Children Act 2004 brough

  6. ISR Evaluation Synthesis Report [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    FINAL REPORT by Elaine Mossman with Nan Wehipeihana and Michael Bealing of NZIER Submitted to Joint Venture Business Unit 30 September 2019 Evaluation of the family violence Integrated Safety Response pilot Phase II – Years 2 & 3 Contents Glossary of common acronyms and terminology .............................................................................. i Acknowledgements ...............................

  7. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 10 - Perceptions of safety [xlsx, 300 KB]

    ...included in the report. 4.    Count estimates have been rounded to the nearest thousands or hundreds. Percentages, means, margins or error and random sampling error have been rounded to the nearest two decimal places. 5. Unfortunately, due to a human error in data collection, these tables do not include over 200 interviews in Hawkes Bay area. Survey results were revised, amended and re-weighted to maintain accuracy and avoid bias. Purpose This document is 1 in a set of 8 da...

  8. Roborgh v Lay [pdf, 303 KB]

    ...– 4th March 2004). i) It has been intolerable for our tenants for whom we have felt particularly bad. Claim 00062 – Ponsonby Gardens Unit 9 page 64 of 122 ii) The cost has not only been huge in financial terms but in human terms we have experienced high levels of stress, financial hardship, disappointment, and frustration which has had a negative effect on my husband’s health as we have watched the retirement savings we have worked so hard to achieve o...

  9. Gray & Ors as Trustees of the John Gray Family Trust v Lay [pdf, 300 KB] which owns a dwellinghouse must also be an “owner”. They go on to argue that trusts are often mechanisms for ownership, so that it is the trustees who are the actual proprietors or owners of the house. 16.6 Individual trustees are human beings who may own and occupy, or own and lease, the dwelling. They are the persons who will suffer as a result of the defects in the construction, and will often suffer the stress, anxiety, inconvenience or trauma that may go with t...