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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. [2015] NZEmpC 206 Fox v Hereworth School Trust Board [pdf, 620 KB]

    ...interpret to be the “aromabadlaughs” emails. Commission, the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, the Privacy Commissioner, the New Zealand Police, the Bishop of Waiapu (because of his role in the governance of the school), and the Human Rights Commission. In relation to its invitations to Mrs Fox to meet with it, including in mediation, the letter noted: 10 You have not taken up any of those invitations because you have imposed your own (and in the opinion of the Board...

  2. [2020] NZEnvC 013 Edens v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...regard for either considerations of amenity and character or the views of the expert witnesses on ecology. Assessment criteria, performance standards and management plans are not sufficient to address the pressures that additional dwellings and human activity generally may put on the environment. Realistically, while said not to be a target, the 10-lot cap will be seen by developers as goal where the objective is to maximise development yield and financial return, notwithstanding th...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 053 Federated Farmers of New Zealand v Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...remained unforested during interglacials because of their dryness. These are not landforms that could have supported the continuous tussock grasslands which dominated in wetter parts of the basin following post-settlement fires. Therefore, although human settlement and use has brought considerable change,161 an impression that vegetation cover has become disproportionately depleted in drier parts of the basin may not be fully warranted. Significance of remaining basin floor ecosyste...

  4. AML/CFT Statutory Review - summary of form submissions [pdf, 820 KB]

    ...36 Question 1.30: Should the FIU be able to request information from businesses on an ongoing basis? 36 Q1.31multi 36 Please explain your answer 36 Question 1.31: If the FIU had this power, what constraints are necessary to ensure that privacy and human rights are adequately protected? 36 What constraints are needed? 36 Question 1.32: Should the Act provide the FIU with a power to freeze, on a time limited basis, funds or transactions in order to prevent harm and victimisation? 37 Sh...

  5. 2021-03-19 ORC PC7 Transcript (to end of day 8) [pdf, 2.7 MB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only 25 supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be s...

  6. 2020 Cannabis Referendum Public Release 27 April 2021 [pdf, 5.9 MB] made until the result of the referendum is known. If Cabinet decides to take action following the result of the referendum, a Regulatory Impact Assessment and a Cost Recovery Impact Statement must be prepared to support the Cabinet decision. Human Rights 50. Crown Law has provided preliminary observations on the consistency of the Bill with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA). 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. If the Bill is to be introduced, the Attorney-General (advised by...

  7. OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v NGA RUNANGA & Ors NOE ENV 20210628 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...when it comes to the historical information that has been put into the database, so there is a risk that you are relying on incomplete or inaccurate information and then there’s me also as well trying to translate it into a schedule, the risk of human error. And when you 30 compare that to the actual deemed permits which – or the mining privileges that often have those priorities listed on them, in the document itself, you probably have better assurances in terms of accuracy an...

  8. 2016 Ministry of Justice Annual Report [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...Ministry provides the administrative services necessary to operate the New Zealand court system and to support judicial decision-making. Administrative support includes transcription services; finance; information and communications technology; human resources; and funding and support for the Institute of Judicial Studies, which provides continuing legal education and development. In delivering services, the Ministry recognises the importance of the constitutional requirem...

  9. 2021-03-23 Transcript up to end of day 9 [pdf, 4.5 MB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only 25 supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be s...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 277 Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua v Auckland Council [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    IN THE ENVIRONMENT COURT AT AUCKLAND I TE KŌTI TAIAO O AOTEAROA KI TĀMAKI MAKAURAU Decision [2023] NZEnvC 277 IN THE MATTER of appeals under sections 120 and 121 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA/the Act) AND IN THE MATTER of an application by Waste Management NZ Ltd for resource consents to construct and operate a new landfill at 1232 State Highway 1, Wayby Valley, Wellsford BETWEEN TE RŪNANGA O NGĀTI WHĀTUA (ENV-2021-AKL-076) ROYAL FOREST AND BIRD PROTEC