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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. BORA Iwi and Hapii of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...Bill of Rights Act. Excluding subsequent challenge is a legitimate incident of the negotiated settlement of claims. 8. Any limit on minority rights under s 20 of the Bill of Rights Act would be justified on the same basis. 9. The United Nations Human Rights Committee upheld a similar exclusion under the 1992 Fisheries Settlement. The Committee found the exclusion was consistent with articles 14 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which are comparable tos...

  2. Effectiveness of alcohol pricing policies 2014 [pdf, 4 MB]

    The Effectiveness of Alcohol Pricing Policies Reducing harmful alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm Not Government Policy Authors Ministry of Justice Jane White Robert Lynn Su-Wuen Ong Senior Advisor Principal Advisor Principal Advisor The Treasury Phil Whittington Analyst The Treasury Contractors Clare Condon Independent Contractor Susan Joy Independent Health Economist Although all reasonable steps

  3. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM legal submissions [pdf, 211 KB]

    ...ferry arrivals/departures per hour, the condition would require 90 marina-vehicle movements in a 1½ hour period to be triggered. That would involve almost the entire filling and emptying out of the marina carpark in a 90-minute period. As Mr Shumane observed, this does not address the potential effects of the volume of marina traffic expected to use the keyhole – it assumes that volume will have no effect and will need to be exceeded before any review occurs. 28 8.8 It is...

  4. [2018] NZEmpC 60 FGH v RST [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...representative on 28 September 2015 on behalf of Ms H, failed to arrange an impartial investigation which affected Ms H’s conditions of employment to her disadvantage. e) Fifth cause of action: on 30 September 2015, Ms Tiffany Scott, senior Human Resources (HR) manager, failed to arrange an impartial investigation on receiving a complaint from Ms H about bullying by Ms Julian, which affected her conditions of employment to her disadvantage. f) Sixth cause of action: Ms Jul...

  5. [2016] NZEmpC 165 Lawson v NZ Transport Agency [pdf, 463 KB]

    ...agreement (IEA). In that role he reported directly to the Regional Manager, Mr Rick Barber. [11] Previously, he had worked for 18 years as a sworn police officer, 10 of them as a prosecutor. He was a police officer until 2004. He had also been a Human Resources Manager for Korucabs Sub Franchising Ltd in 2004 and 2005; and a driver for Korucabs Auckland Ltd from 2005 to 2007. [12] At the Agency, Mr Lawson managed a passenger team which covered taxis, buses, shuttles and pri...

  6. ORC - EIC - Dolina Lee - 15 October 2021 [pdf, 902 KB]

    ...restrict the exercise of its discretion to the following: (i) The extent of intensive winter grazing and the stock being grazed; (ii) Separation distances from lakes, rivers, Regionally Significant Wetlands, bores, soak holes, water supply for human consumption and dwellings; (iii) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on water quality, taking into account the nature and sensitivity of the receiving environment; (iv) Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate...

  7. 2015 Ministry of Justice annual report - our financial performance [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...non‑departmental assets 694,873 759,168 Explanations of significant variances against budget are detailed in note 11. In addition, the Ministry monitors 6 Crown entities. These are the Privacy Commissioner, Law Commission, Independent Police Conduct Authority, Human Rights Commission, Real Estate Agents Authority and Electoral Commission. The investment in those entities is consolidated in the Financial statements of the government on a line-by-line basis. The accompanying notes form p...

  8. Adoption Law Reform Targeted Engagement Report [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...society’s values, cultural expectations, or international best practice The Adoption Act 1955 has not been substantially updated since its enactment and no longer reflects society’s values and best practice; nor is it fully aligned with Aotearoa’s human rights obligations. The Government is committed to reforming and updating the adoption laws and the Ministry for Justice carried out a public consultation in late 2021. The Government’s reform is guided by the following object...

  9. [2022] NZEmpC 223 FGH v RST [pdf, 688 KB]

    ...about the work-related implications of the posts. She said she was unaware of any material changes in Ms H’s wellbeing that would explain why she may have instigated these. [16] After consulting with colleagues, including members of RST’s Human Resources (HR) team, she appointed Ms F, a senior manager who reported to her, to act as a decision-maker with regard to an employment investigation about the posts. [17] On 8 April 2021, Ms F sent Ms H an email inviting her, and a s...

  10. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B3 [pdf, 484 KB]

    ...they probably wouldn’t know a lot of issues that would come up with really community sized one I think you know a really 30 metre a really huge one like that.” (R7) “To me that’s a tricky concept because of the way it bounces up against human nature because if the community has I don’t know how many people 500 people or least say 1000 people and there are more shares then there are people then it seems that the risk of long term control of the project could start to drift tow...