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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Grants Handbook v4.86.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...administrative tribunal or judicial authority (a body exercising an adjudicative function or power derived from the state), including the following: o Coroner’s Court o Mental Health Review Tribunal o Legal Aid Tribunal o ACC Review Tribunal o Human Rights Review Tribunal o Disciplinary Tribunals Other eligible forums are those where aid is for a victim and the proceedings are to be heard by the Parole Board or a court. THE CRITERION FOR LEGAL REPRESENTATION CAN BE MET IF IT...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 227 Te Mana Moana o Ngati Irapuaia Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...less than three locations where monitoring is to occur. One inside the mooring area of the basin, one at the entrance of the basin, and one outside the basin entrance. 2 Water Quality monitoring shall include bacteriological and viral indicators of human sewage, dissolved copper, zinc, and co-biocide diuron. 3 Sediment monitoring shall include total recoverable copper, lead, zinc, arsenic, mercury, chromium, cadmium, nickel, and High Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (H...

  3. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 6 - Impact of COVID-19 pandemic [xlsx, 205 KB]

    ...included in the report. 4.    Count estimates have been rounded to the nearest thousands or hundreds. Percentages, means, margins or error and random sampling error have been rounded to the nearest two decimal places. 5. Unfortunately, due to a human error in data collection, these tables do not include over 200 interviews in Hawkes Bay area. Survey results were revised, amended and re-weighted to maintain accuracy and avoid bias. Purpose This document is 1 in a set of 8 data table...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 058 Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...legibility or expressiveness – how obviously the feature or landscape demonstrates its formative processes; ii. aesthetic values including memorability and naturalness; iii. transient values including values at certain times of the day or year; iv. human influence and management – settlements, land management patterns, buildings, c. Appreciation and cultural attributes: i. Whether the elements identified in (a) and (b) are shared and recognised; ii. Cultural and spi...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 186 Housing New Zealand Corporation v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.6 MB] of these special character areas reflects the significance of the values or qualities contained within these areas. [81] Mr Matthews said: [5.14] Special Character Areas are those that exhibit the characteristics of a particular era of human settlement and development, contributing to an understanding and appreciation of its history and culture. In my opinion, Special Character Areas demonstrate a measure of coherence based on a range of historic and physical qualities...

  6. Regulatory Impact Statement: A New Trusts Act [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...this RIS also suit trusts used in capital markets, or whether a different policy solution is needed. If further policy decisions are required, additional regulatory impact analysis will be undertaken. Gina Smith Manager, Civil Law and Human Rights Policy Ministry of Justice Regulatory Impact Statement: Trust Law – Contents 3 Contents Executive summary ................................................................................................ 4 Summary of...

  7. NZCASS Technical manual [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...birth and ethnicity information is also collected. Once all occupants have been added, the Sample Manager automatically selects the person to be approached for the interview based on sampling rules for the survey, thus reducing the possibility of human error resulting in an incorrect occupant being selected. Occupancy information for every household is sent back to CBG where it can be used in further auditing processes/analysis to ensure survey protocols have been followed. This diff...

  8. Kaupapa Maori responses to violence against wahine Maori [pdf, 965 KB]

    ...Sentencing Practice Reduce the Rate that Māori Women Fill Our Prisons - An Argument for the Implementation of Indigenous Sentencing Courts in New Zealand. Waikato Law Review, 19(1), 206-218. Calma, T. (2008). Social Justice Report. Sydney, Australia: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from Carlson, T., Moewaka-Barnes, H., & McCreanor, T. (2017). Kaupapa Māori Evaluation: A collaborat...

  9. Evaluation of Waitakere & Manukau Family Violence Courts [pdf, 345 KB]

    ...Group reviewed this proposal and commented on the various documents, including interview schedules and participant information sheets. Changes were made as a result of this review. The Waitakere FV Court evaluation was approved by the Massey University Human Ethics Committee in early 2006 and mid-2007. The Waitakere and Manukau Family Violence Courts: An evaluation summary 19 4 Operation of the Waitakere and Manukau Family Violence Courts This section focuses on specific aspects of the W...

  10. Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism - Cabinet Paper 3 - October 2016 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...Zealand Customs Service, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Treasury have been consulted. The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has been informed. 2a40oqq242 2017-03-14 09:06:54 Human rights 66. The reforms are not expected to raise issues with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. Legislative implications 67. An Amendment Bill will be required to implement the AML/CFT Phase II reforms. Binding on the Crown 6...