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Search results for human.

3754 items matching your search terms

  1. The nature & extent of the sex industry in New Zealand: an estimation [pdf, 247 KB]

    ...force on 28 June 2003. The Act decriminalises prostitution (while not endorsing or morally sanctioning prostitution or its use). It repealed offences associated with soliciting and brothel keeping. The purpose of the Act is to: • safeguard the human rights of sex workers and protect them from exploitation • promote the welfare, occupational health and safety of sex workers • create an environment that is conducive to public health and • protect children from exploitation in relation...

  2. Taueki v McMillan - Horowhenua 11 (Lake) (2014) 324 Aotea MB 144 (324 AOT 144) [pdf, 311 KB]

    ...knowledge of the existence of the wāhi tapu has been forgotten or when special ceremonies are held to deconsecrate the wāhi tapu. Now many wāhi tapu were forgotten. Some were abandoned and it was not until some developer unearthed a heap of human bones that the existence of a burial site was made known. And again there are many examples around the country of wāhi tapu being deconsecrated to make way for developments, the kind of thing we hesitate to do today but a few years a...

  3. LCRO 75/2017, 210/2017 and 212/2017 SW v HB (31 October 2018) [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...people change their minds. Although Mr MR told Ms SW, his trusted confidante, on [Date] that he was ready to leave, he did not give notice to the Board and was in no way bound to leave. Mixed feelings about staying or going are 30 common and human. Ms HB does not know what Mr MR’s instructions were to Ms SW. The starting point is that those would usually be privileged. [142] The second point is that the Board was in possession of any emails sent from Mr MR’s work compute...

  4. NZCVS Cycle 4 - Section 7- Reporting to the Police [xlsx, 176 KB]

    ...included in the report. 4.    Count estimates have been rounded to the nearest thousands or hundreds. Percentages, means, margins or error and random sampling error have been rounded to the nearest two decimal places. 5. Unfortunately, due to a human error in data collection, these tables do not include over 200 interviews in Hawkes Bay area. Survey results were revised, amended and re-weighted to maintain accuracy and avoid bias. Purpose This document is 1 in a set of 8 data table...

  5. AML/CFT Statutory Review - summary of submissions [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...and other impacted communities; ▪ ensure the AML/CFT regime produces the necessary type and quality of information to support other frameworks and to combat money laundering, terrorism financing, and serious and organised crime; ▪ ensure that human rights and privacy considerations are addressed and that intrusions on personal rights and freedoms are no more than necessary; and ▪ support efficient long-term administration of the regime. Ultimately, we see this review as the st...

  6. Miscarriage of justice - Scott Watson - Ministry's briefing to Minister June 2013 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...some of the foam beneath the burn hole had been slightly affected by the burning. When questioned the appellant gave differing explanations as to how the squab had been burnt. 7. The police took a blanket from the vessel, from which a number of human hairs were later recovered. They included two which were the subject of later positive scientific testing strongly indicative of having come from Olivia Hope. 8. Very extensive, probably better described as exhaustive, police inquiri...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 042 The Architectural Centre v Wellington City Council [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...activity relating to the upgrade and maintenance of existing formed roads and [public]PC70 accessways (including associated earthworks]PC70, except the construction of new legal road, is a Permitted Activity. [Archaeological sites associated with human activity that occurred before 1900 are protected by the Historic Places Act 1993. An archaeological authority will be required from the New Zealand Historic Places Trust to destroy damage or modify these sites.JPC70 Last Amende...

  8. LCRO 236/2020 TB - Application for review of a prosecutorial decision (13 December 2021) [pdf, 580 KB]

    ...Mr X accepts his conduct was wilful, and his intoxication did not obviate intent. 40 At [8]. 41 At [7]. 42 At [20]. 43 At [53]–[54]. 44 At [53] and [58]. 45 At [59]. The Committee adopted the definition of sexual harassment in s 62 of the Human Rights Act 1990. 35 [232] Several pages could be devoted to a close analysis of the facts in ZTUVK, and the facts in the present matter. On one view of the conduct in the second incident, Mr X’s behaviour could be said to be far...

  9. 2022-03-18 ORC - Opening Submissions [pdf, 373 KB]

    ...quality in Otago lakes, rivers, wetlands, and groundwater, but enhance water quality where it is degraded. 7.A.2: To enable the discharge of water or contaminants to water or land, in a way that maintains water quality and supports natural and human use values, including Kāi Tahu values. 7.A.3: To have individuals and communities manage their discharges to reduce adverse effects, including cumulative effects, on water quality. The objective of this proposal is to reduce sediment...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 264 Willowridge Developments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...of council’s active and public transport network plans. Enable public amenities within the road in recognition that the road provides an important and valuable public open space for the community which, when well designed, encourages human interaction and enrichens the social and cultural wellbeing of the community. Encourage the incorporation of trees and vegetation within new roads and as part of roading improvements, subject to road safety and operational requir...