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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Recommendations Recap Issue 18 [pdf, 736 KB]

    ...person is above the legal limit. That is only conclusion that can properly be drawn from the research that has been conducted in this area. Researchers have noted:12 Hauptman M, Bronstein AC (1987) Lack of Observable Intoxication in Humans With High Plasma Alcoholic Concentrations. J Forensic Sci 32:1660–1665. 10 Olsen et al Relationship Between Blood Alcohol Concentration and Observable Symptoms of Intoxication in Patients Presenting to an Emergency Department (2013...

  2. Standards of Care 2018 [pdf, 450 KB]

    ...The NZMA code of ethics. Creinin MD et al. Mifepristone and misoprostol administered simultaneously versus 24 hours apart for abortion. Obstet Gynecol 2007;109:885-94 Dayananda I, Maurer R, Fortin et al. Medical Abortion Follow-up with serum human gonadotrophin compared with ultrasonography: A randomised controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2013. Mar: 121(3): 607-13 Dobkin LM, Perrucci AC, Dehlendorf C. Pregnancy option counseling for adolescents: overcoming barriers to care and prese...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 086 Bay of Islands Maritime Park Incorporated v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 4 MB] Annexure A. In its decision the Court concluded that there were significant biodiversity values that should be protected. The Court recognised the close connection between ecological values and Tikanga and that the values themselves and the human impacts on these values are very similar. We accept that the agreed provisions are intended to enable fauna and flora a chance to regenerate. The Schedule of Characteristics, qualities and values reflects the evidence presented at...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 226 Scaife v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...opinions concerning ONL landscape values. We accept their evidence in finding that the ONL has a highly natural, scenic quality that is shared and recognised due to the natural landscape and a scale that dominates any built form, or evidence of human modification. Each expert characterised the associated landscape values in similar terms. We draw largely from Mr Jones’ evidence in summarising those values as including: (a) naturalness, or perhaps more precisely, perceptions o...

  5. Data collected about victims of serious crime [pdf, 548 KB]

    ...present the vast majority of data transfer is done manually via email, over the phone, or by providing the data in PDF reports. Manual data transfer increases the risk of errors in the receiving agency’s database as it has to be manually entered and human error can occur. There are also potential risks associated with emailing sensitive data between government agencies, such as the email being sent in error to the wrong person or agency. There are no electronic interfaces between go...

  6. [2012] NZEmpC 57 Foai v Air New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...“was perfect” for him because he no longer had to work the shift work hours he had worked throughout the previous five years. He said that his contract for the T&A Administrator’s position was set up by Ms Budny and Mr Paul Daniell, a Human Resources Manager with Air New Zealand. Mr Daniell was based in Christchurch but he would travel to Wellington periodically. Mr Foai said that when he asked Ms Budny at the outset what “average earnings” were, he was told that, ...

  7. OIA-101731.pdf [pdf, 12 MB]

    ( ,r, ~ !!( MINISTRY OF ·:.f,~!j? JU S_ TI C_E '4~~ Jdlm oulur, 28 April 2023 Section (9)(2)( a) Tena koe Section (9)(2)(a) Just ice Centre I 19 Aitken Street DX SX10088 I Wellington T 04 918 8800 I F 04 918 8820 ContactUs@just I ww Our ref: OIA 101731 Official Information Act request: Criminal Process Improvement Plan Thank you for your email of 13 October 2022, requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act), informatio

  8. Beef + Lamb NZ - EiC - A N Burtt - Economic (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...out on all land types, climate zones, and topographies, and there are considerable differences in farm size. Thus, sheep and beef farming is as diverse as these characteristics, and that diversity is combined with the diversity that is farmers as humans and how they adapt their businesses to meet their objectives. The fundamental principle of farming is to optimise the farming systems to take account of the natural capital of the land and the farming business’s objectives and risks....

  9. Adoption in Aotearoa New Zealand: Summary document - Samoan [pdf, 322 KB]

    ...ona ia tausiaina se tamaitiiti. E lē o atagia mai ai foi faatulagana o aiga faaleonaponei ma auaiga atoa poo le amanaiaina o manatu i le tulaga tau itupa ma le fesuia'iga o le itupa. Ua faapea mai le Faamasinoga Toeiloilo o Aiatatau a Tagata [Human Rights Review Tribunal] o loo faaitu'au tulafono i luga o le tulaga tau faaipoipo, tausaga o le soifua ma le itupa.1 O vaetama i se matuafai [step-parent] ma se tauaiga o loo mafai ona faatinoina i lalo o le tulafono a Aotearoa N...

  10. 2021-03-08 ORC - Opening Subs (Philip Maw) [pdf, 226 KB] the NPSFM hierarchy of obligations. However, these takes must still be managed in a way that provides for the health and well-being of water bodies and freshwater ecosystems. Further, community water supplies do not only supply water for human consumption and sanitation, but also for a wider range of other purposes such as rural and stock purposes, irrigation, watering of gardens and car washing. Evidence from the territorial authorities suggests that these uses cannot be sep...