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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Community Law Centre client survey – report on findings [pdf, 926 KB]

    ...example, it may be difficult to obtain consent from clients who are negatively disposed towards the CLC). o Contact details may not be accurate. Due to the manual data entry approach (phoning clients and then using paper forms to record the details) human error is likely to have caused incorrect recording of contact details. Furthermore, some contact details may have become out-of-date Page 9 ­ ‹#› between obtaining consent through the ‘opt in’ and a Colmar Brunton...

  2. [2015] NZEmpC 7 Alatipi v CE of the Department of Corrections [pdf, 280 KB]

    ...the decision-maker before Mr Alatipi and his representatives had had any input into the investigation. Mr Hanlon stated that Mr Alatipi's right to silence until the outcome of the police inquiry was made known, was one of his "basic human rights". [59] On 8 September 2011, Detective Sergeant Wayne Radovich of the Prison Investigations Unit, Wellington District, advised Mr Alatipi and his representatives by email that the police had concluded their investig...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 127 100WPS Trustee Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 18 MB]

    ...ensure that any fish found in the marina during construction are caught, where safe to do so, and moved to an area that is not impacted by construction. Accidental Discovery Protocol 44. If the consent holder: a) Discovers koiwi tangata (human skeletal remains), waahi taoka (resources of importance), waahi tapu (places or features of special significance) or other Maori artefact material, the consent holder shall without delay: • Notify Council, Tangata whenua and Heritage...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Mark Poynter [pdf, 852 KB]

    ...reference to the sample results rather than the ANZECC guideline. 112. Dr Sivaguru goes on to state in Para 19 that pipi and oysters need to be tested for copper and lead in the near future as there is potential for these species to be used as a human food source. 113. By way of clarification, if that is required it would be in relation to the existing consented boat grid activities and is not specifically relevant to this consent application. My sampling indicates that the pip...

  5. Ngataki v Kumete - Parish of Karaka Lot 64D (2016) 121 Waikato Maniapoto MB 184 (121 WMN 184) [pdf, 383 KB]

    ...burials should take place in that part. [150] Mrs Gray is concerned that since then there have been burials in the ancestral part of the urupā, for example in 2006 two members of the Kirkwood family were buried there. During that burial process human remains were discovered which is deeply upsetting to Mrs Gray and her whānau. Mrs Gray characterises the failure to abide by her father’s wishes as a sign of deep disrespect for her tūpuna and her whānau. [151] The legal positio...

  6. 01-Appendix-One-Rule-Assessment.pdf [pdf, 328 KB]

    ...droplets or ash beyond the boundary of the property, and b. there is no emission of hazardous air pollutants as identified in Schedule L2 (air pollutants) beyond the boundary of the property that does, or is likely to, cause adverse effects on human health, ecosystems or property. 5.1.10 Mobile sources Rule R33: Mobile source emissions Nil ‘Mobile source’ is defined by the PNRP as “a mobile source that discharges contaminants into air including, but not limited to, motor v...

  7. OWRUG - M Curran - Supplementary evidence - Appendix 2 - 24 May 2021 [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...September to 30 April, unless a prior site survey by a qualified freshwater biologist has confirmed to the Consent Authority that the works will not significantly adversely affect fish spawning or eel populations in the vicinity. 2 5. If koiwi (human skeletal remains), waahi taoka (resources of importance), waahi tapu (places or features of special significance) are discovered, the consent holder shall stop work to allow a site inspection by the appropriate Runanga and their adv...

  8. Burke Family Trust v Wellington City Council [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...look beyond the strict legality of ownership and to allow a claim where strict ownership is vested in another party (a company). 5.11 In Berry v Lay & Ors (WHRS claim 136 – 11/3/05) the adjudicator said: "Individual trustees are human beings who may own and occupy, or own and lease, the dwelling. They are the persons who will suffer as a result of the defects in the construction and will often suffer distress, anxiety, inconvenience or trauma that may go with the pro...

  9. [2018] NZEnvC 083 Willowridge Developments Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...and 45 cm a year10 [9] A loss of between 10%-15% of plants is anticipated. Any plants which die are to be replaced with a species from the planting schedule. On the basis of his greater qualifications and experience and his analysis of the pre-human characteristics of the likely ecosystem of and around the site, we accept Dr Lloyd's evidence11 as to the appropriateness of the proposed plants despite Ms Palmers criticisms12. [10] Dr Lloyd agreed with the measures identified in M...

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 175 Shaw v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...shelters, buried the whenua and secreted the pito of their offspring. It is where they discussed, negotiated and made important decisions for life and survival. It is a historic place, a place of archaeological interest and is likely to include an area of human internment. I say likely because we have been told that burials took place in the upper parts of the land – which makes sense to me because it is the high, safe ground. … Fairness, soundness and reasonable necessity havin...