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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Pokere v Bodger - Ōuri 1A3 (2022) 459 Aotea MB 210 (459 AOT 210) [pdf, 585 KB]

    ...te Kōti. Ki te kōti o te ture, me maumahara atu māua ki te papa o te whakaaro, ko te ture tuatahi ki tēnei whenua, ko te tikanga:32 It developed from philosophies to do with the sacred and the interrelatedness of whakapapa between humans and between people and their lands and waters. It also draws upon the rituals, precedents, and customs that have been handed down through the generations. It recognises the need for sanctions when a hara or wrong was commi...

  2. ENVC combined interested-party notices M to S [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...were Maihi Te Kapua, Hoete Maihi, Eru Maihi and Te Reha Tairiri, equally. They were of Ngati Paoa, probably related to Rawiri Takurua, (a brother of Wiremu Hoete, Ngati Paoa’s leading rangatira in 1840.) 8. It is possible that some of the koiwi (human remains) found at various times on Matiatia’s northern beach belong to this whanau of Ngati Paoa. 9. However, the conversion of Ngati Paoa to Christianity in the 1830s led them to adopt more-delineated, English style cemetery plots on...

  3. Memorandum of Counsel for The Point 6 September 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...1975 the consent holder shall implement the Protected Objects Protocol in Annexure D. 45A. The accidental discovery rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan: Operative in Part continue to apply for the discovery of other sensitive material, including human remains and kōiwi, archaeological sites, Māori cultural artefacts/taonga tuturu and lava caves greater than 1m in diameter. 45B. Any object that is encountered that sits outside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act or Protected O...

  4. Evaluation of early outcomes of Te Kooti Rangatahi/Rangatahi Court [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...communities. As a judicial officer, that is actually a role for me in the court to enhance the respect for the rule of law. What better way to do it than to take these courts into the community and to empower the community, to show that the law’s human and to let people gain a real sense of what the law is about. To familiarise our people with all the various officers involved, Police officers, social workers. It goes a lot wider than just Rangatahi Courts because that filters into...

  5. [2019] NZEnvC 136 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 9.5 MB]

    ...Lake Rotorua (the Lake) has been the subject of concern for many years. A focus of that concern has been on the quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lake, particularly as a result of discharges caused by or otherwise associated with human activity. Consequences of elevated levels of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the lake are increased algal growth and deterioration of water quality. [2] Proposed Plan Change 1 0: Lake Rotorua Nutrient Management (PC10) seeks to add...

  6. Motiti Rohe Moana Trust and Others v Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Notes of Evidence - 27 November 2017 [pdf, 1.8 MB]

    ...determine the most effective way to enhance ecological values across the region in an integrated holistic manner.” Are you able to comment on the immediacy of the need to act? A. Yes. We've been watching, “we” I mean the, you know, humans have been watching the decline of the, particularly kaimoana species for pretty well a generation and in my lifetime, it’s really got a heck of a lot worse than it was when I first started diving and the impact of not leaving enough...

  7. Rec-Recap-Q3-2022.pdf [pdf, 691 KB]

    ...the decisions on route selection. However, these people may be more likely to be complacent, especially on easy/moderate terrain. The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council (MSC) provided a report and concluded that the accident occurred due to a human judgement error. Despite his experience, Mr Jennings’ choice to take a route above a terrain trap on a snow slope that had the potential for small loose wet avalanches resulted in the most severe outcome possible. It was unknown whether...

  8. E67 Vaughan Smith - Planning - EIC - VHHL [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Act 1975 the consent holder shall implement the Protected Objects Protocol in Annexure D. 45A. The accidental discovery rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan: Operative in Part continue to apply for the discovery of other sensitive material, including human remains and kōiwi, archaeological sites, Māori cultural artefacts/taonga tuturu and lava caves greater than 1m in diameter. 45B. Any object that is encountered that sits outside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act or Protected Ob...

  9. Final-Technical-Assessment-H-Water-Quality-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB] 24 16 18 23 TURB NTU 5.2 2.4 2.3 4.2 TSS mg/m3 8.8 2.6 1.8 4.6 pH 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 TEMP oC 16.2 13.9 13.4 16.6 Page 4 National Objectives Framework ("NOF") which sets compulsory national values for freshwater including: ‘human health for recreation’ and ‘ecosystem health’. Appendix 2 of the NPS-FM sets water quality attributes that contribute to these values, and ranks attributes into bands to help communities make decisions on water quality. This i...

  10. Applicant's Revised Conditions 24 August 2018 [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...1975 the consent holder shall implement the Protected Objects Protocol in Annexure D. 45A. The accidental discovery rules in the Auckland Unitary Plan: Operative in Part continue to apply for the discovery of other sensitive material, including human remains and kōiwi, archaeological sites, Māori cultural artefacts/taonga tuturu and lava caves greater than 1m in diameter. 45B. Any object that is encountered that sits outside Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act or Protected O...